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If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days later.


Isn't the huge cut Ebay takes out of the total sale supposed to cover the cost of using their platform?  Why do they "suggest" ANOTHER NINE PERCENT for "promoting"....?  And why do a lot of my items (that are reasonably common, say 10 are always listed at any given time, maybe 5 sell on average per week, and my perfectly and correctly listed (but no % agreed to under the "promoted" program) not even show up in specific search results? Even when mine is brand new AND the cheapest one listed?  I don't get even A SINGLE VIEW on the lowest priced of 10 similar items listed even 2 weeks later?!


This happens to me A LOT,  and I'm sure I can't be the only one.  It's one thing to be extorted to pay additional to get items promoted at an extra cost, but does anyone else feel that by not paying at all your listings are actually surpressed...?

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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

But if I sell a 1987 Doohickey Part# 123456789HL and there are. 5 for sale, 6 sold or unsold, and someone searches "Doohicky Part #123456789HL" on day 3 of the listing, IT SHOULD AT LEAST SHOW UP WITH THE OTHER 5 ITEMS WITH THE EXACT SAME TITLE.  This is what I mean. If I pay the 5% it shows up in search results.  IF I DON'T it doesn't show up.  That should not be.


     If you can provide and exact example it would be more helpful. I ran a test on a couple of your listings and provided that information up post but without more information there is no way to substantiate what you are claiming. 

     As I mentioned in a prior response it also depends on the parameters of the search. 

Message 46 of 49
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

@bluedesk7 wrote:

Nope.  I'm talking about one item that has a very specific part number, and there are 8 online on average, half sell each week, 4 new ones come on each week, and mine doesn't even get a VIEW.  And I KNOW because people in a car group search the part number and mine doesn't come up. AT ALL.

I agree.  
Exact Match items not showing up in search, when they should show up.
And when you view the sold items,   The prices are all over the place JUST like what's showing up for sale.
BUT, you are not being picked on by eBay.  Well, not any more so than "most" anybody else.
I think they treat "most" all of us this way.

Message 47 of 49
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

@bluedesk7 wrote:

Yes.  Once I add 5% they sell within a week.  Until that they don't even get a view, despite being often-searched for items with limited availablity, and mine almost always priced lower than any others.  They aren't even viewed until I add the 5% promotion fee.

Your luck is better than mine.
I can promote everything at 15% continuous.   Get sales for a few days, then back to normal.

I don't think the answer is promoting.  (I don't really think there is an answer right now).

If search just pulled up the words that were searched, and put listings in order of how you asked?   
All would be well

Message 48 of 49
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

@dbfolks166mt wrote:

But if I sell a 1987 Doohickey Part# 123456789HL and there are. 5 for sale, 6 sold or unsold, and someone searches "Doohicky Part #123456789HL" on day 3 of the listing, IT SHOULD AT LEAST SHOW UP WITH THE OTHER 5 ITEMS WITH THE EXACT SAME TITLE.  This is what I mean. If I pay the 5% it shows up in search results.  IF I DON'T it doesn't show up.  That should not be.


     If you can provide and exact example it would be more helpful. I ran a test on a couple of your listings and provided that information up post but without more information there is no way to substantiate what you are claiming. 

     As I mentioned in a prior response it also depends on the parameters of the search. 

@bluedesk7 , Here, all take this one.
I have five duramax exhaust manifold heat shields.  I made a listing, qty 5.   Within a week or so, I sold two of them to different buyers.   I don't know how these buyers ran their searches.  (were they looking exactly for that item, or did they just see it and remember they needed one?)  I don't know.   BUT, it's been awhile since I've sold one, and I have three left.
SO, I ran a search.
Duramax LMM Exhaust Manifold.  (used) then (low$est 1st).

Where is my $28.50 listing? 
I then switch to sold.  THERE IT IS!  (but quantity three still available).
I switch back to what's available on eBay?  
Mine are not there.

Message 49 of 49
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