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Glitch de Jour

We are aware that item descriptions suddenly going missing on active listings at eBay. They are not really gone from the listings, but being hidden due to some HTML code that eBay is adding to the bottom of the iFrame code. This issue has been reported to the eBay developers and we are awaiting a fix. Please do not end your listings.


This was posted on Seller Sourcebook this morning 11/8/19

Message 1 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

Perhaps too manny what eBay considers to be site improvements, may be the underlying cause of the manny glitches ?

Message 2 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

Thanks for posting this. I wondered why a buyer emailed me for dimensions when they were posted in the description. I thought maybe she was using the mobile app where buyers need to take an extra step to see description.

Message 3 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

When you say going missing do you mean vanishing entirely or being hidden with a click to see description button?
Message 4 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

I'm not sure of the details. It was posted on Seller Sourcebook after I had created and submitted a listing, it popped up on the confirmation page.

Message 5 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

This is happening with my 900+ listings, on my desktop with both IE and Firefox. The text part of my descriptions is totally missing. So all the buyer has to go by is my picture. I have 13 items with bids, so I guess I won't be getting many more bids or sales till this is fixed.

I did not see the Ebay notice in Seller sourcebook wherever that is, so I ended up calling. She was nice and sympathetic, but of course not much she could do. Said it was a known issue and hoping to get it fixed by Sunday.
Very frustrating is an understatement with all there changes
Message 6 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

Forgot to mention, the description does show up on my phone, I have not checked my tablet yet.

Message 7 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

Seller Sourcebook is a third party listing service that I use. Just goes to show that eBay is not reporting this as an issue but a third party vendor is making their customers aware. Shame that we have to rely on outside sources to point out what is really going on. Ebay certainly has no transparency.

Message 8 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

@susieq908 wrote:

We are aware that item descriptions suddenly going missing on active listings at eBay. They are not really gone from the listings, but being hidden due to some HTML code that eBay is adding to the bottom of the iFrame code. This issue has been reported to the eBay developers and we are awaiting a fix. Please do not end your listings.


This was posted on Seller Sourcebook this morning 11/8/19

I got that on a coin I was going to send an offer on. I went to look and make sure that the description said the coin had been cleaned, and the description was gone. I went into edit mode and saw a bunch of extra stuff that eBay added in my description box in HTML. I got rid of it and saved, and the description reappeared.


Finding out the description gone is not fine and dandy when I send out an offer for someone to buy it, especially if the description is describing flaws. I don't think eBay will pay out the SNAD that they caused themselves.



Message 9 of 21
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Glitch de Jour wrote:
When you say going missing do you mean vanishing entirely or being hidden with a click to see description button?

Blank space where the description is. I even checked a few other listings in case it was an error in my template. I don't know what other listings are missing descriptions, but I hope they fix it.


The only thing that saved me when they decided to delete all the additional photos is my software that would update the listing and reload the pictures. So while eBay lost them, SixBit had them safe and sound. It would not be fun to try and photograph and scan 1000+ items.



Message 10 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

@mike2001 wrote:
This is happening with my 900+ listings, on my desktop with both IE and Firefox. The text part of my descriptions is totally missing. So all the buyer has to go by is my picture. I have 13 items with bids, so I guess I won't be getting many more bids or sales till this is fixed.

I did not see the Ebay notice in Seller sourcebook wherever that is, so I ended up calling. She was nice and sympathetic, but of course not much she could do. Said it was a known issue and hoping to get it fixed by Sunday.
Very frustrating is an understatement with all there changes

I'm sorry to hear this happened to your auctions, that's not a good time to suddenly hide information on the items.


I wouldn't hold my breath on eBay being quick to fix it. The shopping cart was a known issue in 2015 when I reported it and walked IT through the issues. I was told don't worry, we'll fix it soon. It's 2019 now, and still broken.



Message 11 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

That is exactly the reason I continue to pay for Seller Sourcebook (re: the disappearing photo debacle) it is well worth the $8.00 a month it costs me. 

Message 12 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

@susieq908 wrote:

That is exactly the reason I continue to pay for Seller Sourcebook (re: the disappearing photo debacle) it is well worth the $8.00 a month it costs me. 

I don't think Seller Sourcebook was around when I signed up with SixBit, at least it wasn't well known... others referred me to SixBit, it's $19.99 a month for a personal license, or $22.99 if you want no ads (I opted to spend $3 to not advertise my software).


I feel overwhelmed at the prospect that I might need to go back and fix a bunch of listings and I don't have time for that. I make too much money doing real work to be spending my time dealing with poor web programming issues caused by eBay. It's bad enough I have to sometimes spend extra time and effort to make a sale or deal with a post sale problem, I don't need issues with my listings too.


In any event, my store goes on holidays in just over a week and won't come back for 6-8 weeks. I'm just hoping when it does come back that whatever this glitch is, it's fixed.



Message 13 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

This is either fixed or it just affects some users. When I look at your listings I see the pictures and the text in your description area.

Message 14 of 21
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Glitch de Jour

After posting, I decided to experiment a little. I found out what was causing it, at least for me. All my listing used to have the Auctiva scrolling gallery in the description. (Removed from 900+ listings and the descriptions came back).
After ebay stopped allowing active content, I unsuccessfully tried to get an updated version to work. I never got it to work but all the HTML code for the gallery was still in the listing. It never showed any trace of it in the actual listings, and never affected the listings before.
Again after removing the code the description text came back.

Like sin-n-dex above I use Sixbits to list. Luckily I made the gallery into what is called a snippet in the listing program. So it made it pretty easy to update all 900+ listings.

Hopefully Ebay will find a fix soon, without sellers having to remove the code.
Message 15 of 21
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