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Threats from Daytona helmets

A couple of years ago I sold quite a few Daytona helmets. I have a few left that I am clearing out a a low price. 

Daytona has opened an account at Ebay where they do not buy or sell anything. They have sent two PMs threatning to close my account if they find out who I am:

"We don't recognize you as an "AUTHORIZED DEALER or RE-SELLER” of Daytona Helmets. We have a MAP Policy asking our Dealers not to advertise our products below 15% of Suggested Retail- (Rounding up to the nearest hundredth.) Our MAP on this Item is $37.36 Please adjust your prices to comply w/our Map Policy ASAP.

This is not the first time that we’re contacting you asking you to comply w/our MAP Policy. If you decide not to comply and we find out who you are, you will be subject to Indefinite Account Suspension."
Thank you.
Daytona Helmets"


The message is ambigous as to which account will be "subject to Indefinite Account Suspension"

I have been attempting to report these messages to Ebay but the Ebay help puts me into an endless loop making it impossible to get through to a person or report this activity online.


Can anyone tell be how to get in touch with ebay regarding this matter?

Message 1 of 167
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166 REPLIES 166

Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

Well, I don't know why they are saying 'when we find out who you are', because that would be easy.


Why not just list them at the higher price, if you've sold them before sucessfully at that price?


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 2 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

@darsz123 wrote:

A couple of years ago I sold quite a few Daytona helmets. I have a few left that I am clearing out a a low price. 

Daytona has opened an account at Ebay where they do not buy or sell anything. They have sent two PMs threatning to close my account if they find out who I am:

"We don't recognize you as an "AUTHORIZED DEALER or RE-SELLER” of Daytona Helmets. We have a MAP Policy asking our Dealers not to advertise our products below 15% of Suggested Retail- (Rounding up to the nearest hundredth.) Our MAP on this Item is $37.36 Please adjust your prices to comply w/our Map Policy ASAP.

This is not the first time that we’re contacting you asking you to comply w/our MAP Policy. If you decide not to comply and we find out who you are, you will be subject to Indefinite Account Suspension."
Thank you.
Daytona Helmets"


The message is ambigous as to which account will be "subject to Indefinite Account Suspension"

I have been attempting to report these messages to Ebay but the Ebay help puts me into an endless loop making it impossible to get through to a person or report this activity online.


Can anyone tell be how to get in touch with ebay regarding this matter?

To get through to the CS line, you have to select one of the options that they will present you with the phone number. Now the CS phone number is also available if you do a search, but then  you'll have to try to get to the right department.  I know it's not easy, but it certainly sounds serious enought that you need to talk to someone.

Message 3 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

@darsz123 wrote:
The message is ambigous as to which account will be "subject to Indefinite Account Suspension"

They are obviously not talking about an eBay account, because if they had the power to suspend an eBay account they would not need to "find out who you are" because they already know your eBay account.


They think you are a current dealer and are trying to scare you into stopping.



Message 4 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

If you are not an authorized dealer, you have not made an agreement to abide by their policies.  Unless you have an account with that company I don't know what account they might want to suspend.


Provided the helmets are authentic and you do not represent yourself as an authorized dealer, I don't see what they can do.  However, they may try to file a VERO takedown claiming the items aren't authentic Daytona Helmets.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 5 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets



Sounds like a lot of hot air that on a Hot and Humid 92 degree S.E. Ohio day means nothing!


But just in case...why not list them at the minimum they are saying and then put a best offer on them?


This way you can keep them happy and if you are selling them typically for say $10 less then set up your best offer settings to include your pricing you are happy with.


Another option is listing them at the retail suggested and then provide free shipping...surely there is some shipping price in their that will bring your total closer to what you have been selling them for.


Hope this helps.


Mr C

Message 6 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

@darsz123 wrote:
 ..."We don't recognize you as an "AUTHORIZED DEALER or RE-SELLER” of Daytona Helmets. We have a MAP Policy asking our Dealers not to advertise our products below 15%...

That's a pretty confusing statement: They're saying you're not a dealer, but also saying that dealers have to charge a certain price!  


As noted in the other post, as long as the items are authentic and you have no current contract with the company, you are free to sell the item for whatever price you choose. There's no need to contact eBay.

Message 7 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

"... find out who you are" sounds a bit amateurish. It could just be a competitor trying to control your prices so they can undersell you. I've heard of similar stuff happening before. I'd call ebay to feel this out (might be pointless what Peggy pull out of a hat) but a legit notice should sound a bit more professional.

Message 8 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

Sounds like a good work around. I'll do that.

I would like to tell Ebay that Daytona has opened an account with no intention of buying or selling, simply spying and threatning sellers. Unfortunately  Ebay has made this almost impossible.


Thanks for the sugestion.

Message 9 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

A VERO  claims was my maor concern. I could see no other manner in which they could interfer with my Ebay account. That is why I wanted to report the messages to Ebay.

Message 10 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

@partial*eclipse wrote:

@darsz123 wrote:
 ..."We don't recognize you as an "AUTHORIZED DEALER or RE-SELLER” of Daytona Helmets. We have a MAP Policy asking our Dealers not to advertise our products below 15%...

That's a pretty confusing statement: They're saying you're not a dealer, but also saying that dealers have to charge a certain price!  


As noted in the other post, as long as the items are authentic and you have no current contract with the company, you are free to sell the item for whatever price you choose. There's no need to contact eBay.

Exactly!  They don't seem to realize those statements are contradictory.

Message 11 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

There is a Daytona Helmet company on line.


And you have to be an authorized dealer to sell them.


They have every right to protect their product and who sells it.


Remember when you all attacked that woman who was selling those designer sheets from a company that went out of business and who subsequently gave him a right to sell under that name?  How she was making money off him?

Message 12 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

I have sold literally thousands of helmets via various venues. The downside is that I also spent significant amounts on advertising. I have decided to simplify things drastically so I am just selling a limited variety of novelty helmets for about $25 dollars each and clearing out some odds and ends of my remaining Daytona stock at low prices.


FWIW I don't like being pushed around by anyone and would like to see Daytona's fake Ebay account closed.

Message 13 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

@darsz123 wrote:

I have sold literally thousands of helmets via various venues. The downside is that I also spent significant amounts on advertising. I have decided to simplify things drastically so I am just selling a limited variety of novelty helmets for about $25 dollars each and clearing out some odds and ends of my remaining Daytona stock at low prices.


FWIW I don't like being pushed around by anyone and would like to see Daytona's fake Ebay account closed.

Or maybe the rights owner of these helmets does not want you infringing on their name.


And if they are Vero they can shut you right down.


If you have thousands this does not fall under first doctrine.

Message 14 of 167
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Re: Threats from Daytona helmets

We sold thousands of helmets from several vendors over thirteen years. These are simply odds and ends left over.

Message 15 of 167
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