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message about "message of deprecation" . what does that mean for me as a seller?

this message keeps popping up everytime I go to my All Selling page.

I do not know what this "message of deprecation" means for me.  Can someone please

explain it to me.   I AM NOT TOO BRIGHT!...

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Re: message about "message of deprecation" . what does that mean for me as a seller?

I used to work in IT and the first time I heard that term, I wondered the exact same thing! It means the feature/function is being phased out.

Message 2 of 7
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Re: message about "message of deprecation" . what does that mean for me as a seller?

Hi @kunstistkunstdy . There is a column titled "format" which tells you whether a listing is auction format or fixed price (buy it now) format. eBay is getting rid of that column.


There are search filters for format, so the deprecation of the column shouldn't be too big of a deal.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: message about "message of deprecation" . what does that mean for me as a seller?



Apparently it is techie "geek speak" for eliminating a function.


Don't worry about it -- it should have very minor impact on sellers.

Message 4 of 7
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Re: message about "message of deprecation" . what does that mean for me as a seller?

Actually, that is a functionality I use regularly when managing my listings that takes up a very small width on the page.  

Message 5 of 7
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Re: message about "message of deprecation" . what does that mean for me as a seller?

Thank you all for paying attention to my query/ this community!

Message 6 of 7
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Re: message about "message of deprecation" . what does that mean for me as a seller?

The message is referring to eBay's depreciation of their older APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) used for integrating third-party applications with eBay's platform.

eBay is phasing out some of their older technology and replacing it with newer, more secure versions. This means that some third-party tools or software you might be using to manage your eBay listings, inventory, or orders might stop working or need to be updated.

As a seller, you don't need to take any immediate action. 


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