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Impressions while on time away

On "time away" for over 48 hours.


Have an external view. I understand that.


Riddle me this. How is it that I have 6 impressions today?

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Re: Impressions while on time away

Any chance you had a pending offer sent outstanding within 48 hours of leaving for time away?


Maybe a listing like that is hung up in eBay's system even if you were Away and still available to be viewed.



Message 2 of 5
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Re: Impressions while on time away

Could be a buyer opened an eBay marketing email, your item was shown as a similar item or part of their saved search results.


Email could have been sent a few days ago and buyer opened today, or email could have been sent today but the data gathered a few days ago because they're sent on a delay.


I can come up with other theories, but that's the first that comes to mind.

Message 3 of 5
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Re: Impressions while on time away

I did a "reply with offer" yesterday to a potential buyer that was interested in an item.


They could have been watching it, or perhaps found it via external search.  I was already on time away (nearly 2 days) when they messaged.


As I posted, I understand external views. Get numerous when I'm on time away.


Just seems to me that there is some "flaw" when there can be multiple impressions.  


Overall, just doesn't matter, but seems odd.


Edit to add:      I now have 4 views. 2 external. 2 organic, and 7 views. Have not dug in to see what was viewed.

Message 4 of 5
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Re: Impressions while on time away

Digging in reveals that the 2 organic views were the item that the buyer who was sent an offer,  .......... purchased today.


Digging in shows........................... as it should.......................... no items show any "impressions".



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