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Going above and beyond



The image was posted by eBay in a forum that does not allow replies.  To me, this is why they don't want feedback.  The quotes in the image, are not going above and beyond, in my opinion.  They say things that I have always done at the minimum.  In other words, these are things that are expected when you sell, not only on eBay, but on any site.


To go above and beyond, I add a little something extra with the order, a gift that is unexpected.  Usually, I try to make it related to the item.  I also try to hand create art for the labels and personalize it.  I can't always be creative, but I always, at least, describe items accurately, respond to questions, and ship the same or next day.   I also pack items for shipping.  In other words, I prepare the package contents for weather and to prevent damage enroute.  I anticipate the box will be left in the rain, or will be dropped or another box will fall on it, or the shipper will throw the box.  I pack accordingly so the item is in the same condition as expected when it arrives.


When I read the posting from eBay, I was hoping to read about what sellers do to stand out from the crowd.  The content of the posting was, well, a joke.  I found the ideas to be common sense and not anything that I would consider gong above and beyond.  Maybe sellers don't want to share their secrets, if that is what they consider their methods of doing extra to be. 


Does anyone want to share what they do for the buyer that goes above and beyond "meets expectations"?  Or maybe you are a buyer who received an item from a seller that went above and beyond.  What was it that made it stand out to you?


Kevin A
Message 1 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

@a_c_green wrote:

@mr_lincoln wrote:

I agree that delivering excellent service should be the norm for selling NOT the exception.

Disregarding whether the quotes (or the authors) are real, I would say that what they're describing are the buyers' expectations. Standard Operating Procedure rather than grand insights, in other words.



Good point ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 16 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

To me, those are expected of me as a seller and not above and beyond in my mind.


Selling online is quite impersonal and anything personal is nice.  I had a buyer send me a thank you note through the mail a few years ago.  I still have it.   Yes, buyers can also go above and beyond!  

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 17 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

My attitude in contact with my buyers and how I pack the shipments is to behave in a manner which is consistent with a much larger company. I do not want to personalize my packaging or communications. The default Ebay invoice has a message thanking the buyer - its adequate.


Some of my buyers express a love for the merchandise I sell, and I will respond if I actually share their affection for the merchandise, and provide background.


But I leave my crayons and magic markers in my drawer. I do not share snacks. And I prefer machine generated, machine readable addresses and bar codes. The only embellishment I place on the outside of my packages is a Do Not Bend/Handle With Care/Thank You label - bought on a roll.


We all share our personalities in the way we do business. Shipments with pretty stamps usually mean the absence of tracking. Sellers who ship without tracking are definitely sharing their personality.

Message 18 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

@lesubjonctif wrote:

it is online with the way eBay is not straightforward with information when there is a question raised.  They are not straight up lying, but the truth is convoluted.  



Blanket statements are rarely true and certainly not in this case.


There are all kinds of members, both buyer and sellers, that complain about Ebay for one reason or another.  For some it is just easier to blame Ebay for a problem they are having but that doesn't mean Ebay is actually at fault.


It has to be case by case.  If Ebay was always no bad and transactions so bad, then no one would sell here.  Try to look at this a bit more logically.


Now I have gotten some incorrect info from Ebay CSRs from time to time, I've also gotten good information from them too.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 19 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

Speaking for myself only.  I have been TRS since just about the day the program started and all these years later I am still TRS.  I maintain the requirements to qualify for TRS as a standard way I do business.  I did it before the TRS program started and I simply continue on with it.  It is just how I've always conducted my business.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 20 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

@a_c_green wrote:

@lesubjonctif wrote:

The quotes in the image, are not going above and beyond, in my opinion.

I'm also wondering if they're real. I can't seem to locate either seller ID on this site, neither a feedback page nor any items for sale.

I suspect that eBay 'renamed' the sellers for exactly the reason you just illustrated - to keep nosy people from trying to find out who they are. In other words, for the same reason that many of us use posting IDs on this board.


Message 21 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

I had a seller write a poem for me - very customized to fit with my name and purchase.  Hand-written - I could tell that it took some time.  WAY above and beyond.  I never bought from that seller again 🙂 


Don't get me wrong, it was a nice gesture, but I'm not paying for poems, thank-you notes, bonus items, well wishes, or good vibes.  Just the item that I bought, shipped out in a reasonable amount of time, will be just great.  Do that, and have good items, and I'll be back.  Don't do that, and give me "above and beyond," and I won't.  

Message 22 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

When I read the posting from eBay, I was hoping to read about what sellers do to stand out from the crowd. The content of the posting was, well, a joke. I found the ideas to be common sense and not anything that I would consider gong above and beyond


The eBay post is about going above and beyond buyer expectations.


As a buyer, my expectations are to get the right item, packaged well, and shipped promptly. I do not want or expect anything above and beyond that.


Here's a crazy idea - I don't want sellers going above and beyond unless it adds value to my purchase. An example of that might be a manufacturer including a couple extra nuts / bolts / washers in the event one gets lost or damaged during assembly. Or a case for the phone I bought. Or a pre-cut mat board for a photo or print. Or a nice new protective sleeve for an LP or 45.


I do not want handwritten notes, extra gifts, artwork, or poems. Or god forbid, someone actually thinking that putting food in my package is a good idea. 

Message 23 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

@luckythewinner wrote:
I suspect that eBay 'renamed' the sellers for exactly the reason you just illustrated - to keep nosy people from trying to find out who they are. In other words, for the same reason that many of us use posting IDs on this board.

Well, not to get the discussion off-track here, but I did eventually locate one of the two sellers via other search methods. Haven't gone looking for the other but I have no reason to think that she doesn't exist as well; those quotes are pretty generic, nothing controversial. I did wonder whether they might have changed their IDs now, but whatever...

Message 24 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

Those sellers getting all "flowery" and creative with their packages are also the same ones who tend to have some interesting concepts in regards to policies and such, may not follow ebay rules and regulations, may not be fully aware of how returns and refunds work... In short, they want to "run the show" and can be especially annoying when something doesn't go as expected.


These sellers would be better off focusing on how to do things on ebay by the letter, cross all their t's and dot all their i's and stop making stuff up because it's not helping. Be professional, not flowery and whimsical.


I bought a product on ebay, I want it shipped to me. Properly packaged and pronto.

I don't want dinner and cookies with the seller's family, I don't want to go on vacation with them, and I certainly don't want to hear their life stories should I have a question or should a problem arise.
A seller should stick to doing their job as closely aligned to how ebay wants it as possible, nothing more and nothing less. Don't even talk about it, just do it.


Message 25 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

@slippinjimmy wrote:

Judging by some of the sellers who come to these boards I would say that there are plenty of sellers who are barely willing to do the minimum rather than "above and beyond" or even a middling attempt at good customer service.

What IS the 'minimum' when the product you're selling has a margin of $3?

When the 'minimum wage' for a hamburger flipper in California is $20 an hour ... how hard should I work for my three bucks?

Since you use a posting account to hide, I can't tell how hard you work for your three bucks.


I'm happy to answer questions.  Address special situations.  

I will not spend an hour negotiating over $1.72 to have it returned later and get a red feedback.






Message 26 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

You don't sell on eBay, only buy is that right?  You believe that I get "flowery" to hide the rules I break, or that I am a control freak, is that right? 


I do not break any rules, I ship all items the same or next day, I give extras 99% of the time, I accurately describe my items, and I pay for shipping.  I don't break any of the rules and sell by the letter and a few more letters that aren't included. 


If I want to spend extra time doing art, that is my choice.  I don't charge for it or the extras.   If you don't like it because it is outside of what a man would be expected to do, you are free to toss it. 


Yes, I add a personal touch, and that is something a real man does. 


I suspect you would find something to complain about, like the time it takes the USPS to deliver to you, or something else I have no control over

Kevin A
Message 27 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

congratulations your expectations will be met 99% of the time.  The other 1% of the time you might get something extra 99% of the people would like.  If you get something extra, you are not under obligation  to keep it.  You got what you paid for,  toss the extras.  If it is a poem, don't read it.  Open the box and throw it away (you wouldn't recycle it in your rage) take your item and everything else throw away too.  Why be sour about getting something someone took the time to think about and thought it might be of interest or at the very least crack your face with a smile?

Kevin A
Message 28 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

Hi @lesubjonctif 


As a BUYER … I greatly appreciate having packing peanuts put in plastic bags so that I can open boxes in my cats’ presence.  😸😼

Message 29 of 43
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Re: Going above and beyond

you would not come back if you bought one Rolling Stone Magazine from me and I sent you two?  You didn't pay extra for the 2nd one,  I just added it because I wanted to get rid of it.  Maybe I tore out a page or two and sold them, the rest of the magazine was useless to me.  You would keep it, even though you thought maybe it was sent in error, would you message me and ask?  Or you would keep it and never buy from me again?  Out of guilt or principle?  

Kevin A
Message 30 of 43
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