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Good Morning

I have been on eBay since 1998.I want to very quickly let everyone know some repies are from trusted sellers who know zero. I inquired about my power seller badge not showing as it did the day before..Let me reply to this grade onne student. Kindergarten. There are four sellers dashboards. My USA seller dashboard has 287 sales and the total is slightly more then $10000 in the last twelve months.




Moving forward. Now previously when i would insert the item into the search category it would populate and provide the suggested eBay categories. What I no longer see is the EXAMPLE of items in those suggested categories. Why would ebay remove such a helpful tool.? High enough  screen resolution see all sections.?

Thanks Please only those who know what they speak need reply.

I sold an avo valve tester September 6 2020 for 3600$ .Trusted seller who replied can scroll through my feedback and see that price. Some people GEESH. last 12 hours sales =$172

Have a good day.

Message 1 of 13
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You start your posts by bashing people who answered previous questions? Then suggest "only those who know what they speak need reply?" Then move on to a little more bashing?

Message 2 of 13
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Yes I speak the truth.He said I had 37 transactions.So do you have a solution ?Or are you simply upset as the truth hurts .He is a trusted seller that’s incorrect.He was not even willing to man up own his mistake .He says that evertime.
Anyway the AAA will resolve this .

Message 3 of 13
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@premium-audio-tubes wrote:

So do you have a solution ?Or are you simply upset as the truth hurts.

I think he might have simply been implying that people with the solution might be reluctant to post given your condescending and discourteous attitude.

Message 4 of 13
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Anyway the AAA will resolve this


Do you need your car towed?


Message 5 of 13
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What is the AAA ? 

Message 6 of 13
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American Arbitration Association.
A third party which deals with any litigation between ebay and another member .
If you read youe user agreement I memory serves the link is on page 27 under legal disputes (contract breaches over billing etc).

Be prudent as if one is not careful and choose “a” as opposed to “b” when an issue such as mine you need to have opted in or opted out to proceed with your claim .

My assertion is not a jab at ebay all it is is what i am going through .These are simply a statement of facts .Take it or leave it.

These comments are one persons opinion and in no way are intended to leave the perception that ebay is in the wrong as nothing has been proven in court or through mediation .
a read the fine print.Always.Just a suggestion.

Message 7 of 13
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THE AAA-ICDR provides simplified mediation /arbitration filing disputes. eBay user agreement under legal on page 2 of 30 pages contains the link.

Message 8 of 13
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That's a knee slapper. For those in a bottom of the IQ   making any implications, just a broad conclusion, Its a legal entity to resolve consumer complaints will find it in your user agreement. Problems reading there is an option for setting  the computer to read the entire 30 pages aloud.

There you go.

Message 9 of 13
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The only solution is litigation. After 32 months and over 1000 hours with (oxymoron) customer support. Can you say certified class action possibility?

The belittling response I imagine you did not reach out to that user.I know I am correct.


Message 10 of 13
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Put yourself in my shoes. Do you work 18 hours a day and reach top rated plus as well as a power seller getting close to titanium only to be bashed?

Think hard. I am on a pension. This is a complete breach of contract and I the replies i received are exactly as i expected. Call it a self fulfilling prophecy. does your car need to be towed. The amount of people with limited intelligence is mind boggling. You have an ex  president suggesting you inject what was it he said Bleach .Are you kidding me. You have hundreds of thousand's attending the super bowl during a pandemic???????

Cary on a I truly hope you do not become a third world country as you are Canada s neighbor.

I have lived in several courtiers' over the years ,the treatment received once discovered i am in fact Canadian as opposed to American is ten fold in a positive way .You are not very liked in other countries.

Message 11 of 13
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Hah, we "are" the newest 3rd world country! A cognitive deficient puppet was just installed in the white house. Can you say coup? He has no idea where he is. He needs to study if our closest ally, Israel, should continue to be. He just, with the stroke of a pen, ended an agreement with Canada regarding the XL pipeline. Along with destroying an untold number of workers and their families in the process. He is opening the borders to allow who knows what. No social distancing, no masks, no idea what our new voters coming in will be bringing with them. Oh, and don't travel if you're a citizen of this nation. You'll be expected to lock your self in your home for 14 days and be expected to cover your face with a mask. Our friends up north just have to look a little closer. You'll see you are now just over the boarder to the new Venezuela.  It shouldn't be long now, before the paper money the fed continues to print could will used for the fires needed to give heat to those freezing in Texas. That's all it will be good for. You know, all the global warming and stuff... Look in the streets of all those big cities on our two coasts. Just be careful of where you step. You might impale your foot onto a used needle that was given free to the drug users by those in government. Or it might be a newly deposited pile of excrement courtesy of those living on the streets of LA or San Francisco. While our leaders live behind their gates in those mansions on the hill. Let us not forget all those peaceful protests that destroyed private property, cars, businesses, Churches not to mention Police cars and municipal properties. I could go on, but why bother? I'm sure you know what I'm saying. You sound like an intelligent person and can see with your eyes wide open. The useful idiots have over taken the critical thinkers in our once great nation. We are probably seeing the last of it's great days...

Message 12 of 13
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@premium-audio-tubes wrote:

Put yourself in my shoes. Do you work 18 hours a day and reach top rated plus as well as a power seller getting close to titanium only to be bashed?

Think hard. I am on a pension. This is a complete breach of contract and I the replies i received are exactly as i expected. Call it a self fulfilling prophecy. does your car need to be towed. The amount of people with limited intelligence is mind boggling. You have an ex  president suggesting you inject what was it he said Bleach .Are you kidding me. You have hundreds of thousand's attending the super bowl during a pandemic???????

Cary on a I truly hope you do not become a third world country as you are Canada s neighbor.

I have lived in several courtiers' over the years ,the treatment received once discovered i am in fact Canadian as opposed to American is ten fold in a positive way .You are not very liked in other countries.

First time for everything - never met a Canadian prima donna before. And obviously one who can't recognize sarcasm when written ....


Hundreds of thousands did NOT attend the super bowl. They may have attended super bowl PARTIES, but not the super bowl. That was limited, tested, and social distanced.


And if you took literally the words regarding "injecting yourself with something like that [ talking about Lysol ]" instead of "why don't we figure out what may work to kill it based on what we know so far", well, nothing more I can say other than you are correct: The amount of people with limited intelligence is mind boggling.


Message 13 of 13
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