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Hate the new listing format

Seems like every time Ebay makes changes, It is never for the better, this new listing format is horrible. I just dont understand why they have to make changes that affect the sellers on here, making things more difficult to navigate and work with.

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Re: Hate the new listing format

I believe it was all done in an effort to make it more compatible and easier for sellers to list with smart phones, which eBay sees as the future of e-commerce. Whether it is or it isn't, it's made it a nightmare for people using PC's. People like me. Horrible or convoluted doesn't even start to describe it.

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

Make u wonder why they dont split the mobile selling and pc selling into two different codes.

Message 3 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

Sadly eBay "improvements" are rarely good for the seller.
That is how shortsighted some in eBay are and they turn a deaf ear to sellers dealing with the mess they offer as better.

Message 4 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

I shop on EBay mobile (and sometimes PC) but ALWAYS list on PC, because it was faster and more accurate.

This new change has added minutes to my process (which has, of course been adaptive over the several years of ebay's changes) (BTW  by minutes I am not just inconvenienced.... time is money in all business!) and is not only more frustrating than previous changes, but also opens me/us up to fatal flaws in our listings and thereby opening us all up to INAD claims:(

I hope EBay sees this!


Message 5 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format



@bubblewrapped_memories wrote:

I shop on EBay mobile (and sometimes PC) but ALWAYS list on PC, because it was faster and more accurate.

 ... opens me/us up to fatal flaws in our listings and thereby opening us all up to INAD claims:(

I hope EBay sees this!


I worry about that too.

Particularly when I clicked on Preview and ran into a no-return dead end.  After re-entering the entire listing and posting it and checking it, I had to do a Revise.   This, of course, slowed down the auction being indexed.

Message 6 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

This is a really crap set up. Especially for international sellers. Does eBay even try these things out before they launch it?  A handicap goldfish could have told you there are errors. How come eBay can’t figure this out before launching. So pathetic. 

Message 7 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

I hate the new format too!  I posted a thread about it yesterday.


Message 8 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

This new format has really put me off listing anything new.  "User Friendly" was a term coined many years ago so why Ebay had to make it "User Unfriendly" is beyond me. This really is just a case of change for change's sake. No doub this was from the higher-ups who need to be seen to be making decisions. This is one of the worst things Ebay has done. 

Message 9 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

Ebay will no doubt see a reduction in their new listings. If people who have been Ebay savvy for many years are having issues with it - then how will a newbie cope with this wretched format.?

Message 10 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

I suggest we all be sure and use the Feedback button that appears upon the completion of a listing. If we pound eBay with our feedback about the new format perhaps something will change.

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

I found the new format cumbersome & slow & definitely not user friendly. I used to be able to bang off an ad in under 3 minutes. Today I attempted to list 10 items under one listing. What a farce to be polite. I have many multi listings under the old format but could not get it to work under the new. I thought I had it all figured out & ended up with 10 separate listings. I didn't even bother posting. I'm trying to attract buyers to one listing where they can peruse several items at once, hoping for better sales as they have been tanking. eBay seems to be all in for buyers but leaves a lot to be desired for the sellers. Really, I could go on & on but I digress. eBay really does suck!

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

I agree! It sucks and I’m having trouble searching so I will probably purchase way less! Their loss!

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

I never use smart phones to list but I'm in the minority.  You know there are some people who have "eyesight problems" and mobile phones don't work for us.  Plus the screens are hard to navigate.  Sometimes you press a box and the screen jumps to somewhere else.  I hate cell phones for listing.

Message 14 of 15
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Re: Hate the new listing format

EB never tests.  They do beta testing with a few customers.  And their techs are all overseas.

Message 15 of 15
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