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The reason there are no sales at Ebay

A lot of people are blaming the economy but even with a bad economy people still buys stuff. 

The real reason there are no sales is that Ebay is chasing away the sellers. Those sellers are also buyers.

Ebay hasn't improved their policies. Ebay policies have been hurting the sellers for many years. Years ago there was nowhere to go but now sellers have other options for example IG and Whatnot . People who works at Ebay from the bottom (customer care) to the top (CEO) have never sold anything online in their entire life so they don't understand the sellers and they are sinking the boat. The fees for me have increased a lot. I used to pay 16% now i pay 18% everytime i sell to the US . Now i also have to bribe Ebay so they can show most of my listings. As a buyer when i want to buy something from a seller i have to use ebay international shipping and i have to pay import taxes that i normally don't pay by Mexican laws. Like me there are many sellers at Ebay that aren't buying anymore.

Message 1 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

You are selling very rare, high priced comics and cards.  Surely you realize that sales will be spotty due to the economy and even when economy is good you won't have consistent daily sales

Message 16 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

What bad economy??


Message 17 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

"Sorry Ebay cheerleader this post is not for you , this a post for the good sellers"


Inhawaii has a lot more sales than you do, Id say that makes him a 'good seller'.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 18 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

At the risk of being insulted as well I need to say one thing. I know for me that views are way down but have been way down for quite a while. I sell the same type of things on another site and have daily views. Many times I will take something off of Ebay that has hardly any views, put it on the other site and get views immediately. My sales are almost daily on the other site and here hardly any. Once again- same type of things. I honestly think it is the problem that there are hardly any views. I do not promote since I think the fees are enough and I do not promote on the other site either. So at least for me I know something is wrong here.

Message 19 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

"Many buyers limit their searches to US sellers only to avoid sellers who are shipping their goods from China."


I do this all the time. 

Message 20 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

I should had posted : The reason i have "lowsales" instead of "no sales" but can´t edit . All i wrote about the bad policies , the excesive fees , the new bribing system and sellers/buyers leaving to IG and Whatnor is is true. I was selling in 2022 $7,500 to $10,000 a month now i hardly get $5,550 to $6,000 .  

Message 21 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

" If you keep avoiding all the facts and keep normalizing that you must pay Ebay high bribes to get your items sold then you are a cheerleader and a bad seller"


You seem to add all the name calling to successful sellers, why is that? Jealous? 


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 22 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

The reason there are no sales is cause no one wants to buy what you’re selling. I sell pretty much everything I list because PEOPLE WANT IT. 

Message 23 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

Jealous for giving high bribes to keep sales risking my gains ?  no believe me i am not jealous at all 

Message 24 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

I dunno i don't sell frequently here , i typically just put low batches of games from time to time but usually I always make 2-3 sales a day when I do. This week though only 1 sale which is not normal for me.  Could be because I'm not willing to pay the promotion fees.

Message 25 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

Like sellers, buyers have more options now and they probably go to where they can get the item the cheapest.

I think at one time, Ebay was the place to go to find cheaper items, but not any more.

Have a great day.
Message 26 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

There are a lot of sellers who would not offer their items to international buyers if EIS did not exist.


Ebay created EIS for that reason. Many of us do not wish to learn the import regulation of a multitude of countries, deal with rotten post offices, and ship where there is no tracking.


A loss of those International Buyers would return to the days when many sellers did not accept international orders.


In a bad economy, people buy what they need, and if they have money left over after buying what they need buy stuff they want.


No one needs what you or I sell.


You sell to a younger demographic than I do. A demographic with less money.


The demographic I sell to has a lot of stuff and is looking to lighten their load, not add more stuff.


Yours cannot afford many of the things they want, sometimes even in good times.


The economy sucks. Small business bankruptcy is at record levels. Wage growth has not kept up with price growth. People **bleep** and moan at the supermarket over high prices.


Those who have to spend money prefer greater assurance that they will get what they paid for than Ebay's reputation promises.


Even the Ebay Guarantee takes time more to get a refund than other site's guarantees. In spite of the complaints of many sellers on this forum, Ebay does care more about its sellers than other sites do. Buyers know this and some will not buy here.


If you sell stuff that is readily available on other sites, at prices which are not lower, you get to feel the buyer attitude.


Sellers who know this site still have periods which are low sales, but can usually recover. But some Ebay sellers fail because they cannot offer a reason to buy from them, on Ebay or anywhere else.


Some will not trust you because you are high ticket items from Mexico and there is nothing about Ebay which will make them take the risk.


100% of the sellers I have bought from and had problems with, had 100% FB before and after may sale. And those which did not after the sale were NARUed because they were flagrant violators.


With the increased seller scrutiny, which many sellers resent, we can hope the Ebay reputation will improve. Waiting a month or more for an Ebay Guarantee refund is as unacceptable to buyers as no Ebay Guarantee.


Message 27 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay

I think the auction houses are great for high ticket items. Ebay was great for $50 to $500 items but now buyers from my market are aiming for cheaper stuff. 


Message 28 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay



Clearly you are angry.  I can understand that some is with cause, some is a misunderstanding and others are misplaced.  No one here is your enemy.  We are all sellers just like you.  Most of us come with a great deal of experience over many years of selling here.


Looking at the categories you sell in and the fact you have a store, it is likely your FVF paid to Ebay is about 13%.  If you are also using the Promoted Listing tool in the hopes of increasing sales, that is a choice as to how much in additional FVFs you are willing to pay.


Ebay isn't the most expensive site for sellers nor are they the cheapest.  You can find other sites that offer lower fees.  Typically they have less to offer sellers, but still it is good to know your options.


Promoted Listings are not a "bribe" to Ebay.  It is a tool Ebay offers in which you have CHOOSEN to use.  Certainly in some categories PL is working well for sellers, in others, not so much.  I guess it would surprise you to find out the most sellers do not use PL at all yet they still survive here and get sales.  You can tell this fact for yourself if you look at Ebay's most current financial report.


If Ebay charges you import taxes on your purchase from the site, it is because your country is requiring them to do so.  They have no choice.  You need to take this issue up locally as to why your country would require an internet company charge these fees.  Ebay has to do what is required by law.  You saying it isn't a law in your country will do nothing to change what Ebay does as your government has told them otherwise.  This isn't Ebay's fault.  Sorry it is too expensive for you to purchase here anymore.


I sincerely hope your sales improve very soon.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 29 of 91
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Re: The reason there are no sales at Ebay



you say that to everyone that has listings. What is your point?

Message 30 of 91
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