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Another Useless Sellers Update is Coming. How about listening to a 23yr Seasoned Seller?

Sellers news... has New Parts Fitment Guarantee in Auto - *But wait (like always) there are exceptions.  

Where is the Sellers Protection on Abusing Returns, Making false Statements? And why is eBay still punishing sellers with Return (defects?) - when set  to Auto Refund, why do we need to waste more time?

When will they become the trail-blazers and pioneers they once were?!? 
Here is what I do know. eBay is allowing buyers to make any allegations against sellers to get free returns.
Not as Described., is not usually the truth (98% of the time) It's actually buyer's remorse; or they are doing multiple bidding against other items and getting the more expensive one faster, and then returning the slower cheaper one to the first seller!  Perhaps, they bid on "(like items from multiple sellers)"
Or they did NOT use the Vehicle Compatibility Chart and ordered thinking they KNOW more than a 38yr installer.
For example, Ford makes over 25,000 different make models (just assuming) a Ford is good enough, is not a (not as described situation)
Buyers have bible like stature, while sellers get tough luck, "these defect will eventually fall off."  Literally a quote from an eBay Seller Support? (that's some support) - Why if a buyer claims not as described or differently than shown, they're not required to take a photo to back-up their claim and statement? It's not an opinion anymore, now it is a monetary issue. (Difference between factual or fraudulent action).
Returns: Why does any of this even have bearing on a sellers account, we've signed up for automatic refunds, on returns.
Buyers are taking their time to return things, (IF THEY EVER DO!), then like some kind of planned scheme when the package arrives on a Friday, they contact eBay and file a claim, or escalation! - *they can return at their leisure, while we are pinned down for (2) days? It needs to be a little more even than that. But even a better question is, Why are we being punished - at all? They've been refunded. And now that eBay Payments are in effect, why is this even an issue?
*Amazon has auto returns, and Amazon holds orders in the background til they clear, which also is good because it allows buyers to cancel, without ever seeing the order! That equals (no negatives from buyers who think your trying to make a nickel profit, and no defect, of (never scanned by carrier) because your system at eBay isnt smart enough to realize, a refund is a refund, and a negative amount of money shouldn't *be counted (AT ALL) it wouldn't be scanned by carrier its been refunded thru your system, but "its ok" - "it'll fall off eventually!" No seller support there.
eBays Cancel Requests are a Joke! A buyer sends a cancel request into a totally different platform into eBay messages, not onto the order screen. Most of the time, these requests are done AFTER a shipping label has been printed. So, if we DO what the customer asks, we end up getting a defect, because the order was refunded, but the tracking was already input into your system; yet its too dumb to figure that out! so its a double defect, no carrier scan, and a negative 90% of the time, because we've usually already shipped it out because now eBay wants (1) DAY for Top Rated, which doesn't allow a seller to give good service, and communicate with the buyer.
So, since the beginning eBay always claims they are here for the buyer and the seller, and while eBay has pointed out, I obviously know what I am doing here on eBay as a 23yr old Veteran, maybe these can be seriously looked into.

I have a few good ideas, (not the usual lame Seller Updates we get) but real world (let's make eBay back to the Pioneering stature it once was) kind of updates. These are all (easy to implement) which is along the same idea as the best thing eBay ever did; How stop non-paying buyers... was the Opt-in (immediate payments). That was the best idea, and solution, that worked great. (But I have 3 new and improved Opt-INS, which will make eBay more money and keep both buyers and sellers happier than ever!) WIN, WIN, WIN

1) Opt-IN Sellers to Not allow Buy Button to be Active if Vehicle Compatible Listings are not filled out. - This will stop the NOT as Described claims, in listings using the vehicle fitments (The same parts that have been working for 25+ years) are now not working, because buyers assume it says FORD, they have a FORD - but not all parts work until you drill down to make, model, and year. ** We are getting hit with not as described or not as shown... which are 100% same as purchased (when they are returned) these buyers are just not informed. Let's help the buyers make good choices the first time. - Because, if they had to take photo proof of their false claims, eBay would see the same pattern as I.

2) Opt-IN Sellers to accept buyer's orders to sit in background for as long as they have to ask for a cancel request:
If they cancel; great - we don't get (2) defects, because we never saw the order. The (2) defects are negatives, because the buyer thinks we are greedy for that nickel; if its stopped and refunded, we get a Carrier Never Scanned shipping defect. ** Usually, this situation is a direct issue with eBays (LIKE ITEMS / Similar) after checking out. This is so wrong on so many levels, I do not like seeing that when I check-out. (Like Items was eBays first Policy) it was against anyone to list or sell in a title - LIKE NIKE, LIKE APPLE, etc, yet you guys are doing it after the buyer checks out, so - now they see something similar, or like my item *maybe 5cents cheaper, but it's NOT the same. - Cancel Request soon to follow. Negative because you shipped it out already, because (1) day for Top Rated... etc. - (2) day was way better.

3) Opt-IN Sellers to Auto-Accept Returns * Once Tracking shows Returned, a buyer is automatically refunded. Since eBay now is using direct payments for most transactions, this should be so easy to implement, Sellers have 2-Business Days to Appeal (nothing changes there). We sellers wait and wait for items to be Returned, (if they ever do actually return item) - this will help sellers be more productive, and sell more, which will in return, make more profit for eBay. It's almost like these sneaky buyers are gaming the returns to arrive on Fridays, and then Call into eBay or escalate a claim over the weekend. This happens frequently.

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Another Useless Sellers Update is Coming. How about listening to a 23yr Seasoned Seller?



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Another Useless Sellers Update is Coming. How about listening to a 23yr Seasoned Seller?

I am not sure why you are posting suggestions to eBay here as they do not read these. You seem to have a great biz going as I have been here also about the same time as you.  FYI- There are sellers that have been here 24+ yrs.


You obviously are in a tough market selling auto parts. You state so yourself with so many models, etc. That was your choice. After reading some of the reviews you left, I would state it isn't a good thing to call a customer "Ungr8ful, & Ignorant" ever. While we sellers all have had our share of difficult customers, you should remember that your comments can be seen by all buyers, including potential ones.


The bottom line, which you should understand by now, is that you will never get eBay to change to your satisfaction.  It is futile. You also must think of your biz in Walmart terms and don't take things so personally. Imagine how customers come and go at a Walmart, making their returns, etc. The quicker you accept the fact that some customers will be more difficult than 99% of the others, will allow you to focus on the 99%.


I wish you luck! It never hurts to "vent" once in a while to prevent blowing a head gasket.

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Another Useless Sellers Update is Coming. How about listening to a 23yr Seasoned Seller?

@greatmidwestcoin wrote:

While we sellers all have had our share of difficult customers, you should remember that your comments can be seen by all buyers, including potential ones.


I especially like the one where he sold to his old friend from high school, lol.

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Another Useless Sellers Update is Coming. How about listening to a 23yr Seasoned Seller?

As far as seller responses to negative feedback goes, this stuff isn't too bad.  The high school friend comment is an instant classic.  

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