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For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question


Yesterday, on the ebay for business podcast, Griff stated that an announcement would be posted today about the new "product review" feature that is gradually rolling out. So far, I haven't seen the Announcement.


Has ebay decided not to roll out this feature? Could you check the status of this?

Message 1 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

And if I should want to read product reviews, I'll STILL go to AMZ to read them.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 16 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@toomuchstuffagain35  My impression, from the podcast discussion, is the main reason for this change is because apparently Google (and I'm guessing other search engines) have been giving better search results placement to products that have product reviews. ebay has millions of products, but very few have reviews. 


So, I'd guess ebay doesn't really care if you read the reviews, the reviews are really just a way to get better placement in Google. 


And for that reason, I think it's a good idea, but implementation seems flawed.

Message 17 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@chapeau-noir wrote:

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

@chapeau-noir  Yes, I think it is live, but there's been no actual people who are seeing it are largely in the dark about just what ebay is doing.  An Announcement with more information would be helpful. Supposedly, the podcast will be providing more info in the coming weeks as well. 

eBay has for years had serious problems with their communication, and I don't know why.

 I see it as two general problems, and only one is self-inflicted. 


Dealing with the general public can be a great effort with a minimal reward, and a lot of the usual processes don't scale very well to accommodate their huge user base. For example, Tech Support in my company was a handful of people, experts in their respective areas of our software products, dealing with an under-contract user base in the hundreds, which was not as bad as it sounds because on any given day, only a few customers would be calling in about something. If there was a product problem, we'd take it to Engineering (via our problem tracking system), follow up as needed, and notify the customer when a new release fix was available.


eBay, on the other hand, has a user base in the millions (give or take a bit), so a lot of the human contact you'd take for granted at other companies can't be easily supported here... especially for users with complicated problems or, ah, less-than-capable problem-solving abilities or communication skills. We here in the Community groups can choose to ignore posts that are simply rants, clueless, or just plain incoherent for whatever reason, whereas eBay Customer Support has to deal with every person who contacts them. No wonder they're trying to bring AI chats up to speed instead.


So that problem of theirs is at least partly due to their own success, being too big to easily support their user base. (It doesn't help that they have way too much reliance on cheap and undertrained CS staff.) But the second part is entirely of their own creation: a near-zero level of communication between eBay employees and the outside world. 


By "communication" I mean actual two-way dialogue, and I'm also including intra-company communication as well. It's all very well to sit and listen to a podcast between two or more department heads, but when one says "We'll have an announcement tomorrow about it," and tomorrow comes and goes with no announcement, and no one else seems to have any idea about it either, that's a problem. Our Community contacts here will cheerfully refer problem reports to this team or that team, but they seem to never hear anything back in reply, certainly nothing quick in terms of an acknowledgement (e.g. "Thanks, we have reproduced the problem, and are working on it as ALERT12345.") 


Similarly, if something does get fixed, no one ever gets an update about it. The fix or change is eventually discovered by someone here. Customer Service has no idea. No one from the Engineering side posts anything about it. 


New changes or enhancements also go unannounced. They're sometimes described as a "test," but the results of the test are never discussed. Again, no one saw the changes coming, and no one from the group who instigated the changes wants to talk about them. They're just... there... for some users... and then maybe they're not... or they come and go depending on whether you cleared cookies 'n' cache... but (as I have said several times in the past) there's never anyone stepping forward to say, "I'm the project manager, and here's why we made this change, and here's why we think it's a good idea." No one within eBay seems to want to take responsibility for anything, and as a result the bad ideas stick around as long as the good ones; there is no effective way of pushing back against the bad decisions, or having any kind of meaningful dialogue about how they could be improved.


For example, the Feedback pages were recently changed to offer what was called "Most Relevant" ordering as an alternative to the usual Most Recent. However, there was no clear explanation of what the code thought was most "relevant" about this comment vs. that comment, and, adding insult to injury, the Most Relevant setting was hard-wired as the default choice, requiring users to switch back to Most Recent every single time they needed that ordering restored. No one has come forward to defend their design, or even to explain why they are not able to code the ordering choice as a sticky value that will be saved for the user.


That clampdown on communication between eBay employees and the outside world is not helpful for either side. It leads to the sort of coding chaos that occurs whenever eBay tries to change something that ends up breaking seven other things. A lot of us out here are coding, QA and testing professionals who would be more than happy to lend our expertise, but eBay seems determined to blunder on in their own unfocused way.

Message 18 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@a_c_green- that's an excellent summary of the situation.


The CS piece and the internal/external communication are separate but related - the management culture affects both and, yes, it's becoming more opaque.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 19 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

@toomuchstuffagain35  My impression, from the podcast discussion, is the main reason for this change is because apparently Google (and I'm guessing other search engines) have been giving better search results placement to products that have product reviews. ebay has millions of products, but very few have reviews. 


So, I'd guess ebay doesn't really care if you read the reviews, the reviews are really just a way to get better placement in Google. 


And for that reason, I think it's a good idea, but implementation seems flawed.



The elephant in the room is IF a review is left will it be 100 % truthful? Majority of what I see I take with a very large grain of salt. Then will there be the need or the want to have "inaccurate" reviews removed and will it be possible? Like trying to compare Used item A to Used item B to Used item C. Subjectively impossible.



Message 20 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@lotzofuniquegoodies  From a buyer/seller perspective, reliability of the review is important, yes. But from ebay's point of view, the reviews could pretty well just be a transcription of the adult voice on a Charlie Brown cartoon--- wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah long as it improves Google search placement. 


But yes, I'm guessing they are going to end up dealing with the same review issues other sites deal with, but how much effort ebay will be willing to devote to resolving those issues is an open question.

Message 21 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

@lotzofuniquegoodies  From a buyer/seller perspective, reliability of the review is important, yes. But from ebay's point of view, the reviews could pretty well just be a transcription of the adult voice on a Charlie Brown cartoon--- wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah long as it improves Google search placement. 


But yes, I'm guessing they are going to end up dealing with the same review issues other sites deal with, but how much effort ebay will be willing to devote to resolving those issues is an open question.

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques  Even review, critique and ummmm bashing are entirely subjective. Ask 10 people for their opinion and get 10 different answers. Similar to using eBay help, speaking to several different agents  and then their knowledge base/patience with caller. Maybe why callers can no longer rate their CS agent. 🤣








Message 22 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@lotzofuniquegoodies  And my guess is, ebay will basically say exactly that, just as they do for regular feedback now: it is the buyer's OPINION, and of course that is subjective.

Message 23 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

@toomuchstuffagain35  My impression, from the podcast discussion, is the main reason for this change is because apparently Google (and I'm guessing other search engines) have been giving better search results placement to products that have product reviews. ebay has millions of products, but very few have reviews. 


So, I'd guess ebay doesn't really care if you read the reviews, the reviews are really just a way to get better placement in Google. 


And for that reason, I think it's a good idea, but implementation seems flawed.



The elephant in the room is IF a review is left will it be 100 % truthful? Majority of what I see I take with a very large grain of salt. Then will there be the need or the want to have "inaccurate" reviews removed and will it be possible? Like trying to compare Used item A to Used item B to Used item C. Subjectively impossible.



I believe the review part of the feedback is on certain categories of new commodities.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 24 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@chapeau-noir Per the interview I posted above, they are starting with those types of items, but will be expanding as time goes on. Just how far that expansion will go is anybody's guess.

Message 25 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

On May 3, 2024, I noticed a 10 mo. OLD NEGATIVE FEED BACK was appearing  FIRST (instead of the dozens of positive feedbacks received since then) ON the bottom of ALL MY LISTINGS (approx. 8700).


For the past eleven days (hours and hours on the phone with CS) I have been trying to get this (technical?) issue corrected. Today, the issue remains, but one of the reps for the first time mentioned that it is because the buyer left the feedback as a 'Product' feedback...


I wasn't even familiar with it until I found this discussion...


The saga and mystery and negative impact to business continues...

Message 26 of 27
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Re: For Community Team-- Product Reviews/Feedback Question

@thearteryfineart wrote:

On May 3, 2024, I noticed a 10 mo. OLD NEGATIVE FEED BACK was appearing  FIRST (instead of the dozens of positive feedbacks received since then) ON the bottom of ALL MY LISTINGS (approx. 8700).


For the past eleven days (hours and hours on the phone with CS) I have been trying to get this (technical?) issue corrected. Today, the issue remains, but one of the reps for the first time mentioned that it is because the buyer left the feedback as a 'Product' feedback...


I wasn't even familiar with it until I found this discussion...


The saga and mystery and negative impact to business continues...


Message 27 of 27
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