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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

I was able to find and read your responses to my posts about bad faith sellers being allowed to continue their grift with impunity. Even after up to 80 negative feedback, and about the same number of neutral feedback, every month, month after month, for perhaps years. Allowing buys to be victimized. Many of them. Way too many of them. So it appears my my 100 percent forthright statements meant to not only  question why it is looked over and possibly even condoned by Ebay but that hopefully it afford other buys a bit of help to avoid sellers like that simply by reviewing feedback even if it is a highly rated seller. In my mind even if the seller sold 1,000,000 items per month it does not absolve him bad faith practices or excuse the other 80+ incidents where he does scam someone that Ebay appears to accept by doing nothing to stop it. Leaving in his unsavory wake hundreds of good buyers who got their money taken by a flim flam man. But if that is acceptable to Ebay. Well then we should all be aware of it so we can decide our patronage. For me I would just prefer the seller to stop and start acting like a decent human being who isn't trying to take advantage of people. A tall order in most every walk of life but one can hope and do what they can to fight the **bleep**. Additionally, my initial comment was to include the question of why my post was moved to an area where it could no longer be seen by anyone but you mods and myself.  Yeah I know the "management" doesn't like when you use words that don't keep them basking in the light of benevolence and "for the good of man" type malarky that they obviously don't really care all that much about. But it amounts to censorship that belongs in places like Russia and Vlad Dracula .. err  Putin. The consummate grifter and propagandist.I expect if we were in Russia right about now I would be being lead to the back lot to catch a bullet to the back of my ear. Yeah Russia doesn't like dissention or the truth 80 percent of the time and they at times stop it permanently.  And I am sure the "management" rather not have me talking out loud. Even if it is the truth. But since I could not answer your questions or concerns there. I came back here because I feel this is important. And maybe a half dozen could get some info from it before you remove it to the dark corner of the basement.    To Rock.Star  I did say in the body of the post I would not list the one seller that got me by name. I am not sure of Ebays policy of saying naughty things about one of their most productive and favored sellers to a general public. However I did offer to point anyone curious in the right direction privately. Although it really won't do any good since it APPEARS that you removed it from the general public to see.. Right?  Maybe it's just that I have enough integrity that pushes me to do the right thing even if it might protect someone who doesn't deserve it. It certainly gets me annoyed when I see a scammer trying to take someone's money who probably worked hard for. Then it pushes me to post things like this in an effort to help people. Even if only one person. Sometimes integrity is a time costly PITA. I'd rather be jammin on one of my Les Pauls right now.  House*of* Paws. Man I get what your saying but at the same time it seems so convoluted. I mean you could take the analogy someone sells wood to people to build their house.  So 80 percent of the sales are above board and it's quality wood. The house they build is going to last a looong time. But the next 10 buyers get sold some seriously defective lumber even though they were told it was the same quality wood. So they too build their house But awhile later along come hurricane unsavorydude and it demolishes the house and all its occupants because the wood was bad.  Another you say? Sure! Lets do heart transplants analogy. Bad heart guy number 1 gets a really nice quality heart..   Or maybe we should use an item like a Damascus steel knife.. There's a perfect analogy..... Yeah not going to go on. It was just a joke somewhat.

Point being, because a seller may sell thousands of items per week how does that justify letting him rip off 80 other good ebay buys who are honest and expect honesty from sellers? I suppose to me it goes back to letting the fox in the henhouse because he will only eat a few hens and it will leave the other hens scared and turn them into egg producing money makers.. Yeah sad analogy. Don't care really.. You will flush this comment before you are done reading it. But that perspective. That business model. That philosophy is seriously convoluted and we should be glad that it might be an ebay thing and only ebay. Or we would get taken by scammers multiple times a day.  Disneyshopper.. That sounded like a comment from someone who really cares about others. Like myself I suppose. I have a lot of empathy. My career needed it. And at times it's even a problem. Sometimes I play and sing and some songs are pretty rough to get through with tearing up or something goofy. I have been meaning to work on that cause it sucks/ **bleep**...... Every Little Thing by Dishwalla is brutal...  But yes your remark is a truly valid point. And too many just don't want to follow through. We can only guess the reason. And if I had a platform to inform others as to the importance of doing it I would.  Guys I know it's not something you could fix even if you fought hard to do it. There are those that know exactly what is going on and probably who does it. They will always do nothing because it might dent their profit margin. And in the greedy world of today. That can not happen. They don't care who gets bites taken out of them in their quest to get those already fat wallets fatter faster. Our politicians, the ones who profess to work so hard for us and have our best interests at heart are nothing buit self serving self interested shills for the 1 percent. ( Check out Noam Chomskys "Requiem for the American Dream" on youtube if you want a little insight to the problems we will face because of that greed and the desire to own it all. Kind of the direction we have been going for awhile now. **bleep** did I say Kind of?  Boring for the first 20 minutes or so. But quite intriguing after that. Get the right one. Its about an hour 20 mins long. Although if you are a staunch Foxer you will be hunted down by them and kicked  out of the clique if you watch it. They do not want you to see that. Egad politics.. /facepalm

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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

Paragraghing is a must. That much walled text is a bust.

Posting ID
Message 2 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

   Having such a rant is not the way to get your point across. I only read a sentence or two, then scrolled down to see that it is not worth the time. And that equates to not being taken seriously by the majority of sellers visiting this forum, in my opinion and based on experience of being a seasoned seller to answer questions and help others that legitimately want help with a selling issue.

   If you want to be taken seriously, get off your boring soapbox and cut it down to only about 10% of your post. And keep your posts on-topic of what this forum is meant to be.

Cheers, Duffy

Message 3 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

Additionally, my initial comment was to include the question of why my post was moved to an area where it could no longer be seen by anyone but you mods and myself. ”

We can all still see your multiple posts about this issue.

Message 4 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

Also MS Word has a spell checker 

Message 5 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

Double spacing between sentences would be a nice touch also.😞

Message 6 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

While I couldnt read all that mumbo jumbo, I would just point out that no buyer is'victimized' on Ebay. They are protected by Ebays thirty day MBG. And if that fails, they have another six month buyer protection at Paypal or their cc.  And its not up to you to protect any buyer,Ebay frowns on vigilante tactics. As far as Ebay performing any type of retribution for your post...I think you may be overestimating the importance  of it. Its just one of many complaints posted on the boards daily.        


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 7 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

You posted on the Mentor's Board. I have never seen a post moved to the Mentor's Board - it gets moved to the forum that it matches.


I got no further than than that.



“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 8 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints


You've posted this same thing several times. 
To find your posts click your moniker.

Thanks for the long rant  ...have a nice day! 

Message 9 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

I don't know what a "bad faith"  seller is so I just skipped this post.

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 10 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

Props for mentioning Noam Chomsky, though. 👍

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 11 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

I guess all I can say is thank you for not using all caps!

Message 12 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints


I rarely reply to posts I read in the forum and yes, I read the whole thing. Most of the other people that replied to your post(s) reply to posts a lot but they don't like reading long posts that are unformatted. I'm sure that's probably due to them being time consuming and since they reply to a lot of posts they have time constraints so don't take it too personally. 🙂

I'm just replying to let you know I completely understand how you feel and I feel the same way. I used to think everyone else felt the same way I do but the older I got I realized they definitely don't! 🙂 Also, I agree with you in principal but haven't seen your other posts on this topic but from what I could infer I would agree with them also. 

That's cool that you can play the guitar....I have always wanted to learn just haven't taken the time yet but I will someday! 🙂

Take care,


Message 13 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints

A seller with 80 negs and 1000 positives has 8% of their customers that are unhappy with their purchase.

That is a Bad Seller.

A seller with 80 negs and 10000 positives has 0.8% .of their customers that are unhappy with their purchase.

That is below the retail industry average.

That's a good seller.

A seller with 80 negs and 100000 positives has 0.08% .of their customers that are unhappy with their purchase.

That is a very good seller indeed.




There are people who cannot be happy with anything.

If negs are a concern for  a Buyer , they should be reading for patterns of poor quality, slow shipping, difficult communication, etc.

Not only for numbers and percentages.


Message 14 of 23
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Re: Re: Bad faith sellers still selling after hundreds of complaints


You put it all Well 

Many Ebayers/Sellers get Frustrated 

and the Regulars/Regulators here like the Chance to Jump in on all of Them 

Certainly Unfair.. 

I always Wish the Best for Every Seller!  

Wishing Well for all Selling  


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