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[][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board in 2003.

Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt.

We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.

Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!


May thread is here:

Message 1 of 136
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135 REPLIES 135

Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Really Looking. Shown a lower priced one on the checkout page? Thanks a lot Ebay.

Way to go Patd on the steak knives. Sure hope they sell well for you.
Message 106 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Glad your Dear Dave is home, Pat. Good To Hear! After about 10 days of rain on and off EVERYone was out mowing. I had to hire someone (My "Lawnmower Larry" guy) I just couldn't walk the whole thing and it was pretty high, especially in the front yard. Yesterday was the 3rd dry day we've had so I did water, the zuchinni was looking a little wilty. AND I hoed weeds with my new hoe tool. Works great!
Patd I keep thinking about your little bird with the stick at the water stand LOL. I forgot to mention I agree with how entertaining the critters/birds are. There are a couple baby black squirrels this year that are sticking around, I see them often. I saw one run by the other day with some large orange 'something' in its mouth he could barely carry it, holding head up high. I have no idea what it was but it was bright orange and there are no orange leaves around here!? Sorry you didn't get to post your pic of Elsie, which I'm sure is adorable!

Just waking up here. Looking up some 'stuff' and going with FP, sick of auctions over and over again.
I did have another BIN on a FP a few days ago, Friday, as soon as I relisted on FP, Bingo! It was a very decent offer, as CA was the destination and ship was $18. I shipped for a few dollars less but am keepin' it LOL I had to run around trying to find a box, brought one home to cut down and that didn't work so ended up just rolled in bubble wrap or it would have been the $18 total he paid, and a few cents. That item (toy gun) had six watchers on the auction, who just sat there eating popcorn I guess.
I've had a couple offers on another deal but have refused the same guy twice now.
The 3rd time relist I had 3 watchers this past week, one was probably him and he's sick of asking so I FP'd it this morning. phhhhhhhhhhhttt

On that note, Patd. Put your Jasper utensils at $200 OBO and go for it. I would!
There are not that many "Maestricht" pieces on here, a few are high, over $100 but the cake plates are way low. I'm not doing that. Another FP/BO for that.
I really should get busy with some new items. Gahh!
Keep takin' good care of Davey Boy, Pat, and treat yourself with something special!!

Message 107 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Sun, they even have ads for the same thing at a lower price on their "shipped" emails.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 108 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Well Geez that is nice Looking. Thank you so much Ebay.
Message 109 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

I saw one guy post that after he bought a watch, eBay kept showing him "similar items for less" that weren't even close, and then to top it off kept sending emails about basically "items to go with what you bought" (similar to a lot of other sites I might add) but none of them had a thing to do with his purchase.

I honestly haven't a clue what they think they're 'marketing'.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 110 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

haha, Look. I have a few pieces of "brown furniture" I'd love to unload but not PAINT. Oh the horrors. lol
Message 111 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

I recall a house we had back in the '80s. Every single piece of wood in the place including the doors was painted Mission Brown. Made quite a difference when I went through and repainted it white lol

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 112 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

@lookng2015 wrote:
They were probably shown a lower priced one on the checkout page

based on the (seriously borked) search engine I was the lowest price and I accepted a BO to boot.  Not sure what happened.

Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 113 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Counters are not working on my page. Must be a Monday thing. 

I love to see first views...earlier and yesterday too, there were just dashes on the views column. Watchers showed but not regular views.


well, yep, look, you have to paint that! how depressing, bet a whole new world opened up after that.


sorry for the cancellation, dtex.  

Message 114 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Many people looking for furniture to paint around here. So maybe you could sell it anyway to one of those people. I don't like the painting either but it is what the silly people seem to want.
Message 115 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

When I had the craft store back home, I used to pick up furniture from the curb and 'distress' it and folk art it and sell it in the store. It also "inspired" folks to buy the supplies to do it lol

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 116 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

"Seriously BORKED".
LMAO at that this early a.m. for some reason, Dtex. I'm gonna use that from now on. I need a new supplement word for my usual!

Y, now that is a good "marketing technique"...Smart.   I remember that "Shabby Chic" phase and phrase for everything wooden that people would paint white and stress out, I recall one booth in a mall I sold in that did that allll the time.. I used to roll my eyes at all of it because I'm still a "Don't Paint It OR refinish it to death" person, for the sake of original is better, but I did see a few fun pieces I liked that were a decoupage of decorations, usually old dressers. People would cover them in old magazine cut outs of whatever was interesting and glue them on and then paint whatchacallit on top....polyurethane. Sure changes the look of an ugly old dresser. I have one of those plain cheap dressers (DARK BROWN STAIN) downstairs that I picked up for five bucks for just that reason..."Somebody" might want to give it a face lift.  I've had it so long now I can't physically haul it upstairs and outside for any sales. I'm pretty much done in on the GS market. Too much work, too many tire kickers.
What did you do to "Folk Art" your items at the craft store? Maybe I could use some ideas for my dingey dresser.

Well, the counters are super messed up still. Anyone else?
I have a watcher on one item that has zero views. Really? LOL
I listed a vintage dress the other day and wondering why there were zero views for several hours, I noticed it was in a strange category, when I had hit "Vintage" in the dresses category it showed up as "Wholesale Lot Vintage" Where that came from I don't know, going back in to change it, I never saw that again. 
After I changed category I had lost the sentence I had put in for "Condition".. noting a few holes etc..didn't notice it till after it SOLD, someone BINned it early yesterday morning, had to msg them to say there were a few holes in it, and sent her a photo...she didn't care so sale went through. That was a gift from Ellen. I have one more dress but it's nothing like that one, and it's been soaking/rinsed/soaking/rinsed for a week because of the smell on all those fabric items from that farm sale. I have to add some power detergent to that because it's not coming out with just vinegar.
I finally got all the stench out of the one I sold just from soaking in water and vinegar, rinsed that a dozen times at least, but that was super light weight see through muslin or linen.
So, whether the counters are messed up or not, (they are from my 'view'), She/Buyer found it. I searched for it after I changed categories, awhile later, and couldn't find it at all, figured it was taking forever to index
Hi SUN. 😛


Message 117 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Am I crazy or are there not supposed to be counters on every item page???
Did that change? I swear there used to be. There were ebay counters and or other host counters. WTH happened?
Message 118 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

This is seriously messed up Ebay. I will not look at the counters or anything else. You should see the catagories the book catalog puts your books in. Lordy it is messed up. I gave up worrying. you cannot change it. just all messed up is the only polite way I can say it.
Message 119 of 136
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Re: [][] Scrounge Lounge - June 2018 Edition [][]

Yeah, I've seen you post that before, SUN, about the books categories. UGH. I hate to even start.
I was pretty impressed by the way 'vintage clothing' is separated by decade now. I was looking through 30s and 40s yesterday and it's pretty cleaned up that way. MUCH easier to wade through. I don't usually sell clothes so don't know how new that feature is but it was spiffy.
I was thinking that my dress would NEVER sell after looking at many super pro photos, mostly on mannequins, 95% of them were excellent presentations. That BIN surprised the YKW out of me!
Message 120 of 136
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