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The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Since the soapbox is coming to an end soon, my friends on our cooking thread that sin started asked that I start a new one over here. So here I am!

Everyone feel free to join in and post your favorite recipes or questions or even stuff in daily life!

I'll start with a recipe I made up when I had round steak thawed out but I didn't want the hassle of making chicken fried steak.

I cut the round steak in 4 manageable pieces. Placed in a 9 X 13 baking pan and sprinkled a package of au jus gravy mix over top, then I put 4 table spoons of butter, one on each piece. I baked it in the oven, preheated to 350°, for about 45 mins. Turned out very well, but the Plumber (my husband) said I needed to cook it at a lower temp for a bit longer, so if I do this again, I'll go 325 and an hour or an hour and 15 mins. I served with mashed potatoes and gravy I made with the pan drippings and green beans. 

Mom came over last nite with pork steaks so the Plumber grilled them up and brushed them with Blues Hog BBQ Sauce. She made her (gross) creamed (she means snot) peas and potatoes. The Plumber loved them, I still they look like peas in snot! I made broccoli cheddar rice to have instead of the peas and snot!

I hope to see everyone here soon! 🙂


Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Yess...! We could say that 18 ounces of boiled broccoli would be a very good diuretic...!  

Message 736 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

I'm with Fruit, on that one, Heron! The psssst sound is coming out of a can, but not one that you can throw away!


(I love broccoli!)


Out of date food doesn't bother me at all, as long as it looks/smells ok and isn't slimy. That's just a best by date anyway. For the most part, freezer burnt stuff doesn't either. I can cut off the burnt stuff, anyway!


We're going to have (finally) the scalloped pots and easter ham tonite along with the asparagus!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 737 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

@elheron-grande wrote:

Yess...! We could say that 18 ounces of boiled broccoli would be a very good diuretic...!  

...actually I was thinking more of methane production 🤣

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 738 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Yep, just used some expired stuff again today.....Jamaican Jerk sauce mixed with expired Teriyaki sauce to make chicken.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 739 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread COULD be both.🤔😱🤢.

Message 740 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Finally made the scalloped potatoes and ham and it was soooo good! I did a good job on the cheese sauce! (gravy, if you prefer that term).


The Plumber found a recipe on facebook for Ground beef gravy over mashed potatoes. I said I don't need a recipe to make ground beef gravy, lol. He sent it to me anyway. I might make that sometime next week cuz I told him I can't use venison for that is has to be real beef cuz I need the fat to make the gravy!


He also found a bacon cheese burger dip that sounds very useful. I told him dump all that sh!t in a crock pot and call it a day, OR dice potatoes and dump it on top of that and bake for probably 45 minutes and it'll be good that way too!


Another one he found is called chicken pot pie pasta, ya bud, that's just chicken and noodles. It's funny cuz the recipe calls for penne pasta but the photo clearly shows it's bow tie pasta! HAHA



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 741 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Well, there are some types of biotics in Heron's digestive system that prevents the creation of methane.  Even frijoles-schwartzenfarbe do not create methane.  Heron has thought about this situation and the conclusion could be CHOCOLATEY.   Consuming a goodly amount of the extra dark chocolatey syrup seems to be a possible answer (solution).  However, for Heron it is a good condition to have...!

Message 742 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

I drink water and produce methane, or so says the Plumber, anyway. i've never really noticed an increased amount of methane production when consuming foods like cabbage, broccoli or beans, just a 'normal' amount for me! HAHA


home tacos last nite and they were so good!


Some sort of leftover tonite, but idk what!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 743 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Ice water will make gas....that's why if have abdominal surg. won't allow ice water. 


Dark chocolatey prevents gas?  Guess I'll have to eat more 😂


Every time Fredi mentions ground beef taters or ground beef gravy over taters it makes my mouth water.  Love the stuff.   Mom made the best dern ground beef and potatoes ever!  I can't get it to taste like hers.  I can't get pie crusts like hers either.  She said it was because she used 'Fluffo'.  She absolutely would not use Crisco to make pie crusts.  I'll have to google where or even if, you can get Fluffo any more.  Fluffo was a bit yellow in color, maybe it had butter mixed in? 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 744 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

I've never heard of Fluffo, Shirls! 


That reminds me I gotta put real ground beef on the list for the shopping this weekend! HAHA


I still have not found a box of Manicotti noodles! I really would like to try that recipe the Plumber found, it seems so easy, so if it's good I'll add it into the rotation!


I'm hoping we go uptown tonite, but I don't know if we will! We've had stuff to do every nite this week and I'm over cooking and trying to get stuff done when I'm not even home but 30 minutes after work!



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 745 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Fluffo was used in the 1950's, 60's, and 70's.   I guess you can find Fluffo at Bruno's Fine Foods, Toronto, Canada since no longer available in the US.  But, a few years ago I heard you could find it in certain Hispanic/International food stores.  After reading a few articles on the internet about Fluffo, obviously my mom wasn't the only one who felt the way she did about Fluffo for baking pie crusts.  😊

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 746 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

I misread "Fluffo" as "Fluffer"......which is a MUCH different thing & has nothing to do with pie crusts.😲😳

More coffee.

I got ambitious & made a "7 Grain Salad". Used to eat this "back in the day" when my "ex-ahole" went on a vegetarian kick. Barley/lentils/coucous, white navy beans, green onion/sweet red pepper/burpless cuke/cherrry tomatoes/ Greek olives/feta cheese......made a dressing out of Kraft Greek Dressing, jacked up with a teaspoon of honey, a bit of curry powder & pepper.

Remembered why I don't make it very often, because all those grains have to cook seperately (different cooking soaking/cooking the navy beans). I think I dirtied every saucepan I own. Plus it's one of those recipes that make 8-10 servings....& it's not easy to scale down. However it did turn out pretty good & will keep for several days in the fridge. Gets better as it sits.

.....which is more than I can say about the ex.....less jacked, more jerk.😒


Dinner tonight is a piece of pork "Country Rib" cooked in the crock pot with seasonings/BBQ sauce & a sweet potato....& a bit of the "horse food" salad.😉

Message 747 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

I don't know if my mom or gramma ever used Fluffo, I do know they used Crisco a lot!


Fruit, that 7 grain salad sounds yummy, I'm guessing it's served cold, then?


I finally found Manicotti noodles!!! So I made the manicotti stuffed with string cheese on Sunday. OMG So good, so easy! As the Plumber said, the hardest part about this was unwrapping the string cheese. It doesn't even need much jacking! I baked it at 375° for about 40 minutes in the oven, could have went 45, I think. Just made my normal meat sauce I use for spaghetti and added extra water (I was most concerned about that, not enough water). A different brand of string cheese might be in order, these stayed pretty firm. It was also very good leftover, but again I think a different brand of string cheese (or even sticks of cojack) would melt a bit better! I did buy 4 boxes of the noodles since I can't find it locally! This is for sure going in the rotation, it's so easy and very good!


Mom brought us some asparagus, so I did shake and bake pork chops and asparagus Tuesday nite. It was soooo good, but the middle of the night pee half asp scared me cuz it was SO STRONG! The more we eat the asparagus the less strong it will be but for me it will last longer, lol


Last nite I made no box tuna helper since we are planning on camping this weekend and I didn't want something that made a lot of leftovers.


We're heading uptown tonite, drawing is up to $800! Then we're camping (as long as the rain holds off) and Friday nite we're going to do hotdogs over the fire (my fav way to have hot dogs!). No idea about Saturday, yet, but we can figure that out tomorrow, I'm sure! HAHA

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 748 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Forgot about Cinco de Mayo yesterday! 


Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 749 of 763
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Re: The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Made a big pan of no box last nite so I could have leftovers this week!


Our friends purchased a new house but it needs some work, so the Plumber will be helping them (I will do what I can, right now they are in the destruction phase with ripping out carpets and such) so he'll have some late nites and I wanted an easy meal for last nite and to have leftover for this week! 🙂


No idea about tonite, not sure how late he will be. If he knows that then maybe I can plan something! HAHA

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 750 of 763
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