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Selling products that are Best Sellers

Hi eBay community,I'm new to selling on eBay and could use some guidance from experienced sellers. I have a few questions if you don't mind sharing your knowledge and strategies:

  1. How do you research and identify products that sell well on eBay? What tools or methods do you use to find top-selling items in your niche?
  2. How do you negotiate with suppliers to get the best wholesale prices and maximize your profit margins? Any tips for lowering your per-unit costs?
  3. What strategies do you use to provide excellent customer service and build a strong seller reputation? How do you handle things like fast shipping, accurate item descriptions, and any negative feedback?
  4. How do you determine your product pricing to cover all costs while remaining competitive? What factors do you consider when setting selling prices?
  5. Have you found any tools, apps, or services that help streamline your eBay business and save time? Automation and efficiency are key for scaling up.

Any advice or insights you can share would be greatly appreciated as I work to build a successful eBay business.


Thanks in advance for your help!

Message 1 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

"Have you found any tools, apps, or services that help streamline your eBay business and save time?"


Yes, never list anything when you're drunk.

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

Thanks but I hardly do that any more.

Message 3 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

"What strategies do you use to provide excellent customer service and build a strong seller reputation?"


Don't cancel your first sale for no reason.

Message 4 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

When you sell an item, ship it.

I try to stay away from best sellers, attracts to many scammers.

Have a great day.
Message 5 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

How do you research and identify products that sell well on eBay?

ROTFL. I would never teach another sellers how to compete against me.


How do you negotiate with suppliers to get the best wholesale prices

Suppliers give the best wholesale prices to buyers who pay cash and buy in large quantities.


What strategies do you use to provide excellent customer service

Deliver what you promise and don't cancel orders. 


How do you determine your product pricing to cover all costs while remaining competitive?

By adding my desired profit level to my total cost, and checking to see whether that price it is competitive.


Have you found any tools, apps, or services that help streamline your eBay business and save time?

Since eBay took away TurboLister, no.

Message 6 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

Wow sounds like a tough market out there with all the don't do this and don't do that and I can't tell you that.

Message 7 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

Common sense is a big help too.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 8 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

Any advice or insights you can share would be greatly appreciated as I work to build a successful eBay business.




Sell what you know, know what you sell.
Do not post anything for sale here that you are not willing to lose, and pay extra to only "maybe" get it back.

Become VERY acquainted with the typical scams perpetrated against sellers and buyers here. READ the forums.

Do not put "all your eggs in one basket" always diversify your selling options. 

Do not drop ship.
Do not sell what every one else is selling.  

Do not expect others to answer those questions you posted.  It would take too much time for anyone to explain fully.  Many will find it rude that you expect someone to make you a list of the "tools, and methods" that would take hours to explain.  Do your own research, and as a newbie with less than stellar feedback, do not sell expensive electronics/computers/phones here and expect it to go well. Stick to CL or other local sites where you have it listed, and cash for pick up.   The 'bad boys' are going to be on you like white on rice. 




Message 9 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

(-1) feedback


I've never seen that before...


Anyway, as @ittybitnot stated, it would take a great deal of time & effort to answer your questions. My best advice though for new sellers is to not try to upsell your items by lying or deceiving. If an item is used, don't call it new. If an item has any blemishes, don't call it mint. If an item has flaws, picture & disclose it, don't try to hide it. For example, that desktop covered in masking tape you have listed as new. If there's even a scratch on that thing & the buyer wants to return it, its coming back & you're paying the shipping both ways (which won't be cheap). If there is any blemish at all on that thing, disclose it.

Message 10 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

"Wow sounds like a tough market out there..."


Many new sellers are under the impression that selling on eBay is a simple get-rich-quick scheme.

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

  1. "How do you negotiate with suppliers to get the best wholesale prices and maximize your profit margins? Any tips for lowering your per-unit costs?"


If you are talking about drop shipping, dont do it. You wont last with anymore negative feedbacks for cancellations.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 12 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers


1.  Trial and error

2.  Bribery

3.  Just say yes

4.  Guesswork

5.  Computers help

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

If you are so eager to build a successful business then you would have shipped the item your buyer purchased instead of canceling the sale.

I can't take you as a serious seller because you did not do the ONE thing required of a seller  and SHIP the item.

If you can't do that then there is no need to respond to the rest of your questions.

For some......It seems wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster.
Message 14 of 15
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Re: Selling products that are Best Sellers

Here are some tips and strategies,

1. Researching top-selling products:
- Use eBay's built-in tools like "Completed Listings" and "Sold Items" filters.
- Utilize third-party tools like Terapeak, Algopix, or Helium 10 for market research and product analysis.
- Analyze competitors' listings and sales data.
2. Finding suppliers and negotiating prices:
- Attend trade shows and wholesale markets.
- Use online directories like SaleHoo or Worldwide Brands.
- Contact manufacturers directly.
- Negotiate prices based on bulk orders, loyalty programs, or exclusive deals.
3. Lowering per-unit costs:
- Buy in bulk.
- Use coupons, discounts, or cashback apps.
4. Excellent customer service and reputation:
- Respond promptly to messages and resolve issues quickly.
- Provide accurate item descriptions and high-quality images.
- Offer fast shipping and tracking updates.
- Encourage positive feedback and address negative feedback constructively.
5. Pricing strategies:
- Research competitors' prices and adjust accordingly.
- Consider costs like shipping, fees, and taxes.
- Use pricing tools like eBay's "Pricing Research" or third-party apps like PriceSpy or Keepa.
6. Streamlining and automation:
- Use eBay's listing templates and bulk editing features.
- Automate tasks with tools like Linnworks, ZIK Analytics, or Gooten.
Additional tips:

- Focus on a specific niche to build expertise and loyal customers.
- Monitor and adapt to market trends and seasonal demand.
- Utilize eBay's promotions and advertising options to boost visibility.
- Keep accurate records and analyze sales data to optimize your business.

Remember, building a successful eBay business takes time and effort. Stay informed, adapt to changes, and continuously improve your strategies to achieve success!

Message 15 of 15
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