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There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

I have  spent on average this week about 3 hours a night  trying to buy ,( I say again Trying ) to make some offers on various items I need in my home renovation.   I made 22 offers this week only to have two accepted. My offer are not low balling they are within reason  $5 to $10 at most. The  item prices are  $90.00 to $150.00.   This leads me to believe that this so called "Accept Offers " is being abused by sellers  being it used for marking their products to generate interest or being use as a qualifier for some listings search .   it's very obvious to me that "Accept Offers"  is not being used as it's intended purpose.


I know lots of sellers gets many  low balling offers, but there are also thousands of buyers like me that think this is nothing but  big waist of time now.


I   have a good solution at that is make " Accept Offer" a Qualifier for sellers so it stops being abused. 

For example  Sellers will have to a prove they are accepting offers from buyers ( with in reason and not countering offer with  pennies off the list price. I mean come on I got  a few of those) 

Sellers will have to accept X amount of offers per month, and those offers have be within a cretin percentage of the listing price, if its more then great.  the buyer got a deal and the seller is happy.


I buy lots of construction items and found a few good seller\ suppliers here that accepted my offers  which seems to be turning into a good business relationship also.    I buy on ebay sometimes because my local and national suppliers might not have some items i need or were out of circulation years ago. but of if this keep up  I just don't have the time to waist on here anymore. 


Ebay management please take note .  


Message 1 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

You do realise that most likely it's Ebay placing that "Make Offer" on the seller's listing? You do understand that most sellers have no idea that was placed on their lsitings in the middle of the night while they are most likely...sleeping...


Just look at the amount of threads started by sellers complaining of this practice...



Message 2 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

Here's EBay's wisdom to run a seller's business..Oh and I am NOT a seller but since I am aware of this practice, if I want the item..I just buy it...

Message 3 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

I have heard that some sellers dont place the "offer" option on their listings.

eBay has been known to place this on sellers items without the sellers approval.


Another thing is sellers like buyers are not online 24/7. Some have jobs, families and lives and do not sit and wait for offers. 

eBay has also been letting buyers offers be good for only 8 or 24 hours, it used to be 48. With time differences the seller may miss the "window" of time to accept.


There has also been issues lately of emails not being received on the eBay system.


Im not sure why the sellers would not accept your offers but that is their option.

If I needed the item and could not find it elsewhere I would just pay what the seller is asking.

I am not sure sellers are not "abusing" the best offer but I dont think they get more traffic because of having it on the listing, so I dont see what it could again the seller..



klhmdg  •  Volunteer Community Mentor
Message 4 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

For example  Sellers will have to a prove they are accepting offers from buyers ( with in reason and not countering offer with  pennies off the list price. I mean come on I got  a few of those) 


How are they going to do that? As mentioned before, eBay is adding best offer to seller's listings without them knowing it. 


Your idea of a low-ball ball may not sit well with some sellers. A certain seller might think you're wasting their time.

If you need a certain item badly, just purchase it.

Message 5 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

Alas!  Bargain hunting is often extremely time consuming and often frustrating.  If you need these items for your renovation project, you are probably going to have to continue the laborious haggling process or simply buy from a seller whose asking price is that of what you are willing to pay. 

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 6 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

Some sellers accept best offers, most don't from my experience.  Every once in a while you get luck.  I just made an offer to a seller on Poshmark, and they made a counter offer, which I accepted.  It's been a long time since a seller accepted my best offer or even make a counter offer here on eBay.  

Message 7 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

The HUGE difference is that on Poshmark , the seller is asking for best offers..Here on Ebay sellers are FORCED that "best offer", yet they never approved it or want it..

Message 8 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

1. Sellers mark up so you can make a best offer

2.  Check sellers feedback and you will be Able to sell how often they take a best offer 

Message 9 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

Some sellers will also use best offer to screen their potential buyers.


They take close looks at FEEDBACK LEFT and will decide if they want to take a chance on that buyer or not, regardless if the feedback left is positive or not. It's the comments they look at. They won't take a chance on a buyer that might seem a bit picky or potentially hard to deal with.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 10 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

@southern*sweet*tea wrote:

Some sellers will also use best offer to screen their potential buyers.


They take close looks at FEEDBACK LEFT and will decide if they want to take a chance on that buyer or not, regardless if the feedback left is positive or not. It's the comments they look at. They won't take a chance on a buyer that might seem a bit picky or potentially hard to deal with.

Another thing that many of us look at is one's retraction record.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 11 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

That is not going to work in anyway nor will ebay management take note. Im not going into my reasons to set people off on a tangent but if you truly want an item just buy it. ebay is a game in many ways. BO is just one of them. If you dont like it than dont play. there are people who do come on here to actually buy. Well at least every once in awhile

Message 12 of 13
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Re: There needs to be a Qualifier for sellers using "Accept Offers"

I use Best Offer, but my acceptance range is no more that 6-7% off the listed price.  My items are most often already lower priced than other sellers so I don't feel the need to drop it any more than that.  This makes some buyers unhappy when I won't accept their offers that are substantially lower.  However, if your offer is within that percentage of the list price, I almost always accept it. 

Successful and experienced seller since 1997, over 70,000 feedback, boardie since the boards were begun.
Message 13 of 13
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