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Terapeak research not working

Anyone else getting "Our server failed to respond to your query. Please try again later"


Was getting this on and off yesterday, but todays seems to happen more often than not every time I try and search for something.

Message 1 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

I just tried and got the same message. I usually take those at face value and try again later. Hang in there...

Message 2 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Hey thanks for trying it out. Yeah, it's been happening for days on and off but today it's been like this for several hours. I can't see anywhere to report the issue to an eBay tech person so thought I'd post here. 

Message 3 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Yes, I'm seeing the same thing. Never had issues with Terapeak until now.

Message 4 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

I remember it happening several years ago where the tool was down for a week, but it's been rock solid since then. Hopefully they sort it out.

Message 5 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Both Better half and I are also having problems.   Did get in once, but now back to




Happening on both Chrome and Firefox........






Could we please get this reported?............thanks



Message 6 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Seems to be intermittent.    I got the server message on and off during the last hour (it is now 6:00 cst.)  I was able to complete a few searches in between.

Message 7 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Same problem here.

Message 8 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Down for me currently too, getting the same thing everyone else in here is talking about. Bumping the thread in the hopes eBay will see and possibly look into it, if they aren't already aware!

Message 9 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Surprising to me that with a technical issue that's obviously been ongoing for days, the server error wouldn't accumulate somewhere and alerts would subsequently ring out to the relevant tech staff so they can fix it - once some kind of error threshold is reached within a given period you would think it would be brought to the attention of the techies. Do they work around the clock or only on business days? I assume ebay is big enough to have tech staff available at all hours, especially for often used tools throughout their site. 

Message 10 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Yes, it has been happening to me off an on for the last 2 days. I use it a lot so it is frustrating.

Seems random.


Message 11 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Me too - a couple days now 

Message 12 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Getting the error in triplicate now... 😂


Message 13 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

Also been getting the server error messages for 2-3 days now. It's my lifeline, so it's very frustrating. Repeatedly returning to the page to enter a query, only to find out that it's still down, is time-consuming.


Wish that eBay would post a status acknowledging that they're aware of the issue and when they expect it to be resolved. 

Message 14 of 31
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Re: Terapeak research not working

FYI, 13 hours ago. Let’s hope it isn’t another 2-3 days before it’s fixed 



Message 15 of 31
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