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Ebay is the WORST ever.

eBay is without a doubt the most unprofessional business you could ever deal with.  Their return policy in regards to supporting the seller is absolutely disgraceful.   In the last 5 years I have had nothing but frustration in dealing with eBay and returns.  90% of  the people I speak with are completely unprofessional and sound like minimum wage phone operators.  Today's disaster is just one more example.  eBay provided a return label for an item a customer was returning.  No big deal, but the item never arrived at our facility.  BUT...being as how the USPS tracking showed the item was delivered "somewhere", eBay still took our money.  The USPS showed the item was "left with an agent" (whatever that means) at 7 pm, during hours we are not here.  So regardless of the fact no one was here to receive delivery, AND the fact that USPS does NOT deliver at 7 pm at night, eBay could care less.  Their attitude was. "oh well, it shows as delivered. So give them  their money back."  Regardless of how I tried to explain  that the item was NOT delivered here, they could care less.  I got no support or help from eBay trying to find the package.  They gave our business absolutely no support what-so-ever.  It's amazing they're in business.  If we treated customers that way our doors would be closed.  It's very frustrating dealing with eBay.

Message 1 of 7
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Ebay is the WORST ever.

Sellers have very little protection.

Like buyers when their package gets misdelivered, you can contact carrier and find out where the package was delivered.

Even if you had received an empty package, they would still have made you give a refund once it showed as being delivered.

Have a great day.
Message 2 of 7
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Ebay is the WORST ever.


     its seems you didn't understand the selling system on ebay, ebay is 10000 times better for sellers, if you ship some item and its seems deliver but buyer say he no received the item , so seller win the case as seller ,same way if carrier do mistake so always receiver face problem either seller or buyer, ebay see tracking as big evidence, either seller or buyer side, there is always little check and balance but there are some flaws too which every online giant has, amazon has more flaws they cant handle so they give everything in favor of customer, seller are slaves on amazon, ebay protect seller in many ways , just as a seller you have to make sure you are right and you should know how to tackle some fake buyers, fake buyers are everywhere, you cant win 100% but you have 70% control on ebay so i will suggest you to use some other tools to improve your seller experience on ebay,.


as far as concern of returns, mostly customer who open returns are cheap customers, and some are good customers too, in my opinion if someone open return always try to give them three offers which protect you and also which keep customer mind sticky to have resolution with selection of your offer.


Hope its help

Message 3 of 7
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Ebay is the WORST ever.

@bmwofatlanticcity wrote:

 90% of  the people I speak with ... sound like minimum wage phone operators.

You are so very wrong about this ... they are actually well below minimum wage phone operators.  My guess is that they are being paid about $2-3 an hour (they are in the Philippines).


@bmwofatlanticcity wrote:

No big deal, but the item never arrived at our facility.  BUT...being as how the USPS tracking showed the item was delivered "somewhere", eBay still took our money.

IT is standard procedure for eBay to support a delivery if (a) the item shows delivered and (b) the delivery is the correct zip code.


If you do not have the delivery, then it will take some legwork to figure out where it ended up .... checking with everyone at your facility, going to the USPS and getting a GEOTrack on the delivered location, checking with the carrier to see who the "agent" might be.


Keep in mind, it is also possible that ...

  • The "agent" was misrepresenting themselves as an employee, and the item was stolen.  If this is the case, the USPS carrier didn't do their job correctly, and you will need to file an insurance claim.
  • The tracking that shows delivered is a scan error, and the package is still on its way to you.
Message 4 of 7
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Ebay is the WORST ever.

@bmwofatlanticcity wrote:

eBay is without a doubt the most unprofessional business you could ever deal with.  Their return policy in regards to supporting the seller is absolutely disgraceful.   In the last 5 years I have had nothing but frustration in dealing with eBay and returns.  90% of  the people I speak with are completely unprofessional and sound like minimum wage phone operators.  Today's disaster is just one more example.  eBay provided a return label for an item a customer was returning.  No big deal, but the item never arrived at our facility.  BUT...being as how the USPS tracking showed the item was delivered "somewhere", eBay still took our money.  The USPS showed the item was "left with an agent" (whatever that means) at 7 pm, during hours we are not here.  So regardless of the fact no one was here to receive delivery, AND the fact that USPS does NOT deliver at 7 pm at night, eBay could care less.  Their attitude was. "oh well, it shows as delivered. So give them  their money back."  Regardless of how I tried to explain  that the item was NOT delivered here, they could care less.  I got no support or help from eBay trying to find the package.  They gave our business absolutely no support what-so-ever.  It's amazing they're in business.  If we treated customers that way our doors would be closed.  It's very frustrating dealing with eBay.

Where I'm from, I have gotten many a package from USPS at 7PM and after, in fact, tracking now states that the carrier has until 8PM to deliver packages in Illinois. I assume other places have the same time range.


Buyers go through the same exact thing when a package of theirs says delivered but it was either misdelivered or never delivered at all. If that's the way it works for buyers, of course it would work that way for sellers as well. It is not the responsibility of eBay employees to help locate missing packages, that falls on the person it was delivered to.

Message 5 of 7
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Ebay is the WORST ever.

Ebay really is the worst platform for buying anything. I ordered $43 worth of toilet paper (12 rolls) only because of the shortage due to COVID-19 and the shortage of TP in the US. This is clearly price gauging but I was desperate. This “guaranteed delivery” was almost 1 week late. I would have NEVER paid this much for toilet paper (straight from China without a cardboard middle cut out) had I known it would not be delivered on the “guaranteed” day stated during checkout. Immediately after not receiving my item, I reached out to the seller for a refund. I still have not received it and eBay has not stepped in to help with the “100% money back guarantee” because their terrible ticketing system is not working. The error message listed “Oops there was an issue. Try again later”. .conveniently there’s only a 24 hour window that eBay can help. I’ve retried filing this request over 20 times. This company is garbage. With this absence of customer service and support they will surely go out of business in the next few years. I will NEVER use eBay again.

Message 6 of 7
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Ebay is the WORST ever.

Hello Everyone,


Due to the age of the thread, it has been closed to further replies.  Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.


Thanks for understanding!

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