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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

With the recent system changes ebay seems to be a terrible place to sell anything now. Since the view count change I have next to nothing in views. It seems like I am wasting my time to list anything anymore. I have been a seller for 19 years as of next month and maybe it's time I just give up.

Message 1 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

Views have NOTHING to do with less selling. Buyers either want your stuff or they don't. With the recession many buyers stopped buying until things improve. Do not use Ebay as your excuse.

Message 2 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

Its the sale that matters, not the views. Views in my opinion mean people aren't buying your items. I will agree with your statement though, Ebay is not such a nice place to sell anymore. To many complications and issues. 

Message 3 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

With the recent system changes ebay seems to be a terrible place to sell anything now.

Perceptions vary. 


Since the view count change I have next to nothing in views.

Changing how you count something does not affect the thing you are counting. 


I have been a seller for 19 years as of next month and maybe it's time I just give up.

Only you can decide what is best for you. 


Message 4 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

@ourancestorsattic wrote:

With the recent system changes ebay seems to be a terrible place to sell anything now. Since the view count change I have next to nothing in views. It seems like I am wasting my time to list anything anymore. I have been a seller for 19 years as of next month and maybe it's time I just give up.

Was going on prior to this: the changes to item specifics as well as catagory changes all have aided in this mess: indexing and the search with the added results not even related to the search criteria; makes it a mess.


Of course the timing when the economy went to massive inflation Cost have climbed so folks do not have expendable income at this time...


 Folks saying don't blame eBay just the economy are wrong... eBay is and does have its problems at this time.  Timing of course allows it to blame economic over their own..


Message 5 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

If the views are down because the listing impressions are down than the sales will be down. My views are down by 50% and it isn't because of the economy it is because my "listing impressions" are down 54.5%. If people aren't seeing it they can't view it and you can't sell it ... 

Message 6 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

its fine for me 

Message 7 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

@chrispass918 wrote:

its fine for me 

Maybe because you don't have any listings? 🤔

Message 8 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now


They can see it if they have time and ambition to spend hours of searching 68 pages of clothes. They just do not choose to spend that much time looking for yours. Unfortunately, for you, the competition is in the 1,000's competing against you.

Message 9 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

Maybe you should look at my listings instead of assuming I don't.


Message 10 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

@ourancestorsattic wrote:

Maybe you should look at my listings instead of assuming I don't.


I wasn't talking about you (see quoted text in that comment) ... I was actually agreeing with you in the comment before that lol ... geez

Message 11 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

@ourancestorsattic wrote:

Maybe you should look at my listings instead of assuming I don't.


I wasn't talking about you (see quoted text in that comment). I was actually agreeing with you in the comment before that lol


Message 12 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

so you don't like the fact that you now don't see all the bot views,all the fake views? don't like the fact that you now see real, actual traffic?

trends come, trends go...buyer habits change...

Selling is all about the item/product: quality, uniqueness, supply and demand, target market,etc...

Message 13 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

I have a very basic understanding of what shopping & web crawler bots do. Even though they are computerized views I believe they helped at least a little in finding my listings & maybe in getting a few sales. It is just depressing to see all my effort I out into my listings be wasted becasue of ebay's screwed up search system.


Message 14 of 63
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ebay Is A Terrible Place To Sell Now

If you use an iPad like I do to post, it’s almost making no sense any longer.  The glitches in simply creating listings are beyond ridicuolous.

Message 15 of 63
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