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Production API not working


I'm trying to use the browse API which is working fine when using sandbox mode. 

I have generated production API key and oauth token but I'm getting and error saying "Invalid access token. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header."


I suspect that the production API does not have access to the Browse API scope, but not sure how I can get access to it on real live data. 

For context I'm just developing at the moment but want to test how my app works on real data. 

Any help much appreciated!

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Re: Production API not working



Be sure to use your production keyset for the production token:

Notice on that same page that you are provided more scopes for the Sandbox than for Production.

At the bottom of the production scope list, find " Client Credential Grant Type", which will probably have only one scope type:


This scope is sufficient for the Browse API.  Be sure to include that scope when you generate a "client_credential" 2-hour token for your application. That token must be reminted every two hours. 



ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
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Re: Production API not working

I have explained it in detail on how to get access token for PROD 


Have a read thorough and let me know If any step is missing and I will add in the doco.

C# wrapper for eBay REST API
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