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Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

I have had listings live on eBay for three consecutive months now, and have had only one sale. I recently followed a number of suggestions I received here on the forum to get more views and sales, and am working on them. However, with the listing adjustments I am working on aside, my listings are not bad at all and are very much in line with other listings I see in the same category. 


Is it "normal" at three months, to have had only one sale? Surely it can't be or no one would be left here to sell.

Message 1 of 101
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100 REPLIES 100

Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

just for can ask the moderators to lock the on options ( ... ) and then on inappropriate comments....then just say you are the original poster and wish the thread locked. 

Message 91 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

@ignatia wrote:

@ifyouloveit wrote:
Shipping should not cost you so much to send out a single stone. Maybe your packaging can be streamlined? I ship out crystals every day, from fragile single crystal clusters to big towers. Most of mine go out in padded mailers, never, ever had a single breakage. I get them in the same way from wholesalers too, padded mailers for most.

It's called strategy. In instances where the shipping is higher, it will urge people to consider purchasing mutiple items. This is how to create a setting in a higher end market. 


Your post implies that I do not know better, potential customers may read this, so I stepped in to set the record straight.



@aproudparent2010 wrote:

As a seller with over 55,000 transactions please remove your user ID from your title. If someone wants to find your items based on your user ID there is other ways to do it. I sell hundreds of items and I would never put my user ID in my title. 

If someone wants to find your items based on your user ID there is other ways to do it.

There are successful sellers that do it, there are successful sellers that do not. It is all but irrelevant.


Know that even though I am not properly interactive with this thread anymore, I will not tolerate personal attacks or any comments unreplied to that potentially make me look like  a yutz. 

You asked for advice and I was trying to give you some.

Having your user ID in the title is a waste of space that could be used for keywords.

Message 92 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

It's called strategy. In instances where the shipping is higher, it will urge people to consider purchasing mutiple items. This is how to create a setting in a higher end market. 


Your post implies that I do not know better, potential customers may read this, so I stepped in to set the record straight.




That strategy has worked so well, you've made hundreds of thousands of dollars...oh wait....

Message 93 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

@dhbookds wrote:

just for can ask the moderators to lock the on options ( ... ) and then on inappropriate comments....then just say you are the original poster and wish the thread locked. 

Oh, come on, dh.  That's no fun !




=^.^= =^.^=
( ) ( )
" " =^.^= " "
Message 94 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

Since I can clearly seethat this discussion has reached five pages, I'm sure that just about everything that can be said about your problem has been thrashed out in detail and I have nothing new to add.

But, just out of idle curiosity, why will you not ship to PO boxes? In the US, a PO box is a locked box inside of a Federal building.  Only the owner of that box can access it.  There are no packages left out in the rain, on the front porch, sticking out of the mailbox begging to be snatched up by anyone.  

Message 95 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

There is no "higher end"  market on ebay for common items that can be purchased cheaper anywhere.     

Message 96 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!


Message 97 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

@uncseniorsportsfan wrote:

There is no "higher end"  market on ebay for common items that can be purchased cheaper anywhere.     

You don't even realize, that it's people with this mentality that killed off the eBay market. The people that could not make a business thrive in real life in a brick and mortar store, figured they'd come here and be the cheapest guy selling, and screwed it up for everyone else. The thing is, there are many other levels of selling than being the cheapest guy going. It's a faulty theory to start with.


You guys, read back and you will clearly see, I am telling you and have been telling you from the get go, I  DO NOT DO CHEAP. Get with me or stop offering invalid comments. Period, that's it. I am not doing cheap. You are making me angry in hammering away trying to get me to believe that people only buy cheap anymore. How many times have I said, I see PROOF, that it is not so, even on eBay? Just keep hammering away, if that's what you need to do. The thread will soon be closed, as I am tired of your naivete.

Message 98 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

I already reported it.......


Message 99 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

Hello everyone,


This thread is getting heated.  Please remember that it’s fine to disagree with others, but discussion should always remain courteous and respectful.


This topic is now closed. Thanks for understanding.



Message 100 of 101
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Re: Is it normal even for a new seller to have no sales whatsoever? 3 months!

Thanks, you saved me the trouble. You all ought to be ashamed. All the nincompoops engaging in a group attack because you hand outsmart me.

Message 101 of 101
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