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Getting 500 error on fetching orders on Sandbox

Hello all, I am trying to fetch orders form my sandbox account using Oauth User Token using this endpoint, getting { "errors": [ { "errorId": 30500, "domain": "API_FULFILLMENT", "category": "AP...

Global Shipping Programme

Does anyone know if it is possible after listing an item(without a bid)to change the delivery method to the GSP? If so how is it done please? My husband is pulling his hair out(despite being nearly bald) as he has had an enquiry about his item from J...

Heads Up Midwest Shippers!

Just an FYI, a major USPS distribution center is buried in back-logged shipments. If you're shipping to, from or through the Oak Creek distribution center in Milwaukee, WI, then you may wish to inform your buyers of the impending delay. https://www.y...

Exorbitant shipping costs

I’ve enjoyed buying from eBay for a number of years. However, my fondness for EBay is beginning to fade due to the exorbitant shipping costs. Often the shipping is, not only more than the item I’m buying, but quite often double the cost. I realize po...

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I got confused with the delivery address and put in the old address of a relative who does not live

I got confused with the delivery address and put in the old address of a relative who does not live there.I want to change the delivery address and I contacted fed-ex and they told me that only you can make the change.I tried to contact the supplier ...

Mission Control...We have a Problem with USPS

Mailed a box Priority Mail yesterday with person...and took photo of it with clerk in person...LOL...and sent it to buyer...nothing as far as it scanned...or on its $18.40 for the box. Ouch!This will become a nightmare if buyer is ...

Undercharged shipping fee

I had an item sell and the calculated shipping fee they charged the customer is less than the actual cost. I changed no weight or package size after the sale. The package does not cause a dimensional weight surcharge per the FedEx website. What went ...


Resolved! shipping one item – a set of books - in multiple boxes

I need to ship an encyclopedia and need to break the shipment into four boxes. The buyer paid one lump sum shipping fee. How can I use Ebay to print four labels each with the correct postage (Media Mail)? Many thanks.

User avatar by Adventurer
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Long term store pause

I picked up an awesome seasonal job this summer, and will be living in the mountains until mid October in a different state. I need to shut down or pause my store for almost 6 months. I dont want to lose my rating, have to relist everything when i re...

Charged extra by UPS after shipping

Fairly new seller. 100 sales or so. I sold a an item that was fairly long. UPS was best bet. It didn't fit in anything but a tv box, was very light though - not even 5 pounds. Got a nice discount from ebay on shipping too. The box ended up being wide...

Shipping Freight

Hey Forum, So I sell used car parts on ebay and am trying to broaden my market by offering freight shipping for larger items like Bumpers, sub-frames etc but am having a hard time finding reasonable freight shipping rates. I see others in my niche of...

Is it now normal to receive packages (bought on ebay) on your doorstep with no carrier ID / label ?

Hi all,I'm just curious - I bought an item on ebay a few days ago. It was delivered today. I was shocked to find that the item ( a bag of grass seed) appeared on my doorstep but the bag was entirely devoid of any sticker, address label or any kind of...

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