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Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

If you don't have the packaging still, a description will be enough.


This is mine. The bracelet arrived safely but the packaging cracked me up.


This is a brown paper lunch bag covered in miles of tapeThis is a brown paper lunch bag covered in miles of tape


This is styrofoam on *three* sides of the inner box (back & 2 sides) plus another mile of tapeThis is styrofoam on *three* sides of the inner box (back & 2 sides) plus another mile of tape


Very long bubble wrap package with another mile of tapeVery long bubble wrap package with another mile of tape






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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

Strangest? I had an item arrive with the box overstuffed with Japanese porno books and wrapped up in nudie pictures, from a seller located in the Midwest.  I was just glad that I opened it instead  of the kids.

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Message 2 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

I once bought a small carnival dish. It arrived in a feminine hygiene product box with all the tampons removed from the applicators and 'fluffed' up for padding... I guess I was just glad they weren't used Smiley Happy but I did lol

Message 3 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

A 14k gold ring was shipped to us in a mini cereal box. It took forever to find the ring because there was so much heavy tape and bubble wrap around it. 


Message 4 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

Oh my gosh everyone, I am laughing so much right now, thanks!

Seller packaging never fails to amuse and confuse me, tampons, porno mags, cereal, and lunch bags.

I can add to this. I received a box of collectibles with all the items wrapped in toilet paper 🙂 Made me wonder if he took the roll off his roller first, ewwww.

I sensing a pattern here with the strange and bizarre packing materials, what is it!
Message 5 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

These are all hilarious.  Mine seem to pale in comparison. 

Mermaid 🐳

Message 6 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

I had something arrive in a colostomy supplies box.
It shows how memorable it was that I remember the packaging and not the item!. Ive also received a sanitary towels box and a cat food box.
Then there was the gold and diamond ring that arrived somehow loose in a cheap thin envelope and the antique brooch with a very long and sharp pin in a brown envelope with the pin speared through the envelope!
Message 7 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item


Since I can`t remember..just gonna sit back & 'enjoy?' reading  of ya`lls  experiences

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 8 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

And my mother thinks my reusing the relish and nutella jars is strange. I don't have anything on these people.
Message 9 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

One time I received a bracelet in a cereal box, Wheaties I think.

Most things I've received have been packaged pretty  run of the mill though.

Message 10 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

Come to think of it, I do buy unused diapers ( adult mostly) at garage or estate sales and use them for packing  glass items. They're sturdy and cheap!

Never thought of tampons or toliet paper though!

Message 11 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

Without a doubt, the strangest packing material was dryer lint packaged in plastic shopping bags. It was odd enough that it made me wonder what kept the clothes dryer from catching fire. LOL!



Message 12 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

Funny thread!  Cereal box for me but I forget which kind.  Ha!

I'm not a hoarder! There's a price tag on everything!
Message 13 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

Not the strangest pack job per se (it was a bubble mailer), but definitely the most mysterious Christmas delivery ever...


- It was addressed to Dallas, TX but the zip code got it to my address in Dallas, OR. I don't know how they got my name or address.

- Hand written with wax pencil or crayon.

- I didn't order it . It was hybrid baritone guitar/bass strings, apparently kind of a niche custom build thing. I had to look that up. Mmmkay!

- There was a small note for Trina(?) hoping school is going well...

- and the kicker: it was stamped with two foil Christmas seals stickers (which purposefully do not resemble valid postage stamps) and it made it all the way through the system! Must have been the Christmas rush.


I never had any idea how that all came about. I had received some other packages fine so I messaged a few recent buyers and sellers and it wasn't any of them. It's an unsolved mystery.


I wish I still had a pic of that...



Message 14 of 26
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Re: Strangest Packaging You Ever Received for an Ebay Item

@annadryl: That's definitely at the top of strange! Did you get any sense of the sender, perhaps a young child or an elderly person or something that explained the mysterious package with fake stamps?

Did you return it to sender?

Thanks for the laughs, keep 'em coming, the sales aren't coming, let's laugh!!!!!!!!!!
Message 15 of 26
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