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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

Has anyone else been experiencing problems on ebay since this covid 19 hoax began? I've noticed some buyers have been making purchases, and then once received, immediately Filing a return request due to the parts being supposedly faulty or item as not described. Or some other crazy request, like asking for a $6 refund when the sale was for $10 with free shipping. Ebay and paypal put an automatic hold on the payment, and do not give you any opportunity to resolve the issue fairly or equally.  Ebays policies are discriminatory against sellers and it exploits us. Anyways, I recieved the return, and ebay automatically refunded the money to the buyer upon delivery confirmation. Sad that they typically put a 21 day hold on my funds, so I never actually got my money, but I was screwed on shipping fees and seller fees. So I open up the box, and the part I had sold the buyer was intentionally smashed up and they took the good parts off of it. I was amazed and shocked. How is it legal, or moral of ebay as a business, that they can place a 21 day hold on my funds....make me refund a buyer for full cost plus shipping, make me pay fees and tax, but without inspecting the items condition upon delivery? This seems fraudulent on Ebays part, and possibly illegal business practice. I have had thousands of dollars and merchandise stolen and exploited from me due to ebays policies and practices. How come ebay does not set up a system that verifies these types of financial and legal problems? Is this discriminating? Is this exploitation? there is no way to contact ebay for sellers, but only buyers have this ability to have quick contact right now due to COV19. This has to be discrimination on a whole other level. Hopefully this message is not taken down. I invoke a class action law suit against ebay!!!! Whose with me?!!!! I know a lot of us use Ebay as a small or large business, but if scammers and ebays policies are allowed to exploit us, we will continue to loose our seller rights, and it may cost more finacially to do business with Ebay, than to explore other selling platforms. 

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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

You're supposed to be given a certain time window to check the items before you refund. ebay should NOT be refunding for you. This is the policy anyway.

The hard truth? ebay does whatever it wants.
Message 2 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

You're supposed to be given a certain time window to check the items before you refund. ebay should NOT be refunding for you. This is the policy anyway.


What is the use of the "certain time window"? It does not matter much what is returned anyway.  This must be the "streamlining" in action ebay is always talking about.  Fast, quick, and perhaps less painless since it saves the seller the time of trying to get assistance for a faulty return. 


Message 3 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

How many times has this happened to you? 


There is no way in this kind of a venue for ebay to tell whether the buyer is right or the seller is.......  this is the on line equivalent of shoplifting......and no solution has ever been suggested that would work.......  Sellers either have to find a "better" place to sell or factor in the losses in their prices.


No one who is making $$ on ebay is going to support a shut down.....without a viable solution to the problem.......which no one has found yet..........


just my opinion........

Message 4 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

I had a question about this transaction did you receive a transaction defect for this as well?

Message 5 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

Yes and it's not COVID related, this is an ongoing issue... I can tell you what will help, crazy as it might sound but changing your returns policy from No Returns to 30 days Free will actually slow these forms of abuse down.

Or at least they did for me...


A No Returns policy leads to fighting with buyers, and that is never a good idea.

Don't fight them and you will have less problems.


Buyers have the MBG behind them, there is no losing a case from a buyer's end so when a seller wants to fight a buyer that only raises the stakes of the challenge.  Don't enter into this arena, learn to pick fights you can win, this fight is not one you can win.


I think I've covered it...?

Message 6 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

Yes, this will be a transaction defect (returns counted if they are 'not as described', get enough and you get to pay more fv fees). 

Message 7 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN



...I mean no harm for asking this question...just want to completely understand your inputs...


...what do you mean when you said this..."This must be the "streamlining" in action ebay is always talking about. Fast, quick, and perhaps less painless since it saves the seller the time of trying to get assistance for a faulty return."...


...should a seller be allowed time for self-defense for a faulty return by a buyer whom knew how to manipulate eBay flawed return policies...


...when completely losing money it considers financial hardship, it's a pain...

Message 8 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

You need to READ the user agreement and all eBay policies.  You'll find that you agreed to all of this when you signed up.  You also agreed that you cannot participate in a class action lawsuit. 

Successful and experienced seller since 1997, over 70,000 feedback, boardie since the boards were begun.
Message 9 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

@dhbookds wrote:

How many times has this happened to you? 


There is no way in this kind of a venue for ebay to tell whether the buyer is right or the seller is.......  this is the on line equivalent of shoplifting......and no solution has ever been suggested that would work.......  Sellers either have to find a "better" place to sell or factor in the losses in their prices.


No one who is making $$ on ebay is going to support a shut down.....without a viable solution to the problem.......which no one has found yet..........


just my opinion........

I think a great solution would be for ebay to get out of the Money Back Guarantee business.  If ebay can't tell who is honest or who is right or who has just cause or who is lying, then why should they be making a decision as to who gets the 'money'?  If ebay is going to make the decision then they should take the responsibility for knowing all of the facts before making the decision - and acting accordingly.


(personal opinion - your mileage may vary)

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 10 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

What you MUST understand is you CANNOT expect to run YOUR business the way you want on SOMEONE ELSE'S website. You absolutely cannot.


This is Ebay's website. All sellers do is rent space on virtual shelves. We have ZERO say in how this place is run, and that has been made CRYSTAL CLEAR throughout the years.  You have NO RIGHTS here, all you have is the "privilege" to sell here as long as you keep your metrics in line.


If they want to set rules that are stupid, illogical, and even detrimental to sellers, they can, and if you've been here long enough it's to be expected. Ebay has to keep the buyers coming and they are most certainly willing to sacrifice their sellers to do so.


Do I like it? Not really. Do I accept it and deal with it? Yes, because it's NOT MY WEBSITE.


I would never support a shutdown.  I make money here, and I protect myself with self-insurance. When losses become unacceptable, or the ridiculousness gets to a point I can't deal with, I will leave. It's that simple. I would never call for a shutdown, not while so many sellers are making money.


All of this applies to ANY third party selling website. None of these places will have your back. None of them care one iota about you.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 11 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

@ittybitnot wrote:

You're supposed to be given a certain time window to check the items before you refund. ebay should NOT be refunding for you. This is the policy anyway.


What is the use of the "certain time window"? It does not matter much what is returned anyway.  This must be the "streamlining" in action ebay is always talking about.  Fast, quick, and perhaps less painless since it saves the seller the time of trying to get assistance for a faulty return. 


Oh I know lol


I was just stating what the policy is "supposed" to be.

Message 12 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

You among a few other "long time" sellers, always share the best responses. Thank You.
Message 13 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

This has happened to me. I sold a laptop and the guy returned it broken and eBay won’t step in or help the seller. I need help with this.
Message 14 of 33
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Buyers exploiting sellers and Ebays policies, Ebay seller support SHUT DOWN

I posted yesterday that on many other sites the old scam of waiting until items are in the mail to demand refunds so they get both the money and the item.  Nice try! Not happening.

Message 15 of 33
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