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Feedback System Out of Date

Perhaps it's just me, however, I've noticed in the past couple years that buyers leaving feedback has dropped considerably.  Out of the last twenty items sold, one buyer left feedback.  However, if someone is not happy, they immediately leave neutral/negative feedback.  This throws your feedback score totally out of kilter.  Perhaps everyone is too busy these days, they're happy with their purchase and a positive feedback is understood but not left.  It makes the feedback system unrealistic may need an update. 

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Feedback System Out of Date

It's not just you.  Sellers who leave feedback for each of their buyers report receiving 20 to 30% in return.


Many buyers just want their widget.  


On the other hand, some don't leave feedback when the transaction is less than satisfactory but they don't feel compelled to document that with a negative.


Feedback is important for a buyer to make an informed buying decision as to whether to buy or not as a pattern of issues in feedback may indicate use of the back button.

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Feedback System Out of Date

I think at 30% you'd be extremely fortunate, In my experience 20% is more likely, most sellers always leave feedback after the purchase at the time of shipping, would be nice if happy buyers could take the time to do the same once they receive their item. I agree buyers with an issue valid or not have no problem taking the time.

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Feedback System Out of Date

People today are very busy.  They want their item and for it to be delivered in a timely fashion with no problems.  They want what they paid for and do not feel a successful sale deserves any recognition to the seller. 


No feedback imo is good feedback.

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Feedback System Out of Date

They have not been leaving much our way either these days.  Like you said its not important till its time to give a negitive then ohhh my gosh its important.  Best regards

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Feedback System Out of Date

 It's not the system, the problem is the people. Please allow me to explain. While I agree, the eBay feedback system could use an update, as it has essentially remained the same for nearly 25 years, the true issue here is how the behaviors and attitudes of humanity has changed during that time.

 I've been around eBay for a very long time, and once upon a time, it was a true community. Your feedback rating reflected your word. If you had a few negative feedback, it didn't matter what your price or item was, getting a sale would be difficult, cause trust and integrity had to be earned within that community. My how times have changed! In recent years, it doesn't even matter that I have flawless 5 star, 100% feedback, if someone can get that item for $1 less from a seller with multiple negatives and neutrals, they do that. That has nothing to do with the system, it has everything to do with the values of the people using said system.

 My amazing feedback used to actually have it's own value. A customer could buy with confidence, knowing they were buying from someone they can trust, someone who knew what they were doing, etc. Now, it seems most buyers don't care, they have taken the personal touch out of the buying experience. I do an incredible job at making sure my customer is happy, I take pride in it and it seems to go unappreciated far more often then not.

 I don't want to blame the younger generations, but they don't seem to place any value on my experience or reputation. They want their item at the lowest cost and they don't have the manners to say thank you most times.

 I could go on and on about the moral and ethic decline of society as a whole, especially over the last few years. But the jist of it is that people are not as kind, well mannered, courteous or appreciative as in decades past. The technology has left many online users with a shorter attention span and a much more cold demeanor. It's obvious that the problem is of much larger scope then just eBay.

 With that said, I do agree that the feedback system needs a revamp. Sadly,  with the moral decline of humanity, if the buyer isn't offered an incentive or reward for doing what is right (leaving feedback/saying thank you), they don't feel motivated to do it, which validates my persepctive on the selfish and unkind nature of humanity now. So, yes, if they were given some kind of stacking reward points for feedback given, we might actually get some, as oppossed to the 20%-30% that most of us are lucky to now recieve. 

 I hate to sound like an old crumdgeon but I am absolutely sickened by the lack of feedback I get overall, not just as a seller, but also buying. People forget how to say "thank you". It's disgraceful and sad and I expect it to actually worsen in time.

 For perspective, I currently have 16 (!!!) feedback that have not been given in return. That's 16 in the last 60 days. The splits are absolutely even too. 8 as a buyer, 8 as a seller. That's 16 people that did not return feedback. Mind boggling how rude and inconsiderate most people have become.  Again, this isn't just an eBay thing, it's a human thing.

 I WEEP for humanity.

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Feedback System Out of Date

Feedback is meaningless for buyers, so I think many do not bother.


Another thing is many just pop on to buy as a "guest".


I agree that as a small seller a bad one can hurt your percentage. Living with that right now.  Got an immediate, no contact, neg from a (0) feedback buyer. Was my error. I corrected it. Responded factually. Does not seem to have hurt my sales.


Today I got an email, and message in my eBay messages asking for feedback.

Polite message. Probably auto set up to send.


I have left 63 feedbacks compared to 65 received, so it isn't like I don't leave feedback.  Being a seller I understand that sellers would like feedback.  I run in the 20-30% as a seller. Over 98% left as a buyer.


Thing is, the item arrived less than 48 hours ago. Have not even used it yet. Seller has 12,500 feedback score.


I did message back that the item had not been here long, was unchecked, and that feedback would follow soon if I am not re-spammed for feedback.

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