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Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

I think this might be a great place to kinda land and connect with a some friends.






Can you please invite some folks to come and post and bring some snacks?  I think I will just keep 2 screens open and coastal picked the name of this place - "dingy falls" when ya need a little respite, please let me know to "dingy" and I will dingy over!




....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Got the walk. There and back before the sprinkles. Multiple pics without falling on the rocks, or into the water. Tried once but was able to grab a tree to prevent tilting backwards onto the rocks.


River and such pics later.


The wife wants an onion to go with her steak. Don't think this one will do. Like me, it appears to be past its prime.

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Perhaps I will plant it, but a bit early for that. Three nights ago it was down to 22 degrees.


Onwards to better things. Grab some parts from the blower to put on eBay.  1st that pulley behind the frozen up bearing for the impeller.


Get the 9/16", the 7/16", the 1/2" socket and the extension to see if I can get the two bolts that hold it to the shaft loosened.  One loose. Other one is 90 degrees from that one, and a flange on the housing prevents straight access. OK, maybe pry on the impeller a bit to get it to move a little. 


Lug wrench right there as an item for the scrapper. Not long enough, or I'm not strong enough 🤔 6' prybar is right there handy in the garage.  Got that in place, and just a little nudge to get things to move. Moves like there is no issue whatsoever. 


Turns out that the bearing did not freeze up. A scrap of wood had been augured in and jammed up the impeller solid.

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Now I have to decide if I think I can put it back together (it's in several pieces now) or just sell some parts, and let it go.  It's only 18 years old. 


Sprinkles have arrived, so it will wait. I don't think I broke anything taking it apart, but that doesn't mean I can put it back together. Wife thinks I can, but wife also thinks I can just buy a new one. I looked outside. No leaves on the trees, and what's more, no money growing there.


Message 8671 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Very nice day but gray. Up in the 70's and windy.

I did go down to the farm and cleared out a good section of buckthorn trees.

I manage to clear to one side of really old, cut up tree branches.

I want to get the other side and then use this pile of wood for a burning pile.


That little battery operated chainsaw was very nice. I did run out of power with the 2 batteries that were supplied. So far, I have one of them charged up and waiting for the other one. Sharpened the chain.


My tick spray was delivered today and I have my clothing sprayed down for my next outdoor gardening.


So far, I pulled off 3 more ticks.


Dottie and Fletcher spent a little time outside. ( No signs of Milo being around ).


The bushings for the lawnmower front tires are a bit loose.

So, I am looking at the full kit of the adapters for this wheel hub. ( I was hoping for extra bushing just in case, but I guess not ).  I think I may wrap some electric tape to thicken the outer wall.


Rain tonight and tomorrow.


Message 8672 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


Ahhh ya that's what every girl is looking for...a full kit of adapters for a wheel hub!

geez I was looking on the bay for some cute 1960s camping items. Did order 2 signs and hubs sanded down a red stained wooden camp table for me to sell.

    I did do a weed pulling this morning cuz it rained last night, we have rocks and turf and they came out easy.

    Working on the thrift jewelry while watching all the tornados on TWC. Don't know much about Oklahoma though but Iowa I know about every road thru the state. We used to pull our RV in Harlan Iowa and it was hit last night. ( besides I get my magazines from there also.)

    So beautiful out, mid 70s and calm and all thru the week it's going to be like this, yay!

     I see Katz is back, bout time, she's leaving us to fend for ourselves!

Message 8673 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

It rained during the night and it will be gray and raining on and off today.

I guess I will be listing items on my website and maybe some time to go through more clothing.

So far, at least 60 items are ready to list.


Today is Maniac Matriarchs Sunday :

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane

Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte

What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice


Dark Passage


The Two Mrs Carrolls

Early morning movie was : Dead Ringer.


Did find another tick on me. That's 5 ticks already.


Message 8674 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Happy Sunday, everyone!!


Trying to find my flower pots for planting some flowers.  Wind is unreal!  Cannot never find anything post move -sometimes easier to just go buy it!


Hard to believe Mother's Day is creeping up FAST! 


Maybe the puddahs will make me breakfast in




P.s.   i keep getting offers on listings, but no offer box checked.  These are newer listings too.  So very weird.


Any birdie pix?


@buyselljack2016  -worried you do not take your camera/phone when on excursions.  What if you fall, get mauled by some angry critter, etc?  


Calling Ghostbusters is not really an option....but maybe it is where you reside?   😁

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8675 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@katzrul15  yup, I should take the phone.  Would only have "emergency" service, but in theory that is all I would need anyway 😊


Not out there "goggling" or surfing eBay 🤣



Something has nipped the tops off the flowers that are sprouting up in the front yard. Probably bambi in the dark of night.


Was just looking out the window, and across the street there were 4 hen turkeys working along by the guard rail. They don't have much sense, but in this instance, they chose to fly over the stream instead of wandering into the road. They are working their way southward beyond the guardrails, so I suppose a road crossing is still an option.


It was nice and sunny this morning with a bit of afternoon rain expected.


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Seemed like a shame to spend it attempting to put the blower back together, but I dragged it all back from the scrap picker pile and went at it.



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OK, who took the nuts that hold the engine in place😡


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Oops, there they are threaded onto some other short bolts, so they won't get lost. 


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Back together, up and running, headed back to the off-season storage location before the rain arrived.

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Darn, no new toys for Jack☹️



Message 8676 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


You could of slap some spray paint on the snowblower and then you can pretend it's new again. 😄



All day it was wet and gray.

Right now, fog is forming

Manage to list 16 items on my website. In a couple of week's, they will be listed on eBid marketplace.

I have over 55 more items ready to list except I forgot to get them priced.


I spent time cleaning up my computer desk.

Purchased a 4 pc set of bushings and adaptors for the lawn mower.

Worked on and got an order set up for the mail tomorrow.

Message 8677 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Yesterday's walk to the river started with a few trout lilies at the edges of the road.


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Starting up the RR tracks there were some feathers. I decorated a chunk of RR tie with them for other hikers to see.


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There is no wrong side of the tracks here, but at the river crossing you should stay between the lines. 


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The little series of falls is not as impressive in a photo as it is in real life.


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I installed a photo program in this computer to stitch a panorama. 

panorama moose 2024-1 - Copy.jpg

Finished my walk out with a shot of the trout lilies 


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and picking up after the pigs.


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Message 8678 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

Starting up the RR tracks there were some feathers. I decorated a chunk of RR tie with them for other hikers to see.


IMG_20240427_115555826_HDR (1024x768).jpg


I bet some hunter will shoot at this and it will be gone. 😄 😄


The neighbor has been hunting turkey this past week at the farm.


Rained on and off during the night.

Message 8679 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Happy Monday!


My phone tells me that this time last year DS was preparing to graduate college - wow, has this year flown by!


Trying today to do some flower pots on my lunch hour and get a short walk in.


If I lived where @buyselljack2016 or @policequilts or @mr_lincoln lives, the scenery would certainly draw me outside!


@jewelbiz always has great photos too....the City offers a different kind of beauty to behold.


Did not realize chrysanthumums are dangerous to pets......need to re-think these pot groupings, I guess.


@evry1nositswindy - with first year college drawing to a close, will your DD work this summer?  Summer jobs seem to go fast!


Back to Teans calls...yippee!



....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8680 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

My NYC apartment building has put in a roof garden.

 I loved the roof before + now after…BeforeBeforeAfterAfter

Message 8681 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@policequilts  a shooting wouldn't surprise me.  Could even be what already happened, except the season has not started here, but then again around here for some "season" really does not apply😁


Tom turkey season starts soon. I think the 1st of the month. Only until noon when the hens are more likely to be on nests. Never had any interest in hunting turkeys. Have wondered how it would be to use a call to see how successful I could be calling one in. Where I worked retail, along with a multitude of other things, we sold turkey calls. Would use one there in the store sometimes to see if anyone would come to see what the noise was. It did work.


Neighbor was up one year turkey season and shot one. Asked me if I wanted it. Declined. Another neighbor, years past had told me that there wasn't much eating on a wild turkey other than the breast. Tough, wild, life makes for tough meat.


Just had a chimichanga for lunch. Wasn't tough.


Rain overnight here as well but has now cleared off and will have sun and clouds this after.  I should get up to do some outside but will let it dry out a bit 1st.

Message 8682 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@katzrul15  things outside here to see and appreciate.


From my walk at the river.  The sticks in the river vary from year to year depending upon the melt and runoff level. Sticks of different sizes get stranded atop rocks. Some will get swept away the next year. Others remain for years as in the large wide pileup at the little island in the 1st photo. Those have been there for years. Some years back I found a go-pro 3 camera there amongst that pile. As evidenced on the stored footage it was lost by a whitewater kayaker.


IMG_20240427_124930584_BURST000_COVER (1024x768).jpg


 Years for these as well. As there is a good rock to cast a line from there beyond the sticks, I have climbed on/over the sticks in the second photo many times.


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 Up and down the stream the sticks vary year to rear depending on water level and ice flow.


This year.

IMG_20240427_115954380_BURST000_COVER (1024x752).jpg

Same spot  April 21 2014, 

moose  4-21-14.JPG


then April 28 2014 as the water dropped


DSCF1520 (2) - Copy april 24 -2015.JPG

Followed by  May 3 2016


may 2016.JPG

Nearly forgot. (may have posted this before) From the island pile up, when I waded over to the sticks April 28 2014, there was a white object stuck there. 



 The S.S. Minnow ?




I released it back to the river with visions of it ending up in the Atlantic ocean via the St Lawrence seaway. If I had a marker that day I would have written where it was released from.


Other upstream rock stranded sticks this year.


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Message 8683 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@jewelbiz wrote:

My NYC apartment building has put in a roof garden.

 I loved the roof before + now after…BeforeBeforeAfterAfter



So beautiful......what a view and nice amenity for you!  Too kewl!

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8684 of 8,741
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate



Looks really peaceful there.....


Bedroom communities here...nothing like that.  Would need to visit a state park or something.


Lived around here as a kid...40+ years later, has changed so very much.  I recognize nothing, literally.


As @policequilts noted, lots of bugs, ticks this year.  My neighbor complains daily about ticks on her doggie that is only in fenced area out back.  


I have noticed so many hard shell bugs and preying mantis....

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8685 of 8,741
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