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Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I've been collecting information about what could be a potential problem, and thought this would be a good time to try to get some awareness out there of a potential problem.


I'll start off with some images, as images could describe a situation better than words can:





As you can see, as of September 3rd promoted impressions have suddenly taken a dive.


To explain, the blue bars are "Organic Impressions". Meaning the how often your items are appearing in search when buyers "naturally" search for you.


The green part of the bar are "Promoted Impressions", which determine how often you're appearing in your Sponsored/Promoted listings.


It seems the organic (natural) traffic has not experienced any change, but overnight there was a drop of Promoted Impressions!


Who is being affected:

Most of the sellers I know are in Motors, so up until this point I've only found other sellers in Motors who have been encountering this issue. That is partly why I am posting here; if you find you are experiencing this issue, please reply to this post and let us know what category you're selling in! Just because I haven't found this on other categories, does not mean the issue isn't happening elsewhere!


Do Trending Rates help?

It doesn't seem trending rates cause any differences for this issue.


eBay's stance:

Until this point, eBay has not given any official word on this. There's no way to tell if this is truly a bug, or a change they made, or if it's intended. I have asked the forum mods on here last week, and they had not replied. I have reported this issue to phone CSR's, and they have not received any updates from the tech team yet.


Might this also be the natural ebb & flow of eBay, or the current situation our country is in?

That does not seem to be the case. As you can see above, the organic traffic (the blue bar) has been 100% stable through this time.


This means the same amount of buyers are searching now as they were prior. The primary difference we're seeing here is for the promotions only.


This suggests, at least for this specific problem we're facing, that it is not a natural ebb & flow or economic situation. If it were, the organic traffic would have decreased. This would have also shown in the conversion rate, rather than impressions, as impressions are appearances in search, conversion rate are purchases.


Organic traffic being unchanged is hard evidence that buyers are still searching just as much as they were prior. Whether they buy or not is a different question, but that would be altering conversion rate, not impressions.


Furthermore, the change happened literally overnight, on a Thursday which is the date that is traditionally the day of the week eBay does their changes. 


Could this be some type of penalty or punishment? 

I've checked with eBay to make sure we have no penalties or punishments on our account, and they've said we have none. Furthermore, it seems to be category wide, so it doesn't seem to be any sort of penalty, unless if a penalty is somehow applying to the whole category.


Which type of listings seem to be the ones targeted by this change?

Sadly, due to changes in eBay's traffic page, this is IMPOSSIBLE to tell. 

EBay's traffic page does NOT allow sellers the ability to sort by impressions. It does NOT allow you to sort by ANY value other than "Quantity Available". And it does NOT any  longer allow you to save a spreadsheet/report of your information.


So due to these changes, there's absolutely no way for us to research the problem ourselves and find out exactly what listings are being targeted.


We're 100% reliant on eBay to figure out this one, sadly.


Might they have changed Sponsored Listings somehow for this drop to make sense?

If that were the case, it would likely mean that peer rates would have more or less weight in the new system. That doesn't seem to be the case.


Furthermore, any changes to the Sponsored Listing system which decide which listings appear in search, would mean the Sponsored Impressions would naturally move elsewhere. So far, this seems to be a drop across the board of this category, from what I've seen. As mentioned, I don't know if this is hitting other categories, but if you are experiencing this PLEASE let me know.


Why do I suspect this may be a bug


1) As mentioned on the phone by an eBay rep, losing impressions for Promoted Listings not only hurts seller profits, but also helps eBay profits as they are entitled to the trending rate for promotions.


2) Organic impressions are unchanged, while promoted listings are much lower. This raises the question: "Where did all the impressions go?" as it doesn't seem to be a shift in who's receiving the traffic. It seems the promotions just *poof* and vanished. 


3) Sponsored Listings are still showing on the search pages, but have some MAJOR issues. I have a Video linked here to display example what I mean. You can see here, some doubles ARE showing up in the Sponsored Listings section. Not only are they duplicates, but the price seems to be wrong on some of the Sponsored search results, and some of them report "Free Shipping" when the item was NOT free shipping. I searched down the page for additional listings so you can see multiple times on a single search page had this problem.


4) So far, this has been category wide across Motors > Parts & Acessories. But this problem has NOT been observed outside of this category. 


5) One person who I discussed this issue with was also selling in Motors, but was not in P&A. Rather they sold items such as wax/etc. They reported that they DID have this problem at first, but the problem resolved for htem over the weekend of 9/5. Considering it was fixed on that category, suggests it may be a problem that was not yet fixed on our category. Or at the very least, some changing/experimentation is going on.


6) It's likely that issues that would cause such a drastic change in impressions, and therefore changes in sales, would have some sort of warning from eBay. Not to say eBay doesn't change things that could alter your impressions (they do often). But if it were intended for Sponsored Impressions to go from 281,000 to 35,000 overnight, they would have likely informed sellers. 


7) Motors > Parts & Accessories is one of the biggest selling categories on eBay. It simply serves no logic that eBay would WANT impressions to drop for such a large category! And that's assuming we're the only category this is happening to. I've yet to find out if there's others being targeted by this problem! 


What do I hope to achieve with this post and/or what can I do to help?:


I have reported this issue last week, and eBay has been direct with us and said that their queue for tech support is based upon how many reports they have of this problem, and he mentioned something about there still being a follow-up on the case, so that means the report was still in queue. 


In other words, unless the people who are experiencing this problem are able to discover it and report it, it may not be fixed any time soon.


This means it's of the utmost importance for us sellers to check if you're experiencing this problem, awareness is the first step! Then if so, make sure to report it to eBay! I would also appreciate it if you could post here as well, including the category of products you sell in, as any information we could provide eBay about exactly what the problem is could hopefully help in getting this issue resolved as fast as possible!


As mentioned earlier, again I have to stress that one of the biggest problems here is with the changes to the traffic page, we are 100% reliant on eBay to figure this one out. They took away the tools that would allow us to go through our inventory and find out which listings exactly are the ones that lost Promoted impressions. 


Thank you and wishing all the best of luck on eBay. Hopefully we figure out this problem and get it resolved, or at least get an official response, as soon as possible! 

Message 1 of 154
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153 REPLIES 153

Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I sell in Motors Motorcycle Parts and had my Promoted Listing Impressions plummet on Sept 1st-3rd as well.

I called eBay CS early this week and talked to 3 different associates including a team leader about the Promoted Listing Impression drop. Each associate reviewed my seller account and did not find any problems with my account that would cause the sudden drop in P. L. impressions. The team leader could only advised me to compare my listing with the current top ranking sellers in the category and make changes to my listings to improve my Promoted Listing Impressions. 


Here are some things, I tried with my listings and Promoted Listings rates:


1. On Sept. 12th, I ended most my listings and re-listed (Sell Similar) them in hopes of improving my situation and only seen a 2 day spike in the Organic Impressions.


2. On Sept 14th to the 17th, I used the New Suggested Ad Rates +0.5% not to exceed 8% and only received a small bump in the Promoted Listings, so I ended the campaign and went back to my original set rate.


As you can see from the charts below, the changes did not help much.



Screenshot (95).pngScreenshot (97).png

Message 46 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@zamo-zuan  I saw that there is another YouTube video showing that increasing the ad rate seemed to work for @hubcapjoes to get his impressions back where they were. 


This could also make sense since some of the Fall update had to do with changes to "suggested" ad rate instead of "trending".


However, I know you and others here are saying that increasing the rates doesn't seem to help you much.


I was just wondering if everyone being affected by this was previously using the 1% minimum rate (or close to it) - that could be another good data point to have to try to narrow down who is being affected and why.

Message 47 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

Based on some things I'm reading in other places, it seems to me like eBay is possibly setting a new "minimum" without really setting a new "minimum" when it comes to PL ad rates, if that makes sense.


Has anyone here who is experiencing this issue that was previously using the minimum 1% (or close to it) seen impressions go back to previous levels with a bump up in rates? If so, have sales gone back up as well or just impressions?


Trying to understand how this plays out, if sellers bump up prices to cover giving eBay an extra couple of points, do they still get sales or are they just chasing impressions but losing out to competition on price and/or is keeping your price where it is and letting eBay eat more into your profit the only way to overcome this issue and keep sales coming in?


For those who have seen Office Space, I suspect eBay wants sellers to wear more flair. 🤣



Message 48 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I was previously using 1% ad rate.  Changed it to 3% to test today and increased prices to compensate.  So far it's also the best sales day I've had this month. One day may not be enough data yet, but will keep an eye on it.



Message 49 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I've been able to get my impressions back up, but the issue that I keep having now is my conversions are off. I don't know what they are doing anymore with PL and the site in general. I had a new issue pop up yesterday. For a good 8 hours, I had no sales at all, no questions, no nothing. I called their support twice and there was no real help that I could get. There was one really nice lady that gave me some suggestions, but they could not figure out why there was no sales at all for this long period of time. I ended up ending my PL and then restarting them, it got sales going again last night but not anything special.


Speaking with CS last night, the promoted listings algorithm has for sure been changed. The problem that I fear with this change now is that is it becoming even more of a race to the bottom? We can only do some much now with free returns, free shipping, promotions, promoted listings, and also having competitive prices.

Message 50 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@valueaddedresourceI saw Joe's new video when he posted it on Thursday and I will say, that while him going to 4.5% helped him raise his promoted listings there is something still off with the promoted listings. I've been sharing some of my findings with @zamo-zuan over messaging and I will say that for one week I even tried going as far as 20% PL for the heck of it, and that didn't even help with creating sales. However the algorithm has been programmed for promoted listings, it has to also be also taking something else into account. This is one big puzzle that we may not even figure out by the time they have another update and all this changes yet again.

Message 51 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I realize this isn't near as important as the actual topic, but the original post for this thread is the most thorough and comprehensive presentation of an eBay issue I've ever seen. 

Message 52 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I'm getting same drops in impressions, here with hopes that there is a fix. 

Message 53 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I sell new Amazon returns on Ebay in pretty much all categories, and only a small percentage of motor related items. My sales have been steady, with stacks to packages to ship out daily. That is, until the first week of this month when my impressions dropped 52% and my sales basically went down to ZERO. I am freaking out and don't know what to do. I've talked with Ebay for Business via Facebook, and they said that there are no restrictions on my account and nothing they're seeing with my impressions/sales is out of the ordinary. What??!! They're so full of it!  I've been with Ebay for years and never experienced anything quite like this and I'm freaking out! Help!

Message 54 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@overstock-discount-products  - did your organic impressions drop too or just Promoted Listings impressions?

Message 55 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

Yes! We are experiencing the exact same issue on BOTH of our accounts! We sell in eBay Motors > Parts and Accessories Three separate phone calls to eBay support have yielded no answer. We feel like we have been given the run around and ignored.


Hopefully we can ALL get an answer, SOON. 


Thank you for taking the time to write such a well put together post. It describes our thoughts and feelings on the matter to a T. 


Screen Shot 2020-09-24 at 9.02.27 AM.jpgScreen Shot 2020-09-24 at 9.02.09 AM.jpg


Message 56 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

I'm not sure how to check just organic impressions, only promoted. How do I check?

Message 57 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

Here's what I found. I think this is what you're asking about. I had a couple bulk sales to a previous buyer this month, and that is what you see there for September. If it wasn't for these couple bulk sales, I would basically have no sales this month. I haven't sold anything in the last 3 days. I'm getting really worried. 

Message 58 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@overstock-discount-products  -  Go to your Seller Hub then under the Performance tab > Traffic.  That page will show 3 sections, Impressions, Page Views, and Quantity Sold and the graph/reports on that page should represent all active listings. 



Your Impressions graph should be a bar graph and will look similar to the first image in @zamo-zuan 's original post.  The darker blue color is organic impressions and the lighter blue/turquoise section is promoted impressions.


You can see in the original post and others that have been shared here that the organic impressions are staying at very consistent levels, but the bar for promoted impressions is much smaller than it was previously - that is what is showing for this specific issue that it appears to be negatively impacting promoted impressions only.

Message 59 of 154
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Re: Potential problem with Promoted Listings impressions!

@jamsionline  - that is very interesting that you are seeing the same thing happen on the same day in both accounts.  Definitely not a coincidence!

Message 60 of 154
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