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First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

I received my first payment dispute today, guess I should count myself lucky. Buyer said she did not recognize the transaction. It was a whopping $19.64 total. So I called the buyer at number given through eBay. I asked, very politely, for "buyer's name". She stuttered and ummm... said "buyer's name" is my dog. I cannot make this up! I said well, your dog purchased an item from me on your card and claimed she didn't recognize the charge. She said I'm so sorry, don't know what happened, yada yada. I see from reading about disputes on here that I most likely will not win, even with tracking, order details, etc. I did leave feedback for said buyer's dog. Any advice? 

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Accepted Solutions

Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

If you have tracking showing that delivery was made ebay will cover a transaction not recognized payment dispute regardless of what the bank decides.   When ebay notified you of a dispute did they ask you to enter the tracking number?  

 It is item not as described disputes that are difficult to win.


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Message 2 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

If you have tracking showing that delivery was made ebay will cover a transaction not recognized payment dispute regardless of what the bank decides.   When ebay notified you of a dispute did they ask you to enter the tracking number?  

 It is item not as described disputes that are difficult to win.


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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!




Message 3 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

You violated ebay policy with that feedback.

Message 4 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

@pjcdn2005 They did not ask for tracking per se but I did enter it in my response to the dispute.

Message 5 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

So I called the buyer at number given through eBay.




I just know there's a "Man, you've got NADs" joke in here somewhere... 🤣

Message 6 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

Your first payment dispute and you handled it all wrong.


1) As @fern*wood has said that feedback left is completely a policy violation.


And 2, you should not have contacted the buyer.


You should simply have uploaded tracking details to dispute especially if your item was about to be delivered.


Regardless of the banks decision for this type of payment dispute you would have been completely covered as long as you got delivered tracking and handled within your advertised handling time.

Message 7 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

I’m curious if you already had tracking uploaded with the transaction.  There seems to be a couple of different versions of messages that eBay send when that type of dispute is opened but either way, you should be covered.

Message 8 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

@fern*wood Not being snarky here but I was honest in feedback, did not mention names and warned other sellers of buyer's intentions. Another seller left similar feedback for this buyer saying the buyer received the item for free and was dishonest. Buyer only has 4 feedback and 2 of them say buyer is dishonest.

Message 9 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

@yellow-snapdragon wrote:

I received my first payment dispute today, guess I should count myself lucky. Buyer said she did not recognize the transaction. It was a whopping $19.64 total. So I called the buyer at number given through eBay. I asked, very politely, for "buyer's name". She stuttered and ummm... said "buyer's name" is my dog. I cannot make this up! I said well, your dog purchased an item from me on your card and claimed she didn't recognize the charge. She said I'm so sorry, don't know what happened, yada yada. I see from reading about disputes on here that I most likely will not win, even with tracking, order details, etc. I did leave feedback for said buyer's dog. Any advice? 


OK, that sounds like someone in her household (room mate, spouse, child, ... ) got hold of her card or eBay account and used it, possibly without her permission. Should she have kept better control of her accounts? Could she have dealt with the situation better? Yes, and yes.


Did you ask her if she would please cancel the credit card dispute, and take the issue up with whoever had used her eBay or credit card account, and her dog's name? It sounds like she was embarrassed, so she might have been willing to if asked right. This would have been a much more effective way to deal with the problem.


Sellers are not allowed to leave positive feedback with negative comments  for buyers. Not being snarky, but calling someone a scammer is definitely a negative comment. If the buyer reports it, eBay will remove that feedback and give you a policy violation for leaving it.


Message 10 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

Personally, I don't care what feedback a seller leaves. Buyer's can take it up with eBay, just like sellers have to. 


But feedback does not matter. Sellers are not reading it. When a buyer hits a BIN, the seller just ships it. Buyers do not need pre approval or get checked out before buying. You would have been better off NOT leaving feedback at all, as your feedback only counts as positive. Sellers who retaliate with feedback do nothing but add positive to buyers scores. Only the minority of sellers here even look over seller's feedback. And if they cancel a sale because they don't like something in a buyer's feedback, they stupidly do it at the risk of their own accounts. 


Selling online comes with risks (like this). If you are adverse to those risks, selling online is NOT for you. 

Message 11 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!



You left a false positive (a positive rating with negative comment) about the buyer and that is not allowed on eBay. Sellers are only allowed to give buyers positive or no feedback. The buyer can get your feedback and the other false postive they received removed with a simple call to customer service.

Message 12 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

@farmalljr I, as a seller, do not necessarily check buyer feedback from sellers but I randomly check the type of feedback a buyer leaves. If something seems questionable or the buyer has very little or no feedback received.

Message 13 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

Of course, it is fine to contact your buyer with the number eBay provides on the transaction details. That's exactly why eBay gives you that information. No eBay rules that state you cannot communicate with your buyer at any point.

Message 14 of 33
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Re: First Payment Dispute...Must Read!!!

You had every right to contact the buyer and leave any feedback. If either is inappropriate, eBay will communicate that to you. 

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