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Are we experiencing another new "enhancement" here?

What is with all these "tags" appearing on the posts.  Some members that respond to the OP have them, others do not.  The responders are NOT choosing them.  Example:

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Are we experiencing another new "enhancement" here?

@ittybitnot I believe anyone can tag a post using the "add tags" link, it doesn't have to be the person writing the post that does it.



Message 2 of 5
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Are we experiencing another new "enhancement" here?

Thank you @valueaddedresource .  I guess the person doing it has a lot of time on their hands.   The tags I added to yours above ^^^^^ didn't show up. 

Message 3 of 5
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Are we experiencing another new "enhancement" here?

@ittybitnot wrote:

Thank you @valueaddedresource .  I guess the person doing it has a lot of time on their hands.   The tags I added to yours above ^^^^^ didn't show up. 

@ittybitnot hmm maybe there is a time lag or they are held for moderation?

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Are we experiencing another new "enhancement" here?

@ittybitnot wrote:

Thank you @valueaddedresource .  I guess the person doing it has a lot of time on their hands.   The tags I added to yours above ^^^^^ didn't show up. 

It's there, but you have to refresh the page after you add the tag before you can see it.


Tags are intended to help the post appear in 'best match' search results when someone uses the search box above.


So if I post a response to a seller that asked how to change the size of their shipping label, and I took the time to add screenshots and step-by-step instructions, I might tag my post with some common search terms related to the issue that will help others find that response.


If you click on the tag, it will show you the posters that used the tag.


Go to the post you linked above @ittybitnot and click on the second tag "cards" then scroll down and look on the right side of the page. While that thread appears to be tags-gone-wild, it turns out one of the regulars on this forum did all the tagging. They probably wanted those posts warning others of scam attempts to float to the top of best match when others did a search on this forum for gift card scams.


You can tag one post within a thread - don't think there's a need to tag every single post for it to work. Search results pull up the thread linking to the OP and, unfortunately, the ability to expand the search result to "relevant posts within the discussion" to take you directly to the post that matches your search criteria was taken away with the last forum redesign. That's why I think you only need to tag one post within a discussion for it to be effective.

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