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Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?


   So I sold an item, the listing was in English then when I checked the description after the sale for accuracy the description was in Spanish. I don't write anything in Spanish, why did my description change languages this is very stressful to see 

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?


Your sold listing for the empty box description is in Spanish (I see it, too).   You may just win the "glitch of the day" award......

This is interesting, as the other listings I spot checked are in English as per usual.  Maybe someone can solve your mystery????

Where is your buyer located? 

Message 2 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

Do you mean this listing? I see the description on that listing in English, so I am not seeing the issue on my end.


What URL are you using when you see the description in Spanish?


Reportedly, eBay does sometimes translate listings based on the viewer's location and IP address. There have been threads about this. It seems odd that two people based in the US would see it in Spanish, though.






Message 3 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

This could be related to the item description glitches mentioned in threads that have been popping up last 2 days.  These glitches could have something to do with AI description generator?

Message 4 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

It's possible you were sleepposting in Spanish one night, which you wouldn't remember.

Message 5 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

ya.. that is it. 

Funny thing is, after I posted this thread, I checked my Ebay app hours later on my phone and it was in English. 

Maybe an auto translate or something as another user had posted because of IP address. 

Thanks for looking at this for me

Have a great day ! 

Message 6 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

The buyer was in Ohio.

Maybe some type of browser setting on his end , that affects my sold status in the Ebay system ? 



Message 7 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?


The path I followed was to click on the OP's "view listings" from this forum page right after their name.

Then when presented with the list I chose on the left completed/sold

Their first listing is for the JBL box that you show.   When I open that listing to view it, this is the URL:

This is what I see (sorry my screen is a bit crooked) but it is indeed in Spanish. 


Message 8 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

@ittybitnot, thanks for the link.


No clues to the translation there, unless it is hidden in the hash code that follows the item number.


That's how I got to the listing as well, but I didn't get the Spanish version. Who knows?


Years back, eBay would auto-translate for some languages based on the user's IP address. It added a logical html code to the URL, and if you used the same html code, you could view the translated version. But I don't think that's how they do it anymore, because the html code is not there.


Message 9 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

Maybe some type of browser setting on his end....


I don't know.  So far just me and you see it.  I am confident that @lacemaker3  will figure it out.  The only thing that you and I have in common is we are both in Florida.  Now granted, FL (particularly Miami/Dade) is often referred to as "the northern most capital of Central America", but that is usually in jest.  

I will say that sometimes I get advertisements (in my  F.Book feed especially) in Spanish, but it has been a while since I recall seeing any.  I also converse with customers via Messenger in Spanish, but unless it is something very basic I have to go to a translator.  LOL. 

Message 10 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

unless it is hidden in the hash code that follows the item number.



Thanks for looking!  FWIW  when I use your URL:

I see it in English.  This morning I checked a few of the OP's current listings and others in SOLD, and this was the only one that showed in Spanish out of a sampling of around 10.  Oh well!!!  

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

@ittybitnot wrote:


The path I followed was to click on the OP's "view listings" from this forum page right after their name.

Then when presented with the list I chose on the left completed/sold

Their first listing is for the JBL box that you show.   When I open that listing to view it, this is the URL:


When I go to OP's list of sold items, this is the link I get for the same item. It's almost the same as yours, except for the hash code that I highlighted in red. It's going to go to the same listing page, no matter what comes after the item number and question mark.


I see the description in English, even when I use your link instead of the one that I got.


It's pretty much impossible, AFAIK, to decode the hash code. I would just write this one off as a glitch.


ETA: I tried again, with a different browser and while not logged in to eBay. Got another link with another variation in the itmmeta part of the hash code. The description is still in English with this one:


Message 12 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

Lucy que loca eres!!! Nunca he visto una mujer tan crazy, Dios mio me voy pa Cuba!!!!



Message 13 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

Just to chime in, I see the description in Spanish as well, and I certainly don't have anything on my end that should translate it that way!  Very odd glitch!

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Item Description Changed from English to Spanish on its own ?

and I certainly don't have anything on my end that should translate it that way!  Very odd glitch!



You are in FL......LOL

Message 15 of 17
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