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Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

Ebay keeps contradicting itself with their rules and things on what can and can't be sold, or what violates Ebay Policy and things. They'll tell you one thing and then tell  you another thing.  They have a certain set of rules for some and not others. They'll pull and delete some items they deem as a violation of their rules, but then let others sell the same exact thing and not do a thing about about it. Another waste of time is chatting with a rep.on here too or reporting an item. Don't waste your time, because their "Ebay Big Brother Spy Team" is gonna delete anything they feel like at the time. Too many people making stupid rules. Ebay has gotten too big for its britches, too arrogant and too picky on things being sold .  So have fun my little chickadees and keep on truckin' and selling to your hearts content til Donkey's Fly. 

Message 1 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

It might have been the way what the title and description stated and not the photo.

Message 16 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

Not only could Ebay not afford the required staff to enforce the rules as @retro_entertainment_collectibles points out, it is unlikely that they could find staff which was adequately knowledgeable without training them. It is also unlikely that they could develop a training program for them which was adequate because they own no staff capable of defining the base of knowledge.


This is the identical reason that the automated tools are failing, they need to be trained, and the base of knowledge they need is impossible to compile because it requires humans with literacy, intelligence and experience.


Although many of Ebay's sellers know what the enforcement actions should focus on, many of the seller community do not which is why there are so many listings violating policy.


The story of the Internet is TOO BIG.  Too big to manage. Too big to police. Too big to grow further.

Message 17 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

@tobaccocardyahoo wrote:

Not only could Ebay not afford the required staff to enforce the rules as @retro_entertainment_collectibles points out, it is unlikely that they could find staff which was adequately knowledgeable without training them. It is also unlikely that they could develop a training program for them which was adequate because they own no staff capable of defining the base of knowledge.


This is the identical reason that the automated tools are failing, they need to be trained, and the base of knowledge they need is impossible to compile because it requires humans with literacy, intelligence and experience.


Although many of Ebay's sellers know what the enforcement actions should focus on, many of the seller community do not which is why there are so many listings violating policy.


The story of the Internet is TOO BIG.  Too big to manage. Too big to police. Too big to grow further.

Spot on and trying to put the Genie back in the bottle more or less the Genie's entire entourage is perhaps going to be one of the most difficult if not impossible taskings humanity has ever attempted.


Other forms of more static communications such as Radio, TV were/are more so one way streets and not directly very interactive.  Phone was and for ages underwent a variety of monitoring attempts even among the common folk.  The digital technologies have set everything on steroids whereby the vary providers of venues, connectivity more or less authorities cannot even dream keep up with.  It stands to become the most regulated communications mechanism the world has ever experienced and that's a shame.  Yet as the World Wide Web gained traction it didn't take a Nostradamus to see eventually where things would be heading.

Message 18 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

At least FB marketplace flags your item and puts it under review so that you can respond. Had a few weird AI flags on FB but usually they get reinstated 

Message 19 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

At least with FB, you can reason with them for the most part, but there are some things they won't let you post. Not gonna worry about it though...will still buy things on here, but the days of selling are over unless things really change which I doubt. It's only gonna get worse with all the "rules" they can come up with.

Message 20 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

Ebay will continue to move deeper into buyer centric which is the only chance of survival in today's online marketplace. 

Posting ID
Message 21 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.



I had eBay flag and remove my listing for the above first day cover on the grounds of it showing a Confederate flag.  Um... that's an official United States Postal Service stamp and the Georgia state flag!


     This is almost funny. I had a friend in Illinois who was trying to find a Confederate flag and of course you can't find one on eBay or most other ecommerce sites. However, I was able to purchase one from a Museum store in Virginia that shall remain nameless. They still sell them today as do a LOT of stores and online venues it the south. 


Message 22 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

@turtles-trading-post wrote:

georgia flag.jpg


I had eBay flag and remove my listing for the above first day cover on the grounds of it showing a Confederate flag.  Um... that's an official United States Postal Service stamp and the Georgia state flag!




Several years ago (before AI but probably related to bots) I had a pocket knife in tin depicted the war of 1812. Not really an expert on US history but pretty sure there were 2 sides involved. Both sides were carrying flags. Item got pulled because of 1 of the flags. When I checked there were tons of other items listed. Pretty sure at any given time you can find books on the subject or Dukes of Hazzards items. Of personal note there seems to be much more General Lee way (sorry, couldn't resist) if the item is being sold by a "Powerseller". From my testing. 

Message 23 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

This is why Ebay is having problems...too many sensitive little drama queens who find anything they deem offensive will be taken down.  It's a pick and choose thing..where they go after one seller and leave the other alone with the same thing. I refuse to sell anything on Ebay due to that I'm sure someone will eventually find something racists or negative about a Dinosaur Egg, or Hot Wheels car or something ridiculous like that.


Message 24 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

I have a good one to share with you . I had a necklace taken down . The reason was “ it looks like ivory”.  The necklace was made from a carved tauga nut  and these necklaces come from 

brazil . So I called to get it straightened out and was told it Dosent matter what it’s really made of eBay stands that they “think” It looks like ivory . I have been here selling for 18 years and have never sold ivory . My explanation went unaddressed and I get to see a giant red banner every time I create a new listing that says “ you have violated a listing policy .  Now you can look up scrimshaw and find many many thing that ARE made of ivory and no one seems to cares about true violations. 

Message 25 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

Is this all about your previous thread where you said a phone CSR told you sellers were not allowed to sell multiple copies of the same DVD or VHS and then Devon posted that sellers were, in fact, allowed to sell multiples of the same DVD or VHS?


Is so, it’s really that phone reps are poorly trained and most often give out the wrong info. They most likely misunderstood you and thought you meant “copies” in the literal sense of the word…

Message 26 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

Ebay does what it does...and that's why I'm over and done selling things on here.  

Message 27 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

I knew I should have bought that $25K Disney Dumbo VHS tape from you while I still had a chance.  Now I'll never find one at that kind of bargain price again.

Message 28 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

@gone.c-33 wrote:

Is this all about your previous thread where you said a phone CSR told you sellers were not allowed to sell multiple copies of the same DVD or VHS and then Devon posted that sellers were, in fact, allowed to sell multiples of the same DVD or VHS?

I suspect what the CSR really meant was that you are not allowed to have multiple LISTINGS for the same DVD or VHS at the same time, which is in fact a violation of the duplicate listings policy. Have a multiquantity listing with multiple copies available is perfectly fine, as is listing one copy, selling it, and then listing another copy.

Message 29 of 36
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Re: Ebay contradicts itself - Make up your mind Ebay.

Doesn't matter what they said or meant or didn't say. Everything I had was flagged and removed while others are doing the exact same thing and not a thing is being done to them regardless of how many times they've been reported. With these stupid rules, Ebay needs to get rid of the entire category and not allow anything as such be allowed to be sold on here at all. I've given up on reporting sellers or items because nothing is being done, nor does Ebay plan on doing anything about it.  

Message 30 of 36
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