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OT Has anyone seen this before??

So I'm waiting on a decent amount of $$$ from a buyer and I noticed on the order screen this message :This order was not successful. Payment for this order has failed. 

I have never seen this before. I never got a notice of payment, pending payment etc. I e-mailed the buyer, no response, nothing in PayPal, no eBay message nothing. Smiley Sad I'm not sure how long this message has been there. I would think if there was a failed payment ebay or PayPal would have notified me??? Normally I don't look at the order screen for payment status. Is this something new???

failed payment.png

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Re: OT Has anyone seen this before??

Hmmmm..have never seen any like it before..but most likely with all the changes going on (payment-wise) it`s probably something new.   


Best thing to do is call Ebay

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 2 of 7
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Re: OT Has anyone seen this before??


Ive never seen a failed payment notice . I have seen payment pending ( when they pay with an echeck ) . Keep us posted . Let us know how this turns out . 


Mermaid 🐳

Message 3 of 7
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Re: OT Has anyone seen this before??

Hi sarah,

I just got off of the phone with eBay. I actually talked to a rep in the States-I think that's 1st for me 🙂

 She had never seen this message before or heard about it. She said she was a rep for 2 years and they (the reps.) had not been informed of any changes to the order screen.... I think it kind of stunned her, she said "oh wow" & "isn't that weird" about 4 times! Of couse she apologized about not being able to help.

  Well maybe it's going to be something new???


Message 4 of 7
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Re: OT Has anyone seen this before??

I had a couple of sales on another site crash because Paypal was overloaded.  I contacted the buyers and asked them to try again as it didnt go through.  They worked the second time.

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Re: OT Has anyone seen this before??

Hi rixstuff,

I did e-mail the buyer and sent them a screen shot of the message-he hasn't replied 😞

Message 6 of 7
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Re: OT Has anyone seen this before??

Yesterday, I went to buy something  for my grandson and I got an error message" Buyer unable to accept payments. Try again later".

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