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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

Hello, I  have been selling around $2 million a year for 20 years on eBay, I have seen a lot of different policies come and go. It feel like every 4 to 6 years eBay will be pro seller and then they become pro buyer in policies and they tighten up on the sellers. This new season is a very scary one for a few major reasons. Instead of spending money on attracting new buyers they are try to find ways to get more money from sellers.


We already have to pay for a $4000 plus a year for a store that allows you to call customer service. You would figure if you sell more than a million dollars a year you should be able to call them about any issue. But we have to pay for that privilege. Now you can not use that service for any feedback concerns. It uses to much resources. This is a major problem. With the rise of post sale extortion, buyers demanding discounts and return fraud, you need to protect your feedback. eBay is the only site that everyone checks feedback rating. It is very important. So that is how they will raise their bottom end. Not service high value seller that pay to be able to call.


Then the advertising. Not only do you have to pay the seller fees, now they have taken all the revenue from Paypal, you have to advertise to sell on a site that you are already paying 12% to 13%. which is an average another 5% at a minimum. If you go with eBay advertising suggestions it would be much more. That is fine if yuo are selling old junk from your basement but a professional seller is getting leveled. Now they want you to pay for off site advertising, so you pay to bring traffic off the internet to their site for they can charge you 18% for a sale. 


The problem is they are losing market share to Facebook Market Place and instead of attracting new buyers, they are cutting services and charging sellers more and more. This is teh beginning of the end. This used to work when they were the only site to sell on but there is more and more. We are 90% selling on eBay but the writing is on the wall. They don't care. Their plan is to make 25% of your sales. Its the last stand. When is the last time you saw an eBay advertisement??? They are making cuts so the stock price goes up. You will begin to see a lot of high-level executives start parachuting out of the dumpster fire. I hope someone that cares reads this and they turn but in 20 years I never seen them change bad behavior. The company is ran by a bunch of MBAs that never sold on eBay for a living and never would or will. Hope I'm wrong. Goodluck!!


Message 1 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

I didn't read your entire rant.

I only read the part about how you made $2M a year for 20 years or $40M on ebay.

Whatever it is you're unhappy about, you are more than welcome to find a better platform.

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 2 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

Let’s keep things civil - insulting others just seems silly.

Message 3 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

Not really sure I saw the Insult in there.


People need to stop trying to tip toe and just bluntly say the truth.


@inhawaiidid just that.


I'm sorry if his opinion bothers you so much.

Message 4 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

For The OP facebook marketplace local isnt really a competitor to eBay.


Their shipping division portion is doubling the fee and their promotion system is either PPC or % and the % starts at 15% on top of 10% new fee.


So when you started talking about Facebook my eyes rolled.


Also facebook is big on shadow banning. Shadow banned because i accidently synced an infrared thermometer that lasted about a month.

Message 5 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

     I agree the environment has changed but that is the nature of business. You innovate or you die. As a publically traded company eBay's main goal is to maximize their value to their shareholders. I may not agree with how they go about that but it is their site. However, that does not prevent me as a seller for looking at my options also, i.e. innovating. EBay used to account for about 90% of my sales but I began to diversify across multiple platforms and venues quite some time ago and eBay now constitutes a little less than 20% of my sales. 

     Some of the divesture was forced by eBay with their ever expanding list of restricted and prohibited items and the VERO program. Most of the other sites I sell on have no restrictions. In addition what appears to be increased scamming activity and lack of eBay's efforts to stem the tide. They may be doing something but it is information they do not publically disclose probably out of fear from not only the sellers but the shareholders. 

     I doubt if the changes will be the end of eBay but it will continue to evolve and change. Many companies have made fatal errors that resulted in their demise: K-Mart, Sears, GM, IBM............ Only time will tell how eBay will fare but I have contingencies in place if they do go down or the platform becomes non-profitable.

     Those sellers who are glued to this platform are doing so at their own peril. More than one post on this forum has been from a seller who was suspended and/or permanently banned from the site.  

Message 6 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

@powell-memorabilia wrote:

Let’s keep things civil - insulting others just seems silly.

My apologies.

I didn't mean to insult.

Just found it odd that someone who sold $40M here was complaining about the platform.

They have every right to do so.

Complain away.....

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 7 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

Erased. Why reply if you didn't read the post?? Maybe my problems are not the same as yours experience. Doesn't make my less important to me. 

Message 8 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

Good song. No, great song. 😎

Message 9 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

Hi everyone,

This discussion has gotten a bit heated. Please remember that, while it is fine to disagree with others, discussion should always remain friendly and respectful as required by the Community Guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Message 10 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

"company is ran by a bunch of MBAs that never sold on eBay" true.

Most of them were born with an iPhone in their hand...and I bet not one does not know how to address an envelope using a pen and where the stamp goes on an envelope.

Message 11 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

I read that he pays eBay a quarter of a million dollars every year to sell his items and now they want $550,000 to throttle his visibility more than ever before. Don't ignore this garbage platform extorting all of us down the drain so they can show their shareholders increased profits while doing nothing to attract new buyers. Their new business strategies are affecting those of us who sell six figures here, as well.

Message 12 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

Meh, I wouldn't get in a bunch over it.  You have to have thick skin to post here as it seems lately 50% of those who reply personally attack the OP instead of the content of the post. Snide remarks seem to be the thing on any community board. They do it to me, even though I am not trolling regularly as a choice few do here. I think sometimes those who reply the most are just trying to rack up their number of posts and replies for merit badges. Or possibly a narcissistic thing or nothing better to do with their time. I only stop by 1-2 times a week and that's enough for me.  You had the right to rant just like many others have and will, including myself. I hear you on the fees, but in the end, you just have to keep trudging on or exit left. I wish you the best! PEACE! PS: Watch out for the spelling and grammar police here also.

Message 13 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

@thecomicminer wrote:

I read that he pays eBay a quarter of a million dollars every year to sell his items and now they want $550,000 to throttle his visibility more than ever before. Don't ignore this garbage platform extorting all of us down the drain so they can show their shareholders increased profits while doing nothing to attract new buyers. Their new business strategies are affecting those of us who sell six figures here, as well.


It's affecting all sellers big and small.

Have a great day.
Message 14 of 56
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eBay New Policy and business direction is terrifying!!

Personally and professionally, I would prefer to have the skills to operate my iPhone and iPad over being able to address an envelope and stick a stamp on it. I am 67(today - Happy BDay to me!) and worked for the USPS for over 33 years, mostly as a Postmaster and IT Mgr. I'm lucky to mail 1-2 envelopes per month anymore. The same with handwriting a check. Of course, that's just me. Have a good day!

Message 15 of 56
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