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Please correct me if I am wrong. I believe I have seen somewhere that it is possible to ask an "Expert" questions on certain topics. Just who are these experts,how can you identify one, and who deems someone an expert?????? 

Some should name the chip that resides on their shoulder "Hypocrite"
Message 1 of 36
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Re: Experts?????

@flipping_treasures wrote:

@bwrighttwo wrote:

If that link doesn"t work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,google "Apache,,Jump on it"     

Careful, your chip is showing.  Hope you have a great day.

MINUS THE "CH" i suppose?

Message 31 of 36
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Re: Experts?????

Smiley HappySmiley Very HappySmiley LOL  I always wonder what people who go back two or three months to pull up a thread to stir a done pot are thinking.


Guess I've been missed.  Woman LOL

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 32 of 36
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Re: Experts?????

@flipping_treasures wrote:

@bwrighttwo wrote:

@flipping_treasures wrote:

Sounds like a typical eBay glitch.  If your post wasn't change, I wouldn't sweat it.  

An Ebay glitch?  Cmon.  Do they accept responsibility for these boards now?



WE, each individual that posts here in this group, takes responsibility for what they post here.  So far it has worked out really well for us.  No need for mods, or experts, or slaps, or vacations on those lonely desert islands of old.  I suppose it can get frustrating for someone who is looking for experts, or wants to call in a moderator because they choose to take offence to an answer they received.  But that childish behavior hasn't been a problem here for a long time.  Nope, things have gone pretty smoothly.  Doesn't mean that we all agree about everything and there have been some in depth discussions and some great debates.  Generally, when two or more strong personalities disagree on a subject here, each posts why their opinions are what they are.  It is debatd back and forth and then they simply agree to disagree if a consistency can't be reached. Those that watch the debate have the ability to make up their own minds.  That is what adults do.    



This is classic.

Message 33 of 36
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Re: Experts?????

@flipping_treasures wrote:

Smiley HappySmiley Very HappySmiley LOL  I always wonder what people who go back two or three months to pull up a thread to stir a done pot are thinking.


Guess I've been missed.  Woman LOL


Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 34 of 36
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Re: Experts?????

I think I might know where you have seen the "ask an expert" statement. I have seen the statement as well...but NEVER in groups. Often times I start my research on Goggle Image, particularly if I am trying to determine a Hallmark or patent #'s origin or estimated value. More than once,, I have gone to a site that gives a little bit of info..then a box pops up that says "ask an expert". These experts are certified gemologists and charge a fee. People in this group consist of two levels of growth. Some are very knowledgeable with a lot of experience in jewelry as well as the business of sales and marketing, and others are jumping in to learn and share business experiences. This group does not charge for good information, while an "ask the expert" statement will cost $. Both are good places to get info..just depends on how quickly we want that "onion peeled" to get an answer. Hope this helps you..if it has, hope you have an opportunity to share your knowledge along the line. Kindest Regards..and happy selling. Lois
Message 35 of 36
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Re: Experts?????

Ăက誗峃䐃�듩瞭컛兹ō⺱煴浛ጌ캫箾뢏퐮ꈒ涌롢ɗ介ጠ饐竝뭗墯Ლᷡ蘁뮬킋㯬뻢એ젅䢍ᕓ保銫檍胕⼆΅釩␪瀢饸മ߷烢ᢼ鵎殎爊뢕㦡果씭๑拪㽜頖₋ᨇ爐㇌癊㴱爫젋烪]અ�ૂ蹡ퟰី仫羋㗅師뾣볫୽筂叔ⅲヮ믊數孜ᜁᐊ툎ᓚ뤼塦ⶳ藹첆噑鷨鑰걬䰹뽹ᢪ扺鮢㐩眆戚㷉洞舟௰ⳇ쾻덃痢緬ꢤ㕴亸燅ሣ瘦㰋豒婱䍆바뎳䶰졧䊟胿ⅹ麀〕ቂᩞ黈™䏐⯩믩䣴Ⳍ�耲䠪弤�鶙㫊뵯➁ٴⅶ鮿솂吧놶㵪ꆉ慶溴Ꭱ뾦䞪ደﵯ㊊뉬�졑⎌曉鶽蜝搒㴂꼭轙낵揊碴Ք䇔倮钬ꖰꭸꂳ疖�螒甓⼢꠲済宠▌ꂿ蓯⇊伞髉䧮攁襯紋槈鞧㇎I씎屛䷘ꄛ齃鸯⸿ᙕ쥫ꌓㇽ҂ゕ҂ʑā脰ゐㅹ》؉唃؄ȓ单ጱᄰ̆ѕገ圊獡楨杮潴ㅮ【؎唃܄ܓ敒浤湯ㅤ〞؜唃਄ᔓ楍牣獯景⁴潃灲牯瑡潩ㅮ〣ء唃̄ᨓ楍牣獯景⁴潃敤匠杩楮杮倠䅃ጂ3 ᆰય킋鼻Ý グ؉⬅̎ᨂ膠ギؙ⨉䢆č̉ఱਆثЁ舁ȷЁᰰਆثЁ舁ȷଁัరਆثЁ舁ȷᔁ⌰आ蘪虈෷ँ㄄Ж伔૔䟭吝꽅쇂ꖭ猺脊腊いَ⬊ĆĄ㞂Ăㄌ぀ꀾ耤"corperfmonext.dlꅬ耖栔瑴㩰⼯業牣獯景⹴潣ね؍⨉䢆čā舄錌웉ុ㐿Ⲓ㦷ゝ垽雇堃ᰥऌ鲞㑔罱Ϸ䛍곁튠⑜棴뗱뱛ଙ륽쫽鑝钃ܑ留߄�愤ﳱ⢃᪬ுퟀ鮱䀍댋ὦ쀮⢭呔ᇫ㬘욃�搸ꖈ䔇�얮풇唴㌨桗䓀�츢⯣뙡ᄡ�ᅅ䣻泚攱ퟌ᷶톛ꗷ䫗刉뀅⺑ꎇ嶯⻹ⵑ惾㻪ओ⌐腗귕희䳖噖売៞臝ഥ⺕ࣷ䐍㣅享햫攷恴�婝᪙獦ㄝ�卜ᩄ묪෋胈袛坆ݲ芡⠂舰␂आ蘪虈෷ँㄆʂ〕ʂȑā脰ゎㅷ》؉唃؄ȓ单ጱᄰ̆ѕገ圊獡楨杮潴ㅮ【؎唃܄ܓ敒浤湯ㅤ〞؜唃਄ᔓ楍牣獯景⁴潃灲牯瑡潩ㅮ〡؟唃̄᠓楍牣獯景⁴楔敭匭慴灭倠䅃ጂ3 ꅌ䷨듌筴;  が؉⬅̎ᨂ嶠ᠰआ蘪虈෷ँ㄃؋⨉䢆čćᰰआ蘪虈෷ँㄅᜏㄍ〴㈲ㄷ㔲㌹娶⌰आ蘪虈෷ँ㄄Ж礁㱭꽛ꃅ忥䩟૦〳؍⨉䢆čԁ舄䬄礬岣뛈珼샔ⲙៅ읏酮褧滼�订ቀ䌚䚸㭫챥䪳੹뚑葖信䷘麿邎鉹斿㖙᳨�莴㾒㌅஛Ầ那㱎∬蚎廔燺㽗鐃㩄ﰼᄰ푵醑肴죈㉯쁯慵귣ꖺ䀦ⶉ詝鐄揆矒ᤨ帣༆謾䵚삋㙼撒ʆ쩑㫥ꑛ짇哪%ᇎʾ㪨ⶌ銠軦栱ꆬ縷ꂦ⸓鷧팫촙␍㜛䂟秸蜡歮彟뫖ᤷࢢͻ⩌ᛁ즔삣␶出ᠰ踒⟈킨캄䍹                                                              

Message 36 of 36
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