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Make an offer

I purchase thousands of dollars a year on ebay. Occasionally I send an offer and most of the time they come. Back with a counter offer which is only 25 to 50 cent discount. This is a total waste of my time. If my offer isn't accepted I never buy from that seller. I am sending reasonable offers asking for between 2 and 5 dollars depending on the cost of the item. In my opinion make an offer should be removed from ebay. I'm just venting my frustration. 


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Re: Make an offer

In the future, don't make offers.    Just pay the asking price.   Problem solved.   The sellers will love it too.

Message 2 of 6
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Re: Make an offer

I found offering 10% less than the asking price works in general.

KrazzyKats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Make an offer

What you fail to realize is that sellers using the Quick Listing Tool often have the Make Offer option added to their listings without requesting it. So they set it to auto-decline all offers because they never wanted to entertain offers in the first place.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Make an offer

If you are making 25-50% off the price offers and which amounts to maybe $2-5 off the price, that could be really cutting into their profit margins on low price items after they pay final fees. 


Message 5 of 6
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Re: Make an offer

YES!! The "Make An Offer" should be removed from the eBay Ask A Question drop down menu, unless a seller requests it.*


It gives the wrong impression that sellers are willing to take offers for less than the listing price, and creates hard feelings when buyers (like the OP) do not get the results they are looking for.


*Besides, the "Best Offer" feature is already there for those sellers who wish to entertain inquiries for less money for their merchandise.


If a seller REALLY wanted to take more for their stuff, wouldn't they just go ahead and use this feature (or the automatic markdown messages, or other discounting tools)??

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