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Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

Hey, you out there in the Land of Successful Selling! I need to get things listed and hopefully start selling again. I've obviously been in a slump for some time, only recently even coming back to the boards (missed y'all too much!), let alone even thinking about actually actively selling again.


I lost my job in December (yeah, my employer of 6.5 years decided they no longer wanted to avail themselves of my services). December was kinda crazy anyway, so I didn't want to list stuff then (out of town traveling, etc). Now, it looks like we'll be moving about 2 hours east of here as soon as we can find a place to buy there and get out of our lease here. Hubby has finally been given a 2 year contract, and money, for once, is not as tight as it has been for the past 2 years. (YAY!!)


Still... I have literally DOZENS of boxes still packed with the stuff I  need to let go of. Do I want to start unpacking those to start listing the contents, only to have to repack and move what doesn't sell right away? It would be super to have less to move, but the prospect of creating all that disorganization, mess, and chaos when I should be striving for consolidation, organization, and order seems counterproductive and counterintuitive, and quite frankly, is overwhelming and paralyzing.


Added to all of this hot mess is that when I go to my eBay Summary page, it shows me all the stuff I still "need." (Royal Albert tea items soothe my soul and restore my spirit, so yes, I NEED them!!)


So, start listing or wait until after moving? What do y'all advise?


Any advice, wisdom and verbal kicks to my procrastinating, couch-adhered, and rapidly spreading derrière would be much appreciated!

Message 1 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

"After reading all these varying suggestions, I think what I need to do is leave what's already well packed, inventoried and labeled alone, and concentrate on the more accessible unpacked items, utilizing the suggestions and the system you've just outlined, "



Christmas has only been over 2 weeks or so. Relax.

Message 16 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

i too have found myself in such a "slump", many times.. people don't often comprehend that selling on eBay is work - like having a second or even third job...  i always found that just plugging along - i.e. - setting a goal of three new listings per day in my free time until my for-sale inventory would build up.  In your situation what better way to then put these new listings in a well labled box .. ready to move to your new digs .. but also available to ship if sold -- the extra income can smooth your move as well as reduce the amount you need to move.

Message 17 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

Just one in the same ... i put the tree up .. so it is assumed, i guess - that i take it downunamused

Message 18 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

@partial*eclipse wrote:

Welcome back!


If you  haven't even found a place to buy yet, then the move is at least several weeks away.  You might as well make a dent in those boxes  The work of listing won't be wasted, you'll have to do that sooner or later anyway, and the funds might come in handy for the move.  


List just a couple of items, to get your rhythm back, and see how it goes.  Perhaps be selective about what you list -- choose whatever is bulkiest (to avoid moving it) or what will likely sell the fastest, what will be the easiest to ship, similar items so the listing will take less effort, or just the two closest boxes.

Thanks so much, @partial*eclipse! Great suggestions! I really appreciate your input. :smileyhappy,:

Message 19 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:

I've moved a lot too and have boxes I moved in...2001 that haven't been unpacked. They just end up at the back of the pack! Just goes to show us how little we actually need, what's practical, and what's just.....stuff. 

Time capsules. One day I'll have fun when I finally get to them. 


List one box of stuff. Put that stuff right back in the box and write on it--listed #1 box. Then list another, and another. Then guard those boxes with your life as you are moving because they can't, must not, absolutely not, get lost in the heap of boxes, or you may not see them again for another ...10 years...


You didn't say how long before you intend to move or how many more months are on your lease, so I'm guessing here you have time to list and sell 🙂 


I listed 6 things so far today, sold one already...think positive! 

It's going to be several months at least. Yeah, it's just going to be a challenge no matter what... Selling something would mean less packing and less packing is good!

Message 20 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again - southernfriedbelle - unquote --------------------------


That was an amusing and entertaining post ! 🙂  As for the  sell now or later after  question ,,  I guess some of it  depends on when you think you'll be moving . If you've got a few weeks or a month  to kill ,, then go ahead and try to sell off a few things . If you run across some stuff that's iffy , meaning should you try to sell it  or just give it away ,, do not store it under your bed and then adopt an 8 week old puppy . They come in real handy  when it comes to deciding for you ,,whether you asked them to or not  🙂  Tulips 


Message 21 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

So, start listing or wait until after moving? What do y'all advise? southernfriedbelle - unquote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Well , I guess it depends a little on how soon you think you'll be moving . If you've got a month or so to kill then you could try selling off a few things  just to make it easier  when you move . Meanwhile if you run across some things that are ''iffy '' meaning you aren't sure  if you should try and sell ,donate or just toss  , then don't do what we did  by storing them under the bed and then adopt an 8 week old puppy . They are gifted at making up your mind for you , whether you asked them to or not . 🙂 Tulips 



Message 22 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

On second thought.....take the darn tree down before you consider listing LOL! 

Speedy Gonzales you are not. 

Don't feel bad neither am I. 😄 

Message 23 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

@turquoisetulips wrote:

So, start listing or wait until after moving? What do y'all advise? southernfriedbelle - unquote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Well , I guess it depends a little on how soon you think you'll be moving . If you've got a month or so to kill then you could try selling off a few things  just to make it easier  when you move . Meanwhile if you run across some things that are ''iffy '' meaning you aren't sure  if you should try and sell ,donate or just toss  , then don't do what we did  by storing them under the bed and then adopt an 8 week old puppy . They are gifted at making up your mind for you , whether you asked them to or not . 🙂 Tulips 



Oh, the visuals!! Smiley LOL Yep that would definitely make the decision a no-brainer... 

Message 24 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

@ersatz_sobriquet wrote:

On second thought.....take the darn tree down before you consider listing LOL! 

Speedy Gonzales you are not. 

Don't feel bad neither am I. 😄 

Ya think?!? Smiley LOL I know it's time to take it down when my husband no longer plugs it in when he gets up in the morning to make coffee... 😮

Message 25 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

@femmefan1946 wrote:

We retired a few years ago, sold our house and moved to the Canadian Riviera. (Victoria BC-- there are camellias blooming in my yard.)


I had ten bookcases and a dozen boxes of other stuff that I believed was actively listed.

Well, as it turns out a lot wasn't and that's another story.

But I went through each shelf, deciding which items were deadstock and immediately after taking down the listing, put those books in  a donation box for the Friends of the Library.

We took 75 boxes of books to the FOL in three months.

This was part of the 'decluttering' process for putting the house up for sale.

Other books were worth keeping in stock, so those listings went into my Unsolds, and as they came down, those boxes went to the storage unit. Only about 20 boxes came west with us.


Open ONE box. Is there a listing in your Unsolds? They stay there for about 60-90 days.

Is the listing up to date and mobile friendly?

Update it.  Throw the listing on eBay. With luck, it will sell.

If not, you have an updated listing that when you move into the new place, you can put up as soon as you have an eBay space arranged.


*SIGH* No, unfortunately, went to check it last night. Everything is gone...templates included. I'm going to have to create new ones, but it's okay. I'll get one done for each kind of item drafted and save those as templates. Thank goodness, hoarder tendencies are in my favor this time: I still have all the photos on my Fire and smartphone! Smiley Happy

Message 26 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

@sam9876 wrote:

Open one box and sell it.

Durn, @sam9876! You mean I can't just list it as a  Surprise Mystery Box with a 1¢ opening bid?? This is gonna be waaay too much work... Smiley Wink Smiley LOL

Message 27 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

Thank you, @odditiesandantiquities1. I appreciate your kindness and your advice. Smiley Happy


Unfortunately, a lot of the stress I'm experiencing is due to my own making... Holding on to stuff I intend to list "someday" which has just gotten moved from house to house to house... What you're saying makes sense, but I think I've probably got a couple of months, so am probably going to list some of the stuff I'd otherwise have to pack and leave the packed stuff until after the move.

Message 28 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again

List the bulkier the better. I remember before you were listing your size 2's.....if you have heavy bulky items that are going to help over-fill that semi truck, I'd list those!

One of my moves the semi was full, the cars were full, I was tying furniture to the roof of my car and gave up....left an easy $5,000 in stuff in the garage. I'm sure the new owners had fun with the freebie garage sale. 

Message 29 of 51
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Re: Help! Need Motivation to Start Listing / Selling Again




best thing I ever did was move into a very small place.


went from a 3 story house with a full ( and I mean full) basement to a very very small unit.


it was very hard, very stressful, but I found out the hardest hefty bag to fill for donation is the first one.


after that it gets easy.


I no longer sell on ebay because I don't have the room and that is OK TOO.







Message 30 of 51
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