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Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Plea!

And so I want to ask eBay what are they are willing to offer SMALL store sellers who are unable to list up to 50,000 items and whose only income depends on their own eBay sales for their food, mortgage/rent, utilities, gasoline, insurances, medications, family support, in sundries, and such? Esp in the face of Covid-19? And we who have previously and successively always relied on eBay for these? Not to mention having been eBay's bread and butter for their most formidable years? Only a 3 month deferment in seller fees? And with plummeting sales how could we EVER make those deferred payments in addition to our regular monthly payments to this giant? My seller dashboard shows that eBay's sales are UP 10% in the prior 30 days (pffft) ...however it also shows that MY sales as being 30-50% lower within the same time frame!!! I've put almost all of my store on 30-50% off for the last 30 days and most of my "now petty sales" in which I am losing money selling at prices well below value and cost are contributed to "social distancing/work from home buyers" who shop eBay because they are now bored. I've been a seller here since 2005. I'm dedicated and loyal, I've adapted to the many changes that our selling platform has required of us, and I'm still here (albeit only barely and still hopeful and still hanging on in the last couple of years). I read the seller updates weekly. I'm appalled at the lack of attention eBay turns it's attention to the AMERICAN small sellers in which I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE are the backbone of the eBay platform! Nothing new...remember I'm a veteran seller. As far as I can search and see, eBay still caters favorably to Chinese Interests. Also Foreign Suppliers, and Big Box Retailers offering goods made/created/imported from countries outside of the USA. I'm ranting, that's because I'm angry. Ebay ARE YOU WITH US SMALL USA SELLERS OR NOT BECAUSE I'M NOT SURE YET THAT YOU ARE. IF YOU ARE THEN PLEASE HELP US BECAUSE WE DEPEND ON YOU! Really kindest regards, Danielle (Bella3Boutique) *I've also posted this on the Power Seller Board*
Message 1 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

Mam, you attacked me on hear say, without verification. Your apology is not appropriate. I too am sorry you can't admit when you've made a mistake and can't admit it.

Message 61 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

I'm seeing a trend developing with every thread you start (funnymaniac) or just post on seems to get locked down or monitored.  Nastiness starts rather quickly when posts don't agree.

Message 62 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

@backyardtreasurehunter wrote:
But IMO the right person AT THE TIME he was elected. I was gonna run myself, but was relieved when I saw him come down the stairs to announce. People laughed at me, said he'll never win. Well he did and that's that.

Serious question, not an attack:


Were you really going to run for POTUS? If you have the clout to raise funds for that kind of venture, what are you doing here selling on eBay and complaining on a discussion board about their policies?

Message 63 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

Sorry your original thread has been hijacked, I started to read the replies and gave up. I hope it gets better for you, I too rely solely on money I make selling online. I have no other income than my sales here and on other platforms.

Message 64 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

I'm sorry but your not the only person having trouble making ends meet right now. There are millions out of work.

The coronavirus crisis isn't ebay's fault, nor is your decision to only rely on ebay for income year after year. No one forces anyone to sell here. It's never wise to put ones eggs in one basket. No one has forced you to sell items below cost, you made that decision on your own.

Ebay is basically giving store sellers unlimited free listings via the 50,000. What do you expect them to do! They need to keep this platform running, they can't do so if they give everything away! I think the extra listings they're giving sellers is more than generous. Deferring fees is also another gift. I guess they shouldn't have done so, as the number of folks complaining about it amazes me!
Message 65 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

I wish the OP would return and share with us what they would like ebay to do.  Two different threads have been started, but I haven't seen them post.


Message 66 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

Even with this "stay at home", I doubt I could list 200 new listings.


I source my merchandise from Disneyland and Disney California Adventure, both are closed due to the pandemic.  I have NO WAY to purchase new merchandise.  I do have a warehouse space, and I do have items that need photographing, but with the recent rains, and now this stretch of warm weather, I just don't feel like it.


I thought staying home would give me time to organize, but that just isn't happening.  I do miss eating out 2 or 3 times a week.  That is saving tons of money!  We don't do "take out" and won't start now.


Just received my $1200 check.  I thought it would go into my checking account.  But I have no where to spend it.  I guess I'll just have to use it to pay bills.  🙂

Volunteer Community Member

Message 67 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

@backyardtreasurehunter wrote:
900%! HOLY SMOKES! GOD BLESS YOU! (Your killing me. ROFLAO,) I did read your post and I can see what you just said and sorry, but I can't respond because I'm trying my best to be nice. And it's pointless if your making 900% profit. By the way, that's "buy for 1 cent and sell for $9.00. So something you paid $1 for you sell for $900. OK, sure. I believe you. NOT!

I didn't say 900% profit... I said selling them for 900% more than I paid for them.


The paint rollers?  I paid .10 each for them.  Bought them on pallet sale.  Most of the craft kits? I paid .04-.25 for.  The bracelets? I paid .05.   Some of the craft kits?  Left overs when remaking them into something else so free to me in the end, selling for 3.99 - 6.99.  I've got some craft kits (down in that basement some where) that yes I paid .01 for, and they sold for 9.99 for 6 months before I had to pull everything down when my mom died.


Again... eBay provides the space to sell the items... that's all eBay does... if you buy to high, then have to sell lower than what you paid for the item, that's on you not eBay.

I hate photobucket right now... PS Answers given years ago may or may not be current now, please check with current posters to the boards to see if the information is still relevant.
Message 68 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

Holy cow this post really flew off the rails. It is worth noting the "race to the bottom" when it comes to pricing has more to do with the skill of the seller than supply and demand. Although supply and demand is a factor, a seller knowing their market is worth its weight in dill pickles. 1/3 of my items are "overpriced" because I have a better understanding of what I am selling. Obvious factors like condition play a big role regardless of the quantity of items listed. Despite my lower quality of service I personally make up for it through better photos and packaging.
Message 69 of 70
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Re: Insulted! So they offer 50,000 additional listings for store subscribers because of Covid-19? Pl

LOL I didn't race to the bottom... I started at the bottom, and I like it down here... So here I stay.

I hate photobucket right now... PS Answers given years ago may or may not be current now, please check with current posters to the boards to see if the information is still relevant.
Message 70 of 70
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