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service on ebay

what is going on with ebay   all my sale items have disappeared from bay and I cannot get anyone to help me

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Re: service on ebay

Maybe it's the link to your personal web site in your listings.

Have a great day.
Message 2 of 3
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Re: service on ebay

You need to look in your emails to the email address you have registered with Ebay.  They would have sent you an email telling you they were removing your listings.  So start with locating that.  Then if you want us to try and help, post the body of the email here, black out anything that is personal and we can try to help.


It is likely that @kensgiftshop was absolutely correct.  Posting your personal website address in the listing is a policy breach on Ebay.  They don't take kindly to you using Ebay to try and drive sales off Ebay.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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