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Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

I have been selling an assortment of the same item on ebay for 2.5 years.  Now all of sudden the listings are in violation of ebay policies.  REALLY?  Ebay is so backwards with their selling policies.  One snowflake saying my listing is in violation shouldnt get my listing removed.  Hey ebay, instead of removing my listing, how about a thank you for the $2,000 in seller fees i have paid over the last 3 years for these so called listings that violated your policies.   Really, no bb guns, knives.  Thats a couple 100 thousand listings which you are currently making money off of, i dont presonally sell this stuff, but just an example.  BUT, they are in violation of your own policies.

Message 1 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

What were you trying to sell?

Message 2 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

One snowflake saying my listing is in violation shouldnt get my listing removed.


I'm no fan of ebay's often nonsensical listing restrictions, but it's not some snowflake who is the problem. It's ebay.  It's their site, and seller doesn't have any choice but to go along.


In any case, now that you're busted, you have to be extraordinarily careful, or you'll end up on vacation.

Message 3 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

@beachbum421 wrote:

I have been selling an assortment of the same item on ebay for 2.5 years.  Now all of sudden the listings are in violation of ebay policies.  REALLY?

Are your items in violation of eBay's policies. and you were finally caught?  Or, are the listings OK but unfairly removed?


Big difference.

Message 4 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

Appears to be shotgun shell heads.


OP's latest seller feedback is for shotgun shell heads, the listing has been removed.


It appears from the Firearms, weapons and knives policy that these might not be allowed - the section on Ammunition bans these:


  • Components of ammunition:

    • Bullets

    • Cartridges

    • Casings

    • Shells

    • Hulls

Message 5 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

So the OP was just flying under the radar until the rules caught up with him.



Message 6 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

I'm a competitive shooter in trap/skeet/sporting clays, as well as rifle and pistol. I hold US Army expert badges in the M16, M4, and M2 machine gun. I taught marksmanship and convoy defense at Fort Leonard Wood to military and government personnel of all ranks, and I also build and repair rifles. I also reload ammunition for all of my firearms.


"Shotgun shell heads" are not on that list of things you can't sell. They are not casings, nor are they "components of ammunition." They cannot be loaded into ammunition and they cannot pose any risk above anything else that might be swallowed accidentally.


OP is selling art materials, just like you'd use to make those "bullet necklaces" you see at souvenir shops. Many people use these to make mosaics or cast coffee tables.


I was going to ask why he's not selling on gunbroker, but that's probably where he's selling actual shotgun shells.


Message 7 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

You might be correct, but if I were the OP I would not relist them unless he want's to stop selling on eBay forever.

Message 8 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

@phcd1 wrote:

You might be correct, but if I were the OP I would not relist them unless he want's to stop selling on eBay forever.

This, unfortunately, could be a very valid point.


It kind of sucks, though, that because eBay's personnel don't understand what's going on here, OP is being punished.


The rules are not there because of eBay's moral stance that "firearms are bad." They're there because some of these items are illegal to sell to minors, in certain jurisdictions, and to certain individuals, or without a firearms license; and because the USPS and UPS and FAA have very strict rules about shipping explosives and ammunition. This guy's just trying to sell shiny brass things to artists, and his activity is not against any of these rules. I am right, by the way... I ship and travel with guns and ammo, including "assault weapons," all over the USA.. and I'm very familiar with what is and is not allowed in this country.


He has every right to be offended by what happened.



My suggestion is, next time, list them as "replica/faux brass shotgun novelty buttons (not real shell casings)." People who know what they're looking for will know what's going on.

Message 9 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

My suggestion is, next time, list them as "replica/faux brass shotgun novelty buttons (not real shell casings)." People who know what they're looking for will know what's going on.


And the same ebay enforcers who are confused this time will be confused by that too.


Listing stuff as "replica/faux" has worked in the past to sell the real thing. These days, it invokes cynicism.


And ebay doesn't much score such violations as mistakes. You repeat the violation, you're on vacation.

Message 10 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

@sg51 wrote:

My suggestion is, next time, list them as "replica/faux brass shotgun novelty buttons (not real shell casings)." People who know what they're looking for will know what's going on.


And the same ebay enforcers who are confused this time will be confused by that too.


Listing stuff as "replica/faux" has worked in the past to sell the real thing. These days, it invokes cynicism.

Yeah... but see, artists don't really care if the things are usable as shotgun cases. They want a round brass thing that says WIN 12 GA on it.


eBay's staff are just as bedraggled and overworked as sellers are. They have a lot of complaints, real and valid, to sift through, and they can't be expected to be technical experts in every field. So when they see a round brass thing and the auction title says "shotgun head," you can't rely on them to know whether it is or is not a "component."

So if you label the item clearly enough that a novice reloader would not be interested in it, and that an artist would... you lessen the risk of a violation. Throw in a sentence or two explaining that "this is not a shotgun shell base; it is a brass button crafted in that shape. It cannot be used to reload ammunition." That's not a lie.


You don't have the time to educate eBay's staff on how to reload ammo, and they aren't willing to risk their job over your auction.



Also consider whether it's worth it... I don't know what happens the second or third time you get a "violation," justified or otherwise.

Message 11 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

@beachbum421 wrote:

BUT, they are in violation of your own policies.

They are not in violation of this policy, which appears in the eBay User Agreement:


"Additionally, we reserve the right to refuse or terminate all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason at our discretion."


They refused part of their services to you at their discretion 🙂


Message 12 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

eBay's staff are just as bedraggled and overworked as sellers are. They have a lot of complaints, real and valid, to sift through, and they can't be expected to be technical experts in every field. So when they see a round brass thing and the auction title says "shotgun head," you can't rely on them to know whether it is or is not a "component."

So if you label the item clearly enough that a novice reloader would not be interested in it, and that an artist would... you lessen the risk of a violation. Throw in a sentence or two explaining that "this is not a shotgun shell base; it is a brass button crafted in that shape. It cannot be used to reload ammunition." That's not a lie.


The term "shotgun shell" in the description may trigger the eBay employee reviewing the reported listing just as it would if it were in the title.  The employee won't know the difference between a brass button or a full shell, he will just see the words "shotgun shell" and see that is on the prohibited list.


I don't know what happens the second or third time you get a "violation," justified or otherwise.


It doesn't take many violations to get a permanent selling suspension.  That would apply to all IDs belonging to the same person, not just the ID that got the violations.


The OP is already on eBay's (and whoever reported the listings) radar.  Any attempts to avoid further violations (justified or not) by creative wording are not a good idea.

Message 13 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

@muttlymob wrote:


The term "shotgun shell" in the description may trigger the eBay employee reviewing the reported listing just as it would if it were in the title.  The employee won't know the difference between a brass button or a full shell, he will just see the words "shotgun shell" and see that is on the prohibited list.


Notwithstanding my description of the average eBay staffer's knowledge, try to give them a little credit!


I don't believe they would read "this is not a shotgun shell" and interpret it as "this is a shotgun shell."


But again.. selling on eBay always involves a little risk. If OP has millions of these things it might be safer to try elsewhere.


And people do buy useless pieces of dunnage from gunbroker too.. just maybe not with the same level of exposure as eBay.

Message 14 of 27
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Re: Ebay removed my listings for "violations"

One can put anything in their listing.  It does not mean ebay is not going to come to the same interpretation that this is not permitted.


And a second removal could mean his last.


I agree with above poster, if something gets pulled do not attempt to creatively reword it so it will hopefully pass muster.

Message 15 of 27
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