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ASK ME ABOUT: Product Research (formerly known as Terapeak)

Hello Everyone, We're thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new interactive series, which is set to take the place of our former "Monthly Chat with eBay Staff" program. This series is designed to bring you closer to the heart of eBay's operati...

Combine Shipping

How do I ad this option of combine shipping in listings shipping in the US (it seems International will be automatically soon). Thanks CS

Non Payment From Buyers

Has anyone on here found you have people committing to an item and not paying? It has never happened to me before all the years I am on here . Now three people in the last two weeks for inexpensive items . Are they scammers I don’t know what to make ...


What is the best vehicle to make a refund to buyer for a refund for his troubles. I have already issued a complete refund on the product & shipping.

Authenticator failure!

I posted a pair of Jordans I purchased to sell because I bought the wrong size. After paying over $200 for the shoes, eBay claimed they were fake and I have yet to hear back on where the shoes are. I will never in my life sell anything on eBay again!...

Offer Sent Weeks ago, buyer Purchased at Full Price Now Demanding Refund - New Seller Needs Help

Hello Everyone! I'm relatively new selling on Ebay, (sold around 30 items) but I understand how the offer system works. I had a buyer place an order at full price, but attach a note on the order saying he would like the item for $50 off. I naturally ...

Resolved! Considering buying a USPS P.O. Box to use as my "Ship from" and "Return address", is that kosher?

To use when selling some handmade craft items on my individual eBay account.However, leaving my home address, name, phone number as my Registration address.Just don't want that on shipping labels purchased from eBay.TIA for any advice!

Uploaded photos are just a solid color and not the image

haven't listed in over a yeartook a bunch of photo with a good white background. cropped them down. They are all very high res and sharp. When I upload them, all you can see is a solid color square. Different color for different photos. I use opencam...

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Changed from personal to business in middle of the year. Received only one 1099-K. Cant resolve.

From Jan to October, I was selling under my SSN as a sole proprietor. In October I got incorporated and switched the tax id on my ebay account from personal ssn to TIN number. Now I got a 1099-K for the full year under the business with my personal s...

Selling a damaged card

Hi, so I am selling some of my pokemon cards and I had a question about selling a card that is damaged, in the listing I specified the card has a dent at the bottom and scratches on the front with photos of the damage, I have it set to no returns but...

Fees too High to Make Money - Need to Leave

I find I'm not really making any money at all at eBay anymore due to the high fees. The only option to try and fix this has been to hike my prices, way, way up, but then people don't buy my items. What are some other sites, besides eBay to sell at? e...

Recommendations on listings

Hi Everyone, Hoping all sellers are able to make some$$$ all & buyers are finding some good deals. One quick question. Is there any way to keep from getting all of these "Recommendations & other advertising" added on to my listings?? thanks....

Might be wise to build a couple days into handling times.

I've never seen so many posts about ebay shipping being down. I understand the urgency for those folks with sold items that qualify for TRS-plus to get that little discount, but otherwise, I would consider adding some handling days for problems like ...

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