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Can't get to summary page in my account

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Can't get to summary page in my account

What happens when you follow this link?


eBay has changed the Summary page, apparently, so that offers (and expired offers) are appearing at the top of the page.


If the page is not loading for you, try holding down the shift key and refreshing the page, or try a different browser.


Message 2 of 4
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Can't get to summary page in my account

for some reason now in the last few weeks....I am now seeing several items that I purchased in the past and personally they were all "Hide" after purchasing them and receiving them.   Now they are plugging up the page in a way too simply create chaos !! What can I do to get these past purchases removed??? Is this another stupid WOKE idea to it this!!!

Message 3 of 4
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Can't get to summary page in my account



eBay has changed the Purchase History and Summary pages -- the default is no longer the last sixty days of orders, but the last three years.


Some older, previously hidden items are apparently no longer hidden, and there is no option to hide old transactions, only newer ones.


One possible workaround is to bookmark a page that shows recent transactions, hide the transactions you want to hide, and then use the bookmark in place of eBay's link unless or until eBay fixes the old links.

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