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Beads and Ribs?

I don't know the i.d. of this C & S, but it's not Hazel Atlas Beads & Ribs --- anyone?? Item number: 320375126244 bb
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Beads and Ribs?

You are Correctomundo bb :^O The sugar & creamer on auction 320375126244 is actually Jeannette Glass Here's the link at Glass Etch & Pattern Gallery.. -- Warmest Regards, Yan -- Edited by yanny50 at 05/30/2009 11:49 AM PDT
Warmest Regards,
Message 2 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

Oops, am I feeling like a dope!!! I contacted the seller and told her the pattern before I realized the cream and sugar set was already sold. Duh!!! :8}(I hope that was embarrassed face?) :O Did you win it bb? Funny thing, the coded winner was b...b How strange is that?!? :^O -- Warmest Regards, Yan
Warmest Regards,
Message 3 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

HI!!!!! Just popped in real quickly (on vaca AND having computer problems!) to see what is going on! Yan--I don't think there is any need to be red-faced! LOL! I have done the same thing & have gotten return emails from the sellers thanking me for teaching them! So pat yourself on the back & tell yourself that you provided a wonderful lesson for someone! Off to the races! Hedgie
Message 4 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

Thanks, Yan, and Hi back, Hedgie! Although I DID seriously consider bidding (to add to my C & S collection), I let it go in case it wasn't old at all. Such a deal, though! That IS strange & funny about b..b winning! So, tell the truth, Yan -- did you know it right off, or did you suspect/know Jeannette and go looking for the exact pattern name on the Etch & Pattern site, or ??? Sorry I forgot to mention that the bidding was about to end, but you certainly shouldn't feel like a dope. Hedgie is absolutely right about doing sellers a favor by educating them. Carry on! happy weekend, bb (10 more days of school -- yee-ha!)
Message 5 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

Hi bb, Nope, I didn't know off the top of my head what the pattern was. I only knew that I had seen handles like that during one of my recent searches. At first I was thinking Fostoria. Had to look it up actually. :-D -- Warmest Regards, Yan
Warmest Regards,
Message 6 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

I just seen a set of these in my local Goodwill, selling for $6.99
Message 7 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

Hi gr8!!! Gee, $6.99 is the same total price the set in the auction was including shipping. So does that mean that things are selling on eBay for the same prices as they are at Goodwill? :^O Oh, Probably not but every once in a while a buyer gets lucky. ;-) -- Warmest Regards, Yan
Warmest Regards,
Message 8 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

Hi gr8! Good find on your part! That IS weird, isn't it--eBay total price the same as your local thrift store! Does that mean that local thrift stores are going up or eBay is coming down? LOL! Hedgie
Message 9 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

I have noticed at all the local thrift stores that the prices have gone up. I believe the person/s pricing the items uses ebay as a gauge for pricing. It is getting harder & harder to find profitable merchandise, guess I need to take advantage of the yard sale season.
Message 10 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

I Love Yard Sales, especially those community wide ones. The local news papers list those so you don't have to drive around endlessly looking for them. Saves a lot of gas and travel when multiple families participate. Most of the yard sales in my area of PA run from 8 AM to 1 PM. I wish they ran later. That 5 hour window isn't much when you figure in travel and browsing time. :-D -- Warmest Regards, Yan
Warmest Regards,
Message 11 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

Yepper--it DOES seem that yardsales are the place to go! I've boycotted our local thrift store for well over a year now. The moronic assist. manager is actually using the same prices as some eBay stores. The kicker is that the items she used from the stores were often UNSOLD items. I tried to talk to her but it escalated into a bit (!) of an argument so I just stopped going! I am saving a ton of money (GIGGLE!) by not patronizing that store! The prices of clothing are still pretty good (I DO miss buying my clothes there!) but the logic behind lower clothes prices & higher bric-brac prices is based on the fact that clothes bring in more money than bric............ If anyone can explain that reasoning to me I'd truly appreciate it! I feel things should be priced to sell! But that's just me! Has anyone noticed that some glassware stays on the shelves for MONTHS at a time? Makes me wonder...... Hedgie
Message 12 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

Not only are thrift shops pricing things using ebay as a guide, but when I googled a piece of glass today, one of the results was a LINK to a Goodwill store! I've also noticed prices at garage sales creeping up. Now, THAT spoils the fun! :-(
Message 13 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

Goodwill is selling on-line then. I thought they were....... I think you are SO right, bb! Yardsale prices are going up here, too. When/IF I have my yardsale (still unsure on that one!) I'm going to price things cheaply but I still anticipate people telling me they can get my items cheaper on eBay. I fully intend to tell them to go to eBay! Read between the lines, please! ]:) GIGGLE GIGGLE CHORTLE CHORTLE SMIRK SMIRK SMIRK! Hedgie
Message 14 of 19
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Beads and Ribs?

I have been browsing the goodwill auction site for a year or so, on occasion you can get some really great deals. Check it out...
Message 15 of 19
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