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Ebays money back policy

Hopefully if all the sellers on ebay, atleast the ones based in USA, would write about the defect in ebays money back guarantee policy;

that by choosing item doesn't match photos or listing description, no matter how diligent a seller is about adequately describing an item (which is required) the buyer can return.

I know everyone is going to respond with how can ebay determine if the item sent matched item in listing.....Well, i can in 2 instances of my own personal experience show, by mine and buyers photos prove it. One was a box that my puppy had ran across and therefore left puppy paw prints😁 which showed this in the listings main pic and the buyer provided the same pic in the return for item not matching description case.  

That is the item listed and that is the item received.  

Second instance is for a backpack, the maker made 2 my listing it says its the smaller version of the iconic backpack and even gave measurements. The buyer bought 2 of the same sizes, 2 separate listings. ( 2 different colors but both the smaller version)

Opened up a return item doesn't match description only on one of the items, mind you, saying she thought it was the bigger version.

Obviously what she did was bought 2 and decided which of the colors she wanted and knowing she can return even when seller doesn't do returns, by falsely claiming item doesn't match description..

I know i am not the only one who can 100% prove that item listed was item sent, and after following all ebays guidelines and rules and policy's set for sellers to have no protection.

I know i know open up an appeal, report the buyer. Thats not the point, the buyer gets to return the item. I would like to have ebay action before the item gets to be returned.

If seller has done everything by sellers requirements set forth by ebay.... Which is to avoid returns for items not matching, then by God shouldn't something be there for sellers not to be forced to accept a return?

Maybe if they, CEOs, be bombarded with actual letters in the mail, take heed and implement some change.

Only we as sellers can hope.

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Re: Ebays money back policy

“Hopefully if all the sellers on ebay, atleast the ones based in USA, would write about the defect in ebays money back guarantee policy;

that by choosing item doesn't match photos or listing description, no matter how diligent a seller is about adequately describing an item (which is required) the buyer can return…”



This is a buyer-centric platform where sellers bear the risks, not buyers.


A letter-writing campaign is not needed because the eBay powers-that-be are fully aware of the “loophole.” They designed this policy to favor buyers, including at seller’s expense. This reflects a corporate culture where buyers are highly valued. Sellers are ten a penny. 

The Money Back Guarantee presents the primary risk in selling here. Sellers must decide, prior to listing, if the risk is worth the reward. Shrinkage is a fact of retail life sellers cannot avoid. It can perhaps be mitigated, but one must decide what their risk tolerance is before listing the item.


To mitigate such risk, i do my utmost to prevent the need for returns, and next, never attempt to bar a buyer who chooses to do so. To avoid bogus Not As Described cases being opened, i offer free returns and have for many years. Fortunately returns are few. The added expense is accounted for in my pricing and funds set aside for that purpose.

Message 16 of 19
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Re: Ebays money back policy

@dbfolks166mt wrote:

     The irony of it is the seller protections are better under the EIS program for international sales than they are for US sellers and domestic sales. EIS even protects the seller in the event of a chargeback. 

Those EIS protections are not free even if they seem to be.


Not only does eBay get their usual fee cut they also make money on the shipping they charge buyers (a substantial amount if they are smart enough).


     I fully realize it is not free. Everything has a price and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 


eBay also has access to a mountain of data and know that returns/refunds are a much smaller issue than sellers who post here make it out to be.


     I have always wondered what the returns/refunds and scams actually amount to but of course eBay is never going to release that information publically. However, you can get a pretty good idea what the ecommerce return rate simply by doing a little research. Overall, according to multiple sources, it is about 20-30% with is for a lot of items/categories. Some categories are higher than others, clothing for example.  


I ship Internationally directly. I can charge buyers slightly less (more than slightly for some weights) for shipping than EIS or USPS and still make a considerable profit. I also know that historically for me that the number of buyer issues (returns/refunds) are almost insignificant.


     That has always been an option I just don't want to have to deal with the extra paperwork and keep track of every countries import restrictions, some of which are getting pretty complex. 

Message 17 of 19
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Re: Ebays money back policy

@slippinjimmy wrote:


eBay also has access to a mountain of data and know that returns/refunds are a much smaller issue than sellers who post here make it out to be.


For many Ebay sellers, myself included, the refund rate is under 1%.


For many Ebay sellers, myself not included, there is little profit left after refunds.


Many Ebay sellers have no planning, little margin and no contingency plans for when sales turn to crap. Their pain is real. They are often selling in categories which are returns prone and they may have no idea what the products they sell look like when they are new.


These sellers have needed help since they started selling on Ebay, and probably before that.


They walk onto a battlefield, armed only with their willingness to complain to anyone who will listen. This forum is willing to listen, but cannot respond with by providing the missing talents these sellers need. They may have them, but their time is needed to run their own businesses.


The best they can offer is sympathy, but the complainers are not satisfied with sympathy, they want validation.

Message 18 of 19
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Re: Ebays money back policy

Well, i can in 2 instances of my own personal experience show, by mine and buyers photos prove it.


Your logic is fundamentally flawed.


The pictures in a listing do not prove that the seller shipped what was in the pictures.


If I listed a Rolex Submariner but shipped you a $20 Timex, would the pictures of the Rolex in my listing prove that you were lying about receiving a Timex? 

Message 19 of 19
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