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Dynamic Ad Rates

"Save time by using dynamic ad rates to automatically make adjustments based on eBay’s daily suggestions. Secure high-visibility ad placements and stay competitive."
-From eBay
Saving 'time' has never been so Expensive!  
Utilizing the new Automatic "Dynamic" on Promoted Listing Standard was a real surprise to me yesterday when I was perusing the  new Auto "Dynamic" Rate in my Listings.  All of a sudden "Dynamic" was 16.5 Percent!!!!! 
Here I have always assumed that 12.5% was as high as Promoted Listings should ever go. 
Is Promoted Listings actually worth 12.5%? 
Beats me, I've been 'staring' at these percentage numbers for years now, per listing product, and I still can't figure out which percentage Rate is working on Promoted and which is not.  
I noticed that the Insane  16.5% Rate was mostly for items I sell that are less expensive ($7-$12).  Items that I have normally sold under 9% on the Flat Rate Standard Promoted.  Meaning that eBay is wanting to take more from Sellers who may be selling large volumes at lower prices, what better way to do so than with the new Auto-Dynamic. 
With this eBay can invasively raise the Rates eventually, on Flat Standard Promoted, as well, as, in time, the Norm could rise with the new Dynamic Rate fluctuating Ad Pricing rates much higher.  And without input from millions of Sellers who don't have time to "Check Dynamic Percentage Rises" everyday, which is most sellers, I'd imagine. 
Automatic Indeed!
I quickly went back to my FLAT RATE, in these areas.  Now I know that the new Dynamic Rate can not be trusted.  I still have it on a number of Listings but realize I'll have to check Dynamic frequently for the usual rise in eBay's 'Dynamic Rates'.
With all these expensive ways and means from eBay I'm beginning to think that "Free Shipping" should be ended by most eBay sellers.  Sellers must recoup eventually.  No matter the Corporate structure.  
Business, alas, Must Be Fair, as, Life is not.
Clay Scott Brown
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Dynamic Ad Rates

Well, yes, you can go back to a Flat Rate.


Or, you can do what most sellers using Dynamic do, and put a cap on the dynamic rate. I have absolutely no idea where you got the idea that PLS could not go above 12.5%? ebay has certainly never said any such thing.


You like 9% as your flat rate? Fine. Then cap Dynamic at 9%, and you won't need to check every day, because your rate will be 9% or less, but never more than 9%.







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Dynamic Ad Rates

Life is not Fair & Never assume!

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Dynamic Ad Rates

You can cap it at whatever you are comfortable with.  I stay at 2% for the time being.

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