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Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

Evidently in a quiet effort to stamp out the use of PayPal to help insulate your financial data from sellers and hackers, as of 2024 you cannot add any PayPal account as a payment method.  My problem started when purchases on ebay began to be “auto paid” through my PayPal account.  The ebay agent told me to just delete and then re-add the PayPal account back.  So I deleted it only to find that you can only use a credit or debit card as a payment method.  They claim it is “faster”.  What a pile of **bleep**, so if this bothers you, complain, complain, complain to the highest levels of ebay

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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

You haven't been able to add a PayPal account for several years. This is nothing new. It doesn't stop you from paying with PayPal if that's what you want to do. I'm sorry you got bad information from eBay CS.


You should not have deleted your PayPal account. There's an option on your PayPal account > Settings > Payments to remove it as your approved payment method for eBay. I don't know if doing that will help at this point, since you have already removed it from eBay. But it's worth a try.


If you can't remove it from PayPal, then you can try removing your approved payment method from your eBay wallet. I can't give detailed instructions because I always pay with PayPal. I just cancel it as an automatic payment method on PayPal and disable automatic login every time eBay makes me enter PayPal as an automatic payment method.


Of course it isn't faster or more convenient. It's not for the buyer's benefit at all. That is just eBay putting lipstick on the pig.


Message 2 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

Pal Pay has a real credit card now to use...and there is Pay Pal credit (not a credit card) available for eBay purchases only.

Otherwise, debit or credit cards can be use which go through Pay Pal...

Signed...not living in the past.

Message 3 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

I've recently noticed that you can't customize the way you pay with paypal. This is brand new for me over the last few transactions that i've tried. In the past, If I had paypal selected, it would then take me to another screen where I could split the payment across two paypal sources, or manually choose which source to fund from. This no longer happens, now, it just processes the payment and I have no control where the funds come from. If this is the case, i'm going to have to stop using paypal to pay for purchases, and spend a lot less money on ebay.

Message 4 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

This is exactly what I recently noticed and it's not great. I have a personal acct I use through Paypal on eBay, as well as a business acct. Now I can't choose which acct is used for purchases, and all transactions automatically use my personal acct. That means that I'll have to manually go into my bank acct every time I make a business purchase through eBay and transfer money around. I'm going to contact them. Hoping this is just a glitch that will be remedied.

Message 5 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed




In the past, If I had paypal selected, it would then take me to another screen where I could split the payment across two paypal sources, or manually choose which source to fund from. This no longer happens, now, it just processes the payment and I have no control where the funds come from.


I found myself in the same situation recently, but after deleting the PayPal option that appeared on my eBay Payments page, now when I check out I once again get the option to split payments or choose a different payment source in my PayPal account once I select PayPal at eBay checkout.


Message 6 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

Thank you so much! I will try that and report back. 🙂 Appreciate it!


PS. I can't try this right now because I have transactions in process. Will try, tho!

Message 7 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

You are very welcome! If you run into any problems, please follow up here.

Message 8 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

I had a support chat just yesterday that mentioned this to me, and it worked. So, I am back to where I wanted to be now. All good.

Message 9 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

Hi again!

I just wanted to update that it appears this was something eBay corrected on its own because I recently bought something and the options were back and I hadn't done anything to make that happen. Yay! Thanks again for your help, tho. Def appreciated. 


Message 10 of 11
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Re: Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

Well, I just had an experience where I wish PayPal still was doing the payment processing. eBay wanted me to ship dead fish across 5 states for a return policy. In the age of COVID Bird flu, etc, the last thing we need to be doing is to send dead, rotting, bacteria ridden, fish through the postal system. That’s just begging for trouble on so many different levels. Besides that it’s simple common sense. I am very disappointed in eBay’s standing on the matter and almost quit for good. One more moronic strike and I’m done. I did get a full refund from the seller who I had to call. eBay did absolutely nothing to help. 

Message 11 of 11
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