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We're making a small change to how you sign in to eBay.

Today I received the following message from eBay, within my eBay messages:


We're making a small change to how you sign in to eBay
We're making 2 step verification more convenient

Thanks for using 2 step verification when you sign in to eBay.
With your help, we've been able to give your account a higher
level of security. We're going to make 2 step verification more
convenient by texting you a PIN instead of having you use your token.
All you need is a mobile device. If you use our app, you'll need the
latest version of that, too. Switching to the new 2 step verification
is as easy as grabbing your mobile device. Why not do it now? (SWITCH)

I would like to give them the following answer, but of course, it is a One Way Email...


Hello eBay, In response to: "We're making a small change to how you sign in to eBay"
I apprechiate the fact that you are working to try and make things more convenient
for your members, but the fact is, This new Method for two step verification, at
least to me, will make signing in, much more cumbersom.
Right now, I have my Versign App, which after signing in with my password, I simply
click on Verisign, and it gives me a 30 second code. I click on that code and it
copies this code to my clipboard. Then I simply enter this (copied) six digit code
into the appropriate box, and I'm in.
With this new method you suggest, I would have to leave my seat, find my cell phone,
find the code that was sent, then back at my PC, have to manually enter each digit,
one by one, into the code box. Regardless, you can see why, I would much rather
prefer to continue using my Verisign method of 2 factor authorization.
Please do not change anything, in my account. Thank You Much

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