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Winter is here way too early!

Hi All,

Don't know what the weather is like where you are but it's been very cold here in Reno.  And snowy! But not down here...up in the Sierra. 2 to 3 feet or more is predicted above 7000 fe. I remember living back in NYC and 2 to 3 inches put everyone in a panic. Here it's more of an attitude of "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." I love it


The good thing about staying inside in this cold is I finally got started with my listings. I've gotten all my mom's vintage earings up and my dad's collection of tie tacks, slides and cufflinks. Already got an offer and sold one thing. If I do well I'll list more things. Most of what I have left is vintage from the 1960's through the 1980's and nothing really special. But as I've told a few friends, if you leave stuff up for long enough sooner or later somebody will buy it.


Hope all of you are doing well. Please don't hesitate to make any suggestions if you want to check out my listings. It's been quite a while and I'm open to anything that'll make these items sell faster.


Stay warm. Stay dry. Stay safe!

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They been getting some big snow storms up in the Buffalo area ... They get them this time of year all the time ... The wind blowing off the lakes ... 


We are in the best time of year in Florida ... 70s and sunshine ... Migrating birds, Racoons, Panthers,  The ocean is boiling with fish, Bid Whales chasing  them towards the shore where Blue Fish devour them ... Fishing boats line the ocean about a mile out ... They are feeding America' with new fish for Restaurants, Grocery Stores etc. 


Keep on writing



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This site is being weird again since I don't have access on my desktop or iPad.  But I am now on my cell.

I am in PA and our winter so far has been really nice.  We had 2 snowfalls with a few inches.  Today it is cold but sunny.   Works for me!

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We are heading for some "winter weather"  here in Tucson starting Monday.  Snow is not likely to reach us but we will see it on the top of the mountain in front of our house.  


Getting down to overnight hard freeze temps here at my house too though on the days after it rains.   I do hate the cold and tend hibernate. 


Not many birds visiting our bird feeder lately.  It could be the Cooper Hawk has scared them away.   I mainly have white wing doves and house finches, neither of which I think migrate, at least not from here.       The gambel's quail do the clean up of the seed that falls on the ground. 

Comics-scifi_collectibles Is a Volunteer Community Mentor.
I have been a seller since 2003

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Sounds like a wonderful view from your place Jenny .... The birds are probably there just being quiet ... ha ha  

We have a lot of Racoons just moved in ... They get way up the top of the big trees .... Early morning they wake up and go our searching for fooed


Hope things are going well in AZ .


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Hi Solo happy to see you in here ... This is a nice size group just a few of us .... Fun trying to figure out what kind of bird you are hearing off in the distance ... You probably can look them up in the Audubon .... Listen to them and try it .. 


I find some of them in State Birds ... They tend to load up with good things too ....


Can you hear me now?



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