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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge 


Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board 17 years ago in 2003.
We appreciate eBay allowing us to transfer to the new Selling Board.
Who are we? eBay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of the $ELL.
We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.
Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

New Year. New Thread.


The old thread can be found here.

Re: [][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] - Page 8 - The eBay Community

Message 2 of 324
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

Follow up from the old thread.


Kyal, jeers to the absence of live auctions. Cheers to some super sales despite that fact. Fingers crossed that this summer will be better for scrounging than last.


Patd, glad you are on the vaccine list.

I signed up on the state website but there's no telling when I'll hear back. 


Pat, so sorry to hear about YS and family. TG they are doing okay. Scary. 


I can't remember if I posted an update... DH's buyer returned the widget and we refund his original payment in full. What I can't figure out is who paid for the return shipping label. Best I can tell, eBay provided the pre-paid label to the buyer. But I don't see where we were charged for it. Is that possible? Or is it possible that eBay provided the label but the buyer paid the postage? I would think that the buyer would complain if that were the case (?)


Also, can't remember if I mentioned: the three packages that sat in limbo over Christmas all shook loose and were delivered. Thankfully all three buyers were patient. None complained. Two out of three left positive feedback. Never heard a word from the third.



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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

I've had two sales in the past week, so it's official, I'm part of managed payments. 


I thought I opted into weekly payments but it shows as daily and I'll leave it for now. Daily isn't daily anyway. It seems to take two days for the funds to be sent and then two days for it to show/become available in my account. 


I've heard a couple times where peeps think eBay is not depositing the correct amount. Well, I believe I've figured that out. The fee is 12.35% on the amount collected + .30 per order. The amount collected INCLUDES Sales Tax. But depending on where you view the payment details the tax doesn't always show since you never actually "collect" the tax. the 12.35% on the tax is probably the discrepancy some peeps are inquiring about.


FYI, in case you didn't put 2 + 2 together... PayPal charged 3% on sales tax (eBay zero) before MP. So even though it originally looked like 12.35% was less than 10% + 3% in reality, for my two sales to date it's not. I've paid higher fees with MP than with PP.

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

I have been busy with work work.. construction proposals accepted and jobs starting up.. AHHH Job security LOL.  

Keep an eye out for the tuille angels with porcelain heads.. they go for good money.  Paid .75 each and went for $30.00 and $40.00 and this was after Christmas. 

pink angel 1.jpgwhite angel 2.jpg

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

Wow Kay that is some deal on manage payments.   Figures ebay would charge more then what we were paying before as well as pay themselves first before sending the money.    All those tiny deposits are going to make bookkeeping more fun.   They send mine daily when ever they feel like it.   still seems random.  


Thank you for the new thread Kay.  


Teacups those are some great sales.    Good eye to find those and list them know what they were.    I would never have figured that one out.   GREAT Profits.  Hope the contracts continue and the work keeps you busy.   Still working from home?

Message 6 of 324
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

Teacups, good eye! I might have walked right past those angels. Nice ROI


Sun, I'm not sure yet how I feel about the bookkeeping. On one hand, eBay does all the calculations and it's clear what the net proceeds are after fees. But the cost of shipping is questionable. For both of my sales I didn't see (or think to look for) the option to pay from MP. The default seems to be PP. So that cost needs to be subtracted to calculate the actual net proceeds. 


Filing income tax will be the real test. That's when we find out if the new system is user friendly or not.


DH's account has a message about missing the deadline to signup for MP. I'm going to ignore it until eBay forces the issue. His sales are currently more consistent than mine and so far the funds are still being processed through PP. We'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

Message 7 of 324
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

Kay, your DH can continue to sell what has been listed and his funds 'should' go into his PayPal account.  However, a few sellers have reported that their funds are sitting in limbo and they can't get to them 😞  He can not post any new listings.


I agree that MP is a little more expensive, especially with seller paid shipping.  Also. shipping is going up shortly, AGAIN.  I kept looking for my little bit of savings but it is not there or maybe I am figuring it all wrong 😞 but I don't think so.


You can change where your shipping funds come from on the bottom of the shipping page.  There are boxes for PP or MP to check.


I get payouts weekly so I'm not reminder what a PITA this is more frequently!

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

I didn't know they were that good... I remember the little ones with the wooden or spun cotton and those do okay.. enough to spend a few quarters on. LOL 

Message 9 of 324
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

You can pay shipping out of your managed payments.   When you got to create the shipping label, look down at the bottom and it gives you the option to take it from Managed payment.  

Message 10 of 324
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

I finally found where you can change your shipping costs to ebay.    Scroll down as far as you can go when you are going to print your label and you can change it.    I never scroll down that far.     Never would have found it without your help ladies.  Thank you.  


Kay I waited until they were holding my funds and gave them the information they demanded.    No choice.    So you and dh might want to decided what account to link and have the information ready for ebay.    Or they will keep your funds hostage.  


I wanted to wait and do it when the new year started so paypals printout for the year would be correct and then whatever ebay is going to provide would be for the new year.    Hopefully there is a monthly summery so we can all see their payout sheet before we get to the end of the year.  

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

I just have to remember to look for the spot to change label payment. The click, click, click is so automated that I didn't think about it. I'll have to make a conscious effort.


Sun, I wondered what would happen if we ignored the MP you confirmed what I suspected. I will use the account attached to PP for DH's MP so updating the info isn't a problem. 


Vaccines are becoming available here, sporadically. My cousin's husband got his today. Cousin had to reschedule because she had a flu shot too recently (need to wait a few weeks). My aunt has an appointment next week. I'll keep checking availability until I find an open slot. 

Message 12 of 324
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

Well who ever said postage was going up was correct.    It costs 9 cents more for a one pound book to go out.     So if you have fixed price shipping on things you better up date it.    I have not shipped other items so I don't know how much everything else went up.   Never saw and article in the newspaper about it, even though there must have been one.  


We have a dusting of snow and some ice from fog today.   Late start for the schools around.   It was getting really icy last night when they got out of school.

Message 13 of 324
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

I use calculated shipping. Not sure I would have even noticed the increase, though I knew it was coming. I meant to pick up some forever stamps before the increase. I was told USPS is doing away with forever stamps. Oh well. 


No snow hear. There was talk about a small amount before it turned to rain. But all we got was rain. Feels cold enough for snow.

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge 2021 [][][]

No snow here 🙂  BUT at 2 a.m. the lightning started and sheets of rain  and the tornado sirens started going off.  Lasted about 20 minutes and was gone.  It was the remains of the storm that tore up Fultondale, AL.  We were lucky.

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