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Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I've been collecting information about what could be a potential problem, and thought this would be a good time to try to get some awareness out there of a potential problem.


I'll start off with some images, as images could describe a situation better than words can:





As you can see, as of September 3rd promoted impressions have suddenly taken a dive.


To explain, the blue bars are "Organic Impressions". Meaning the how often your items are appearing in search when buyers "naturally" search for you.


The green part of the bar are "Promoted Impressions", which determine how often you're appearing in your Sponsored/Promoted listings.


It seems the organic (natural) traffic has not experienced any change, but overnight there was a drop of Promoted Impressions!


Who is being affected:

Most of the sellers I know are in Motors, so up until this point I've only found other sellers in Motors who have been encountering this issue. That is partly why I am posting here; if you find you are experiencing this issue, please reply to this post and let us know what category you're selling in! Just because I haven't found this on other categories, does not mean the issue isn't happening elsewhere!


Do Trending Rates help?

It doesn't seem trending rates cause any differences for this issue.


eBay's stance:

Until this point, eBay has not given any official word on this. There's no way to tell if this is truly a bug, or a change they made, or if it's intended. I have asked the forum mods on here last week, and they had not replied. I have reported this issue to phone CSR's, and they have not received any updates from the tech team yet.


Might this also be the natural ebb & flow of eBay, or the current situation our country is in?

That does not seem to be the case. As you can see above, the organic traffic (the blue bar) has been 100% stable through this time.


This means the same amount of buyers are searching now as they were prior. The primary difference we're seeing here is for the promotions only.


This suggests, at least for this specific problem we're facing, that it is not a natural ebb & flow or economic situation. If it were, the organic traffic would have decreased. This would have also shown in the conversion rate, rather than impressions, as impressions are appearances in search, conversion rate are purchases.


Organic traffic being unchanged is hard evidence that buyers are still searching just as much as they were prior. Whether they buy or not is a different question, but that would be altering conversion rate, not impressions.


Furthermore, the change happened literally overnight, on a Thursday which is the date that is traditionally the day of the week eBay does their changes. 


Could this be some type of penalty or punishment? 

I've checked with eBay to make sure we have no penalties or punishments on our account, and they've said we have none. Furthermore, it seems to be category wide, so it doesn't seem to be any sort of penalty, unless if a penalty is somehow applying to the whole category.


Which type of listings seem to be the ones targeted by this change?

Sadly, due to changes in eBay's traffic page, this is IMPOSSIBLE to tell. 

EBay's traffic page does NOT allow sellers the ability to sort by impressions. It does NOT allow you to sort by ANY value other than "Quantity Available". And it does NOT any  longer allow you to save a spreadsheet/report of your information.


So due to these changes, there's absolutely no way for us to research the problem ourselves and find out exactly what listings are being targeted.


We're 100% reliant on eBay to figure out this one, sadly.


Might they have changed Sponsored Listings somehow for this drop to make sense?

If that were the case, it would likely mean that peer rates would have more or less weight in the new system. That doesn't seem to be the case.


Furthermore, any changes to the Sponsored Listing system which decide which listings appear in search, would mean the Sponsored Impressions would naturally move elsewhere. So far, this seems to be a drop across the board of this category, from what I've seen. As mentioned, I don't know if this is hitting other categories, but if you are experiencing this PLEASE let me know.


Why do I suspect this may be a bug


1) As mentioned on the phone by an eBay rep, losing impressions for Promoted Listings not only hurts seller profits, but also helps eBay profits as they are entitled to the trending rate for promotions.


2) Organic impressions are unchanged, while promoted listings are much lower. This raises the question: "Where did all the impressions go?" as it doesn't seem to be a shift in who's receiving the traffic. It seems the promotions just *poof* and vanished. 


3) Sponsored Listings are still showing on the search pages, but have some MAJOR issues. I have a Video linked here to display example what I mean. You can see here, some doubles ARE showing up in the Sponsored Listings section. Not only are they duplicates, but the price seems to be wrong on some of the Sponsored search results, and some of them report "Free Shipping" when the item was NOT free shipping. I searched down the page for additional listings so you can see multiple times on a single search page had this problem.


4) So far, this has been category wide across Motors > Parts & Acessories. But this problem has NOT been observed outside of this category. 


5) One person who I discussed this issue with was also selling in Motors, but was not in P&A. Rather they sold items such as wax/etc. They reported that they DID have this problem at first, but the problem resolved for htem over the weekend of 9/5. Considering it was fixed on that category, suggests it may be a problem that was not yet fixed on our category. Or at the very least, some changing/experimentation is going on.


6) It's likely that issues that would cause such a drastic change in impressions, and therefore changes in sales, would have some sort of warning from eBay. Not to say eBay doesn't change things that could alter your impressions (they do often). But if it were intended for Sponsored Impressions to go from 281,000 to 35,000 overnight, they would have likely informed sellers. 


7) Motors > Parts & Accessories is one of the biggest selling categories on eBay. It simply serves no logic that eBay would WANT impressions to drop for such a large category! And that's assuming we're the only category this is happening to. I've yet to find out if there's others being targeted by this problem! 


What do I hope to achieve with this post and/or what can I do to help?:


I have reported this issue last week, and eBay has been direct with us and said that their queue for tech support is based upon how many reports they have of this problem, and he mentioned something about there still being a follow-up on the case, so that means the report was still in queue. 


In other words, unless the people who are experiencing this problem are able to discover it and report it, it may not be fixed any time soon.


This means it's of the utmost importance for us sellers to check if you're experiencing this problem, awareness is the first step! Then if so, make sure to report it to eBay! I would also appreciate it if you could post here as well, including the category of products you sell in, as any information we could provide eBay about exactly what the problem is could hopefully help in getting this issue resolved as fast as possible!


As mentioned earlier, again I have to stress that one of the biggest problems here is with the changes to the traffic page, we are 100% reliant on eBay to figure this one out. They took away the tools that would allow us to go through our inventory and find out which listings exactly are the ones that lost Promoted impressions. 


Thank you and wishing all the best of luck on eBay. Hopefully we figure out this problem and get it resolved, or at least get an official response, as soon as possible! 

Message 1 of 154
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153 REPLIES 153

Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I haven't read past the OP yet because I don't have time to read 120 posts at the moment- I'll come back to this thread later. In  the meantime I'll share a screenshot.


My primary selling account looks "normal" as far as promoted listings.


I opened a selling account last year in a completely different category- clothing/accessories- and that account has seen very inconsistent activity, including a huge impressions drop around July 1st. It's a very small account- less than 500 listings.



Message 121 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@coffeebean832 wrote:

I haven't read past the OP yet because I don't have time to read 120 posts at the moment- I'll come back to this thread later. In  the meantime I'll share a screenshot.


My primary selling account looks "normal" as far as promoted listings.


I opened a selling account last year in a completely different category- clothing/accessories- and that account has seen very inconsistent activity, including a huge impressions drop around July 1st. It's a very small account- less than 500 listings.



@coffeebean832  - out of curiosity, if you don't mind sharing, were you previously at or close to the minimum 1% ad rate on average?  Have you tried increasing the rates since you've seen this fall off and if so, has it helped at all?

Message 122 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@valueaddedresource OK- I skimmed through most of this thread and read Brian Burke's post. Based on all these replies it looks like the speculative comments I posted on the other thread back in September are pretty darn accurate.


On Sept 5th I said-

"Around mid-August I started getting e-mails and full screen prompts at sign on regarding optimizing promoted listings and encouraging higher ad rates.


Even though that's a month and a half after my drop (on July 2nd), I thought maybe they were messing with the search results early conducting tests- and now they're rolling it out to everybody."


On Sept 7th I said-

"For now I'm sticking to my thought process that my low ad rate and eBay's recent push for higher rates has something to do with the change on my account."


I use a 1% ad rate and won't go any higher unless I have something I'm determined to move quick in a saturated category.


One interesting note about the chart I posted above is the gradual dip then the large spike around May 1st- that corresponds with the big listing promo we got because of Covid so I doubled the listings on that account over a couple of months. Changing up the ad rate may be one way to increase impressions, but I believe increasing your number of listings exponentially may also yield results.


I slowed down listing on that account a lot because I had surpassed the basic store allotment for fixed price listings and didn't want to go to far over that. Now I generally keep the same number of listings and post new items each week as existing items sell.


My main account hasn't seen a dip in PL impressions. It's holding steady- for now. I think that's because it's a different category and eBay hasn't gotten around to making changes yet as there's less competition and saturation.

Message 123 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@coffeebean832 wrote:

@valueaddedresource OK- I skimmed through most of this thread and read Brian Burke's post. Based on all these replies it looks like the speculative comments I posted on the other thread back in September are pretty darn accurate.


On Sept 5th I said-

"Around mid-August I started getting e-mails and full screen prompts at sign on regarding optimizing promoted listings and encouraging higher ad rates.


Even though that's a month and a half after my drop (on July 2nd), I thought maybe they were messing with the search results early conducting tests- and now they're rolling it out to everybody."


On Sept 7th I said-

"For now I'm sticking to my thought process that my low ad rate and eBay's recent push for higher rates has something to do with the change on my account."


I use a 1% ad rate and won't go any higher unless I have something I'm determined to move quick in a saturated category.


One interesting note about the chart I posted above is the gradual dip then the large spike around May 1st- that corresponds with the big listing promo we got because of Covid so I doubled the listings on that account over a couple of months. Changing up the ad rate may be one way to increase impressions, but I believe increasing your number of listings exponentially may also yield results.


I slowed down listing on that account a lot because I had surpassed the basic store allotment for fixed price listings and didn't want to go to far over that. Now I generally keep the same number of listings and post new items each week as existing items sell.


My main account hasn't seen a dip in PL impressions. It's holding steady- for now. I think that's because it's a different category and eBay hasn't gotten around to making changes yet as there's less competition and saturation.

@coffeebean832 all you need to do is go into the promoted listings manager and end the promoted listings campaign all your promoted listings have been in. When the new PL went into effect the new algorithm corrupted the old one and as such to fix your views/impressions and sales, you need to end that old campaign and start a new one. You'll have re-add all your listings into the new campaign you want to promote, can do that several ways (another discussion, but you can do it manually (suggested) or in bulk editor. All of it can be done either in promoted listings manager or via seller hub listing using the hover feature). You do not need to raise promoted listings elected rates - at all - you just need to end the old campaign and start a new one (delete the old campaign after you create new one). You will see immediate results on your promoted listings and traffic graphs.

The great truth is there isn't one
And it only gets worse since that conclusion...
...There is something about the rigid posture of a proper, authentic blind
As if extended arms reached to pass his blindness onto others.
Message 124 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

Update on my particular situation. Everything is fixed.


My promoted listings impressions nosedived on October 18th. From 150k+ total (organic and PL) impressions per day to about 40k. PL sales make up over 50% of my income so this hit me hard in the wallet. Well It's now November 18th exactly 1 month later and they are back to normal. After a month of talking to 7 or 8 different ebay reps and getting NO answers I finally talked to someone who gave it to me straight. He said my account had an influx in cancelled orders. Ebay needed to look into it and they put a "block" on my promoted listings impressions until they could see I wasn't cancelling too many orders anymore. He said it could take a month or two for everything to go back to normal. For me it took exactly one month. 


This past month has been very hard and full of uncertainty with my business. I seriously thought this was never going to end and I would just need to close up shop and start a new account or just move to a different platform altogether. I don't understand why all those other reps I talked to couldn't tell me what the last one did. Anyways I'm just glad everything is fixed now. I've included a photo of my graph so you can see how my PL impressions skyrocketed today

Message 125 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

Hi,  I am facing same problem.  Did you find any solution from ebay or by yourself.


Category  Jewelry and watches or fine jewelry 


I have connected ids selling similar stuff but only 1 ID is affected and down by 80 %


Pls help



Message 126 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I would say I noticed the same thing in motors around the same time.  When ebay was giving us 50,000 free listings from March 2020 to June 2020 I also have a suspicion they "suspended" the behind the scenes manipulation during that period to basically "open the doors" for all sellers if you will.  During that period I was doing great.  I also took that opportunity to end, revise and re-list all of my motors listings to refresh them.  (Something I used to do when they dropped off in 30 day batches before ebay decided not to let us end them in 30 day batches anymore.  So now if I end listings and re-list them it costs me double.  I have a sneaking suspicion that 2021 is going to be worse than 2020 unless ebay revisits some of the niceties they tried in early 2020.  I don't know how they didn't notice that helped EVERYONE make more sales in motors?  We make money, they make money.  It was a beautiful thing.  Now, we're back to burying "stale" listings just because.  But not everyone is looking for a rear window switch for a 1960s station wagon everyday.  It takes a special buyer time to find it.  They don't seem to get that yet.

Message 127 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

i have this problem as well. my impressions decreased form 130,000 promoted listing impresions to 30,000 in only one day! Now in at 1200 promoted listings impressions per day!

Now its exactly a month since it happend.  I barely have any promoted sellings.
i have talked to about 3 ebay reps and they said it might be a problem with account summary payment.
I paid twice since than and nothing have changed. it even keep dropping more.
please help me!!!

Message 128 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

We are absolutely having this same issue and we sell in clothing, shoes, and accessories.  It has been a problem for quite a while.  No question about it!  They say they are aware of it but never get resolution and never any follow up.  This is just one of the numerous problems right now.

Message 129 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!


      I agree with you 100%. The best sales we saw were in the beginning months of covid when ebays employees were stuck at home and could not make it to the office to screw everything up!!!!!! It was wonderful.... and I know at least 15 other sellers that noticed the same thing. And none of us sell anything that would be considered receiving a "bump" from covid.   We sell vintage car parts and unique items.   It was just further proof of the behind the scenes manipulation of the search that ebay decides who will be successful instead of just connecting buyers with what they search for.   

    I have noticed  extremely heavy manipulation of where my items are shown in any given week. I will only sell to one or two states at a time for 5 or 6 days, - 85% of sales go to one location- that is not normal retail!   This week it will be WA, the next it might be FL- had a great run selling to Puerto Rico for 10 days then not another sale there for 2 months. All of this is their stupid AI search or ebay manipulated results...... also the biggest complaint I see about people not shopping on ebay  anymore- They say the search does not show them what they wanted- just unrelated promoted listings and unrelated Chinese junk.  Guys I know you like to play favorites but you would be surprised by the boost in sales we would all have if you actually showed all the relevant listing the first time someone searched and let them decide who to buy from instead of trying to force people to buy from who you want.



Message 130 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

What is the solution ?

Message 131 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

This is still an issue as of today. May 5, 2021.  Impressions dropped from 75,000 to 3,000 overnight. Organic impressions were steady.

Message 132 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@danslay-0 wrote:

This is still an issue as of today. May 5, 2021.  Impressions dropped from 75,000 to 3,000 overnight. Organic impressions were steady.

not much anyone can do, this is an issue ongoing that ebay needs to fix. You can end the current campaign and create a new one, but this is not a perm fix, but should help for awhile,  impressions stats will not match up to your current sales. Organic impressions really never change much, always been that way as far as I have been using promoted listings since they started. Only other options are to "Pause" the campaign for a day and then "Resume" it, wait another day and see if the impressions go back to what "normal" is for you. Option 3 is end campaign and not create a new one for awhile. That 3rd option I haven't done yet, simply cause ebay still charge you the promoted fee for any buyer clicked that listing past 30 days and if you promote a lot of listings, it will remove your promoted ads in the listings in those promoted listing real-estate slots ebay puts on everyone's listings. Better to have your stuff shown (or at least some of it) then fill those slots with everyone else's. 

There is another issue happening now, which is really only reason I'm posting. When create a new listing and promote the listing while your creating it, it does not enter your promoted listings campaign when you activate it. On seller hub listings page, scroll to the listings and the link to promote the listing will be there on the hover link. If you click it it will give you message that the listing is not eligible to promote. If this happens you need to go into the listing edit, scroll to the promoted section, uncheck the promoted option, save, go back to the listing on seller hub and use the hover link to promote, it will then enter the listing into the campaign. Only way I have found to work. Don't know if this is happening with everyone, but it is with me. Also happens if you end listing and relist / sell similar options. Ebay said has to do with current changes they are making to the site where it's effecting some tools.... if that's really the reason idk, been going on for me past 2 weeks though. 

The great truth is there isn't one
And it only gets worse since that conclusion...
...There is something about the rigid posture of a proper, authentic blind
As if extended arms reached to pass his blindness onto others.
Message 133 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

My promoted listings have also taken a dramatic drop the last 2 weeks. It is crazy that they continue to make all of these changes that keep messing with the site. Eventually things sort themselves out, but it is getting annoying the moment when things are going well on here they make a change that messes things up yet again.


I am having a similar issue where if I end a set of listings, do a sell similar, then those items do not get into the promoted listings. It doesn't happen with all of them, but it does happen with many of the listings. If you currently are doing the new automated campaigns, it makes it even worse.

Message 134 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I don't do the automated options, have enough issues with promoted as it is to get into that mess. This all started though spring seller update when they introduced the automated options. 

The great truth is there isn't one
And it only gets worse since that conclusion...
...There is something about the rigid posture of a proper, authentic blind
As if extended arms reached to pass his blindness onto others.
Message 135 of 154
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