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Seller Made Me Ineligible

Not applicable

So I bought this item on EBay and it was not to item I wanted. My fault I know.
I apply for a return and the seller accepts the return. He sends me a return label and I get an email about sending him the item back. 
I have contacted the postal services to get the item sent back and everything is in motion but now I get an email saying that the seller had opened a case with eBay. EBay stated that as the item was according to the description, no refunds will be initiated. EBay closed the case. 

Now what should I do to get the money back? I have neither the item nor the refund. Do I appeal? If I do, will I still get the refund (please bear in mind that the seller sent me a return label and I used that to return the parcel). 

Message 1 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Sorry you are having a hard time with this.

But there is something missing in your information.  Once you receive the prepaid return label, there is no way eBay can say that the item "was correct according to the description".  AFAIK, that just does not happen.

If eBay has actually closed the case, you will probably have to get help from Paypal if that's how you paid or do a chargeback on your credit card.

Would be interested in hearing more details of  what actually happened, however.  


Message 2 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Not applicable

That is what happened. One more thing, it’s an international shipping so maybe that’s why eBay closed it? Otherwise this is exactly what happened. And now I can’t even contact the seller. 
I have contacted the FedEx people and I’ll get back my stuff by tomorrow, thankfully. 
At this point I’m just disappointed that the seller would do something like this and then eBay would side with the seller. 
What do you think I should do now? Just keep the thing with me and let this go or is there something else I could do? Please do keep in mind that I’ve already paid the customs and duties and I will never get that money back. 

Message 3 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Is it the seller that left you feedback?

If it is, they have free returns so you could return the item for any reason.

Did you get it returned by the date that Ebay gave you?

Have a great day.
Message 4 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Not applicable

Yes he does free returns but I cannot return the item. I paid customs of $50 on the item. EBay has already stated that I will not get a refund. So if I do send the item, I’ll lose $115 anyway. ($65 of item and $50 customs). 
Same thing with a chargeback. I could return the item, get the $65 back but I will never get the $50 back that I paid for customs. 

Message 5 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

@Anonymous wrote:

Yes he does free returns but cannot return the item. I paid customs of $50 on the item. EBay has already stated that I will not get a refund. So if I do send the item, I’ll lose $115 anyway. ($65 of item and $50 customs). 
Same thing with a chargeback. I could return the item, get the $65 back but I will never get the $50 back that I paid for customs. 

Hi @Anonymous 


You said in your original post that you used the label seller sent you to return the item.  

Now you are saying, ”I cannot return the item.”


I don’t understand how both can be true … and am totally confused.

Message 6 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Not applicable

I meant that I do not wish to return it now. I lose my money either way so why should I return. 

Message 7 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible


@Anonymous wrote:

I meant that I do not wish to return it now. I lose my money either way so why should I return. 


If I understood you correctly that you made the initial mistake in buying the item … why do you think the seller should be deprived of both the item and the money?

Message 8 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Confused? You and I both.  His explanation just clouds the issue more.

He expects to get his stuff back by tomorrow, per his post.

So that leaves him still with a problem? What is it?  

Message 9 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Item mailed from Japan to India and back to Japan? Today is March 7th. When was this item purchased?

Clearly not from I assume another country. 15 days for an item to go to India and back to Japan. Shipping is not that quick. So I assume its another country.

Message 10 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

@house*of*paws wrote:


@Anonymous wrote:

I meant that I do not wish to return it now. I lose my money either way so why should I return. 


If I understood you correctly that you made the initial mistake in buying the item … why do you think the seller should be deprived of both the item and the money?

I don't see where the op is saying that.  Ideally they wanted to return the item and also get their custom fees back. The seller who has free returns sent them a label. They sent out the item and then the seller asked ebay to step in and ebay ruled that the buyer wasn't entitled to a refund.  So the buyer recalled the package as it seemed that the seller would be the one ending up with both the item and the money.



Message 11 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible


Your interpretation may well be correct.  I didn't see anything about 'recalling' the package ... but the OP may have changed their mind about returning it due to the message they received from eBay.  

Message 12 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible


This statement in post 3 gave me that impression....

"I have contacted the FedEx people and I’ll get back my stuff by tomorrow, thankfully."


I could be misreading it too.

Message 13 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Not applicable

Hi hi 

@pjcdn2005 your interpretation is ON THE NAIL. 
@house*of*paws the thing in short 

I do not want item I tell seller. Seller send return label. I return item. Seller refuse refund involve eBay. EBay also refuse refund. I call FedEx and ask them to send me my item back. They good people they send me my item back. 

I will receive the item back tomorrow. I will message the seller about this entire thing. I will tell him that I will not send him the item back since I’m not even eligible for a refund. I’d rather have something I don’t want and overpaid for; than have nothing and $120 missing from my bank🗿now a question I have in my mind is, the dashboard on eBay says “return complete”. What does that mean? Do I still have to send in the return or what? As a first time eBay user this is so confusing. 

Message 14 of 16
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Re: Seller Made Me Ineligible

Thanks for the clarification @Anonymous.  Everything finally makes sense!  😊


Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to get your money back.  You MIGHT have been able to file a chargeback from your credit card company if you could prove that the item had been delivered back to the seller.  But since you recalled the package ... I don't know from where you can be refunded.  


I don't know at what point eBay's dashboard said, 'Return complete' ... whether it was before or after you recalled the package.  You do NOT have to resend the package once you get it back.  You probably were charged more money just to have it returned to you. 


I'm sorry that your first experience with eBay was so chaotic.  

Message 15 of 16
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